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By Karen, Judy, Aeon, Fiona Rebirth of Neglected Spaces -Business vs. Art.

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Presentation on theme: "By Karen, Judy, Aeon, Fiona Rebirth of Neglected Spaces -Business vs. Art."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Karen, Judy, Aeon, Fiona Rebirth of Neglected Spaces -Business vs. Art

2 Introduction Motive Art vs. Business  Will art lose its significance when business gets involved?  How do these two industries co-exists? City Text Art centers that used to be neglected spaces in Taipei.

3 Definition of Neglected Space 「係依法指定為古蹟、登錄為歷史建築或未經 指定之舊有閒置之建物或空間,在結構安全無 虞,仍具有可再利用以推展文化藝術價值者。」

4 Leading Question A How can neglected spaces be re-used? Examples from Abroad

5 Church  Tryon Center for Contemporary Art (North Carolina)

6 School  Telok Kurau studios (Singapore)

7 Abandoned Bank  Kurokabe Square (Japan)

8 History of Hua Shan Cultural and Creative Center

9 General Introduction of Hua Shan Where is the so-called “Hua Shan District?”  On Bade Rd. Why is the place named “Hua Shan?”  In order to remember the first Japanese Taiwan Governor- General, Kabayama Sukenori( 樺山資紀 )

10 Early History(1916~1987) Hua Shan as a brewery 1912 華山車站 1916 民營方釀株式會社酒 造廠 1922 台灣總督府專賣局台 北酒工廠 1945 台灣省專賣局台北酒 工廠 Sometime between 1945 to 1975  台灣省菸酒公賣局第一酒廠 1975 台北酒廠 1987 The whole brewery moved to Lin- Kou 台北酒廠 officially closed in Taipei

11 Recent History(1976~1986) Hua-Shan as a disputed place 1987~1992 Being neglected. 1992 Announced to be “ 機關預定用地 ” by Legislative Yuan. 1997, April. Hua Shan was rent to the local district official ( 里長 ) as a private parking lot by 公賣局. 1997, June. Artists found the place suitable for art exhibition.  The ruling right of the place was disputed by National Property Bureau, Taipei City Government and Province Government.

12 1997~1998 Artists fought for the place 1997 Gold Bough Theatre had a play named in Hua Shan without permission.  Director, 王榮裕, was caught. Gold Bough Theatre’s recent play, 觀音山恩仇記

13 1997~1998 Artists fought for the place 1997 Artists formed “ 華山藝文特區促進會 ” to protest their right of using the place. 1998, August. Hua Shan District Open Ceremony. 1998, October. 促進會 renamed to “ 中華民國藝術文化環境改 造協會 “ and started to take charge of the Hua Shan District.  Cultural Affairs Bureau of Taiwan Province government got the right of the place and the Artists’ organization was responsible for managing the exhibitions there.

14 1999~2004 Hua Shan as an Art and Cultural District 1999~2000 Fixing and initiating period 2001~2002 Positioning period 2002 ~2003 Reforming period 2004 Management taken over by 橘園

15 1916~present Hua Shan ’ s transformation as a city text Train Station Brewery Neglected Space Art & Cultural District Cultural and Creative Industry Centre

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