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Business Objects - Utilizing The Tool from a Departmental Perspective Richard J Snyder Assoc. Director – Post Award School of Medicine Office of Research Support Services Email: Phone: 573-1394 Brian J Squilla Admin. & Financial Officer Dept. of Pathology Email: Phone: 898-8065
Pre Award Monitoring Needs Proposals submitted and awarded AIS’s received and accurately reflect Award Fund Set up/Budgeting/Payroll Distributions
Post Award Monitoring Needs Monthly Monitoring/PI Review –Allowability (Reasonable, Allocable, Consistently treated) F&A type costs directly charged to Federal Grants Effort charged as proposed Overdrafts/Unobligated Balances Cost Transfers On time FSR’s Expired Funds not disabled Receivables/ Checks received Allocation of Expense to Clinical Trial Awards Protocols Up to Date with Regulatory Affairs (IRB/IACUC)
Departmental Needs Keeping your Dept Chair informed about the big picture Developing a FY Grant Budget Effective F&A rate Proposal success rates
Project Management - Reports “There are so many reports I’m not sure where to look first.”
Project Management - Reports The School of Medicine has strived to create useful grant management reports tapping all sources of data and has made them available to the university community via the Corporate Repository. It recommends utilizing Business Objects for the purposes of monthly monitoring. The Business Objects reports are the only reports available that can provide a summary overview with alerters of all the funds for which an ORG is responsible (i.e. RESP ORG). Documentation for queries can be found at: Select “Grants Management”
Management of All Grants in ORG BUSINESS OBJECTS ORG Summary.rep by Fund, PI, Acct End, receivables, overdrafts, funds freezing, late/due FSR’s, Analysis of expired funds, Illegal object code charges, possible F&A direct charged to Fed grants, payroll compared to budget. Grantmonitor.rep PBIL/PBUD/Budget, NCC Due, Awards Due, Revenue Check, Overdrafts (active and expired), Federal Cash, CT Cash, Residual Balances, Receivables Subbudgets.rep our charges to others Otherorgschgs.rep ORGpersonnel.rep all current distributions Paylate.rep funds with pay after termination Award Analysis- Award Date.rep PT-Requests.rep (all proposals submitted for any time period) JE inquiry (by batch between dates).rep FY Grant ORG Expense Analysis.rep Effort Report – Home Dept ORG.rep Object code by fund – posted org.rep Object code by fund – detail AIS (full search).rep Protocols – Org.rep / Protocols – PI.rep BEN FINANCIALS 132.ORG List of Terminated G&C Funds 133.ORG List of G&C Funds Due to Close 138.ORG Frozen Fund List 201.SCH PJTD Rev/Exp for G&C/URF 202.SCH YTD Rev/Exp Totals for Funds 211.SCH PJTD Rev/Exp Outline for G&C/URF 212.SCH YTD Rev/Exp Outline for G&C/URF 301.BUD Budgetable Amount - Grants/Contracts 306.BUD Negative BBA ORG/FUND/CREF PJTD
Fund Level Management BUSINESS OBJECTS fundsummary.rep summary by ORG/CNAC SNAP/NCC estimated unobligated balance Fund Detail.rep monthly matrix all expense monthly matrix personnel paid Effort Report – Fund.rep GRANT REPORTS.rep (-Resp Org, -PI, -CREF) PI friendly & monthly payroll and expense detail BEN FINANCIALS 102.ORG Summary G&C by CNAC/ORG/FUND 103.ORG Summary G&C by CNAC/ORG/FUND/CREF 115.ORG Grant Fund Summary Report 130.ORG PI Report by CNAC/ORG/FUND 134.ORG Summary of Final Expenditure Report (available for grants in adjustment period) 137.ORG Grant/Contract Budget Period Summary
