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Managing and the Manager’s Job. Learning Objectives What is Management Management Process Kinds of Managers Basic Managerial Roles and Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing and the Manager’s Job. Learning Objectives What is Management Management Process Kinds of Managers Basic Managerial Roles and Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing and the Manager’s Job

2 Learning Objectives What is Management Management Process Kinds of Managers Basic Managerial Roles and Skills

3 Organization A group of people working together in a structured `and coordinated fashion to achieve a set of goals

4 Organization Resources PhysicalFinancialHumanInformation

5 Management Goals PhysicalFinancialHumanInformation

6 Management = Process Goals = Output PhysicalFinancialHumanInformation Input

7 Set of functions directed at the efficient and effective use of resources in the pursuit of organizational goals Management

8 Planning & Decision - making+ Organizing + Leading + Controlling Goals PhysicalFinancialHumanInformation

9 Management Planning + Organizing + Leading + Motivating + Controlling Goals Measurement : Efