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Returns Economics 71a: Spring 2007 Lecture notes 3.2 (extra)

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1 Returns Economics 71a: Spring 2007 Lecture notes 3.2 (extra)

2 Goals  Capital gains and income  Inflation and real returns  Expected or required returns  Returns in other currencies

3 What is a Return?  Stock held from time t to t+1  Pays dividend during this time of d(t+1)  Why is this sensible? Increase of 1 dollar after investment t to t+1

4 Two Parts to a Stock Return = (capital gain) + (dividend yield)

5 Two Parts of a Bond Return = (capital gain) + (Interest)

6 Goals  Capital gains and income  Real returns  Expected or required returns  Returns in other currencies

7 Real Returns  Nominal return Return before inflation adjustment  Real return Return after adjusting for inflation

8 Real Return (example)  $1 in the bank buys how much more bread in the future Nominal Interest Rate = 10% = R F = “risk free” Inflation rate = 5% =  Price of bread = $1 $1 buys 1 loaf today  In one year Money = $1.10 Price of bread = $1.05 Loaves tomorrow = 1.10/1.05 = 1.048

9 Finding the Real Return 1. Exact

10 Finding the Real Return (2. Approximate)

11 Risk Free Return (Interest)  Interest rate = real interest + Inflation premium

12 Real Interest Rate  Nominal interest rate = 20% per year  Inflation = 15% per year  Real interest rate = 20%-15%=5%  Important The return on your funds is reduced by inflation Should always consider the inflation adjusted change for any asset

13 Goals  Capital gains and income  Real returns  Expected or required returns  Returns in other currencies

14 Expected or Required Returns

15  Amount investors expect to receive on an investment  Three parts Real risk free return Inflation premium Risk premium  Compensation for risk (difficult to estimate)

16 Goals  Capital gains and income  Real returns  Expected or required returns  Returns in other currencies

17 Exchange Rates  E($/euro) = U.S. dollars required to purchase 1 euro  Price($) = Price(euro)*E($/euro)

18 Exchange Rate Risks Price and Dividends in Euros

19 Exchange Rate Risks (Dividend = 0, stock price 100->110, $/euro 1 -> 0.8)

20 Returns in US dollars  ($/euro) goes down Decreases foreign investment values (in dollars) Price of foreign goods falls (in dollars)  ($/euro) goes up Increases foreign investment values (in dollars) Price of foreign goods rises (in dollars)

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