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BOSTON UNIVERSITY PHYSICS DEPARTMENT Nano-spectroscopy of Individual Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes AFM image 1um Measure single, unperturbed nanotube.

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Presentation on theme: "BOSTON UNIVERSITY PHYSICS DEPARTMENT Nano-spectroscopy of Individual Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes AFM image 1um Measure single, unperturbed nanotube."— Presentation transcript:

1 BOSTON UNIVERSITY PHYSICS DEPARTMENT Nano-spectroscopy of Individual Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes AFM image 1um Measure single, unperturbed nanotube Determine fundamental optical property Excitonic versus van Hove singularity Contact to measure strain, conductivity

2 BOSTON UNIVERSITY PHYSICS DEPARTMENT Resonant Raman Scattering from a single CNT laser scattered Stokes Anti-Stokes Energy and momentum conservation: Lattice vibrations E RBM outgoing incoming E ii Stokes E laser Raman Intensity Anti- stokes incoming outgoing Stokes E ii Anti- Stokes E ii

3 BOSTON UNIVERSITY PHYSICS DEPARTMENT Resonant Raman Scattering from a single CNT Stokes RBM 258 cm -1 AS RBM -258 cm -1 Raman intensity enhancement over trench 1 µm trench Raman map of Radial Breathing Mode One nanotube, resonant with BOTH incoming and outgoing laser

4 BOSTON UNIVERSITY PHYSICS DEPARTMENT AFM Induced Strain Tubes are strained by pushing with AFM tip Raman spectra measured before and after strain Metal Pads Laser spot Cronin, et. al, PRL, 93 (2004)

5 BOSTON UNIVERSITY PHYSICS DEPARTMENT Comparison of Confocal to Tip-Enhanced in Raman Microscopy of Carbon Nanotubes Confocal image Tip-enahnced image of same area

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