Expense Detail BUSINESS OBJECTS Fund Detail.rep Payroll by Obj, by Person,Exp Detail by Object, Org, Acct Period, P.O./User Fund Detail – PI.rep monthly matrix of personnel paid on PI grants Payroll.rep (any fund any period of time) variations include: All grants of PI All grants of Resp Org Personnel.rep (any person, any period) Personnel-one (any person’s current distrib) Detail.rep variations include: All grants of PI All grants of Resp ORG subcontracts object special budget operating budget cash deposits Encumbrances(Fund).rep Waywards.rep BEN FINANCIALS 150.ORG Detail by CNAC/ORG/FUND 151.ORG Detail by CNAC/ORG/FUND/CREF 152.ORG Detail by CNAC/ORG/CREF 153.ORG Detail by CNAC/ORG/FUND/PROG 155.ORG Detail Extract 156.ORG Detail by CNAC/ORG/FUND/PROG/CREF 160.ORG Account Analysis with payables detail 163.ORG Open Encumbrances Report 301.BUD Budgetable Amount - Grants/Contracts 304.BUD Negative BBA ORG/FUND YTD 305.BUD Negative BBA ORG/FUND/CREF YTD 306.BUD Negative BBA ORG/FUND/CREF PJTD 315.BUD Posted Budget Journal with Exceptions 507.GA Posted Journal Activity Report 508.GA Unposted Journal Activity Report 510.GA Detail Transaction by OBJECT by ORG
Award Analysis – Award Date.rep
FY Grant ORG Expense Analysis.rep
Grant Reports.rep PI Summary Tab
Grant Reports.rep PI Detail Tab
Grant Reports.rep Payroll Encumbrances Tab
Grant Reports – PI.rep Taken from the “PI Matrix –all” Tab
Grant Reports – PI.rep Taken from the “Personnel Matrix” Tab. Note: this covers one period only. Fund Detail –PI.rep could do this for a range of dates
ORG Summary - Analysis of Expired Funds Why isn’t my fund disabled?
ORG Summary – possible F&A
Fundsummary - SNAP/NCC Estimated Unobligated Balance Make sure the formula toolbar is checked under View Toolbar.
fundsummary.rep – Cref Matrix
Fund Detail.rep This is the “Acct Per. Summary Tab”. There is also a Pay Summary Tab as well as numerous tabs to sort payroll information and expense detail information. Variations of this include: Fund Detail-PI.rep and Fund Detail - cref detail.rep
GrantMonitor.rep This tab of the GrantMonitor can help identify NIH noncompeting Progress Reports that Might be due. There are also separate tabs which can identify when Subcontracts Progress Reports are due and also T32’s based on which Institute the award is with.
JE Inquiry (by batch between dates).rep Note the 3 tabs which are specifically designed for grant entries done by Res Svcs (8760) or the Comptroller’s Office (8720)
AIS (full search).rep Ability to search on multiple criteria
AIS (full search).rep The “New AIS Summary” Tab can give a summary of AIS’s issued in the last 35 days
AIS (full search).rep
Effort Report – Fund.rep
How can I change the NIH Cap in the Effort Report Queries? Select: Data Variables Select NIH Cap Edit Formula After editing/ changing the variable, the query needs to be rerun. Column Headings will also update on all tabs.
Protocols – Org.rep This tab gives a summary of protocols by fund #. There are also separate tabs for Human Protocols by PI, Animal Protocols by PI, Protocols by #, and Expired Protocols.
Success Rates.rep
Delegating Responsibilities within a Dept Can you delegate by Org or PI Name? Can I modify queries on the repository to reflect responsibility?
Examples of creating data where data doesn’t exist There is no data available for who the responsible BA is on a fund or who the ORSS Manager is.
Utilizing the created variable in other queries Mgmt Perspectives: Monitor changing workloads Monitor productivity
Creating Variables and Utilizing Filters Create Variables utilizing “If Then Else” Logic –Ex (If In List Then “Brian Squilla” Else….Else “Undefined” You can than filter on the newly created Variable Object Once you’ve created the variable you can create the same variable in other queries with a “Cut and Paste” of the formula
Creating the variable
Creating the formula for the variable
Filtering the new variable 1. Click on any Cell in the query. 2. Select “Format” “Filters” 3. Click “Global” and “Add” 4. Select the new variable to filter 5. Select the Value As you are filtering on individuals, you may want to apply the same filter on all tabs and rename the query, or perhaps you can duplicate a tab by via “Edit” “Duplicate Report”
Pathology Breakdown
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