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System for Engine Location Of a Web Train Paul Wimmer and Adam Weintrop Dr. Irwin and Dr. Schertz 12/5/05 Project Proposal -CTCDS.

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Presentation on theme: "System for Engine Location Of a Web Train Paul Wimmer and Adam Weintrop Dr. Irwin and Dr. Schertz 12/5/05 Project Proposal -CTCDS."— Presentation transcript:

1 System for Engine Location Of a Web Train Paul Wimmer and Adam Weintrop Dr. Irwin and Dr. Schertz 12/5/05 Project Proposal -CTCDS

2 2 Outline Introduction Functional Description Block Diagram Standards Schedule Equipment List Conclusion

3 3 Introduction The “Web Train” is a n-scale model train that is controlled by a remote user. The Engine Location System will determine the location and speed of the engine

4 4 Future Applications At the end of the year – a fully functional web train At the end of ten years – a system for toxic manufacturing automation At the end of 50 years – a underground mining operation on Mars

5 5 Outline Introduction Functional Description Block Diagram Standards Schedule Equipment List Conclusion

6 6 Functional Description

7 7 Outline Introduction Functional Description Block Diagram Standards Schedule Equipment List Conclusion

8 8 Hardware Block Diagram Inputs System Outputs

9 9 Current Sensing Methods MethodProsCons 8-bit with variable range Built in the microprocessor board, # of trains Requires more software 10-bit Can determine # of trains and # of cars Expensive “2-bit” “2-bit” method can be designed cheap enough to have the A/D on every track segment, this reduces analog related problems Cannot determine # of trains

10 10 Hardware Block Diagram Inputs System Outputs

11 11 Hardware Design

12 12 Hardware Simulations Both low (resistor is carrying High current) One high, one low (resistor is carrying low Current) No current through resistor

13 13 Software Flow Chart Gather Data Compute Values Get New Data

14 14 Software Design Track Layout

15 15 Track Section 1 Track Section 2 Software Design Current of Section 1 > Current of Section 2Current of Section = Current Section 2Current of Section 1 < Current of Section 2 Train

16 16 Expansion to more Track Sections With only the inner loop, we cannot test direction 1 2 3 4 Train Must check 2 and 3 Must check 4 And 1 This is just 4 – this must Be done with 21 segments

17 17 Outline Introduction Functional Description Block Diagram Standards Schedule Equipment List Conclusion

18 18 Standards DCC Standard

19 19 Outline Introduction Functional Description Block Diagram Standards Schedule Equipment List Conclusion

20 20 Schedule – Gantt Chart

21 21 Outline Introduction Functional Description Block Diagram Standards Schedule Equipment List Conclusion

22 22 Equipment We will use the web train board If hardware system works well, we hope to make PCB New microcontroller board if necessary

23 23 Outline Introduction Functional Description Block Diagram Standards Schedule Equipment List Conclusion

24 24 Conclusion Successful because of A/D innovation Project can progress with current equipment Expandable

25 25 Conclusion Utility of this Project If user sets speed of each engine, why do we need a system to tell the user where the engine is? –Internet has delays—this is local information –Can be used to implement collision avoidance –Also needed train decoupling information

26 26 Questions?

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