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Introduction to Microbiology

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Microbiology"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Microbiology

2 How do microorganisms affect our lives?

3 What are some benefits of microorganisms?
produce food recycle nutrients use as research tools cause disease What is a harmful affects of microorganisms?

4 What are some foods that are produced by microorganisms?
Pickles Sauerkraut Bread Beverages Cheese Sour cream

5 Difference Between Fermentation and Curdling
Fermentation - sugars break down into alcohol - maybe in the food or not (bread & cakes; beer & wine) normal pH conditions Curdling - proteins clumped into tight balls or bands (clumps = curds) low pH created by bacterial waste

6 Recycling of Microorganisms
Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus

7 Industrial Applications of Microorganisms
Protease (used in detergents), pectinase (baby food), starch formers, clay, linen, recycling, bioremediation

8 Genetic Engineering DNA chemistry is the same, small & easy to grow in lab, easy to manipulate (simple structure), no moral problems

9 Infectious Diseases Pathos – ill, bad Genic – making
Virus, bacteria, protozoa, and fungi

10 Salmonella typhi – the bacteria that causes Typhoid Fever
Infectious Diseases Cholera Dysentery AIDS Plague Smallpox Typhoid fever Salmonella typhi – the bacteria that causes Typhoid Fever

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