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Identifying needs and establishing requirements Chapter 7a.

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Presentation on theme: "Identifying needs and establishing requirements Chapter 7a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identifying needs and establishing requirements Chapter 7a

2 Identifying needs and establishing requirements 7.1 Introduction 7.2 What, how, and why? What: To understand as much as possible about the users, tasks, and context in order to produce a stable set of requirements How: The more ways the better to a point Why: Requirements Engineering is the phase where failure most commonly occurs and is most costly 7.3 What are requirements? Different kinds of requirements 7.4 Data gathering techniques and guidelines

3 Why is this important? Top 3 reasons why projects delivered late, over budget, with less functionality than planned, or cancelled: 3.

4 Why is this important? $$$ Cost to fix a requirements based problem

5 Different kinds of requirements Functional Non-functional Data Social –Physical Environment –Context of Use –Ethical, societal, privacy, security User –Computer literacy of user –Abilities of user –Frequency of use Usability –Easy to learn –Easy to remember – Pleasing to the eye

6 Data Gathering Techniques Interviews –Structured –Unstructured Questionnaires Focus Groups Naturalistic Observation Study Documentation Formal controlled studies

7 Some basic guidelines Focus on identifying the stakeholders’ needs Involve all the stakeholder groups Involve more than one representative from each stakeholder group Use a combination of data gathering techniques Support the process with props such as prototypes and task descriptions Run a pilot session

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