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Announcements Bible Studies on Thursday Night Good Friday Service 7:00 PM (4/10) Pizza and a Movie Night (4/17) Run for the Son (5/2) Biker Sunday (6/14)

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements Bible Studies on Thursday Night Good Friday Service 7:00 PM (4/10) Pizza and a Movie Night (4/17) Run for the Son (5/2) Biker Sunday (6/14)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements Bible Studies on Thursday Night Good Friday Service 7:00 PM (4/10) Pizza and a Movie Night (4/17) Run for the Son (5/2) Biker Sunday (6/14) CMA at Classic Harley Davidson follow up

2 Lord, Increase our faith 3-29-09

3 Luke 17:5-10

4 Lord Increase our Faith Sought by the apostles, how much more by us? Increase our Faith –Let the discovery of faith be more clear –Let the desire of faith be more strong –Let the dependence on faith be more firm –Let the dedication of faith be more complete –Let the delight of faith be more pleasing

5 So the Lord Said….. That when you trust in My mercy When you diligently serve My agenda When your thoughts are aligned with My thoughts Nothing will be impossible to you that will bring Glory and Honor to My Name

6 Where’s He going now? Plowing or tending sheep…. Time to eat yet… Pay close attention! Jesus is answering the question How can our faith be increased?

7 How is it that we came to Christ? Admit that our sins are too ugly for God to accept us – Romans 3:23 That a gift was given to us in the form of a Savior – Romans 6:23 That Jesus paid the debt of our sins through His blood and body – Romans 5:8 We acknowledge Jesus as Lord with our mouths and hearts – Romans 10:9

8 Salvation requires Jesus as Lord Part of Salvation is accepting Him as our Master The doubting Christian says “I will love Him more as His glory gives me comfort” The faithful Christian says “I will praise and glorify Him as His love gives me comfort”

9 Let’s get back to the text (vs 7) The servant is attending to the tasks at hand (plowing, tending) – these are the duties of the servant What servant would expect their Master to say “come, sit, eat”? No, they must no demonstrate devotion to their Master’s desires first Then, afterward, they are rewarded

10 Does the Master thank the servant? No – the servant should not expect the Master to be indebted to him The servant should recognize that he is the one indebted to the Master So when we’ve done all these things, should be say the Master owes us? No – we should say we are unprofitable and have only done our duty

11 Does that sound unfair? If it does, get over yourself When we accept Christ, we do it because we recognize we would rather serve Him than sin – Romans 6:20-23 You get to choose what Master you serve. –Sin – which leads to consequences, death, and Hell –Jesus – who came to give you freedom, life, and eternity with Him

12 He owed us nothing, yet He gave us everything We owe him everything…

13 A beautiful contradiction of love John 13:1-17 Being fully God, He chose to be man Being fully the Master, He chose to be the servant Being fully alive, He chose death on the cross Being fully dead ourselves, He offered us life

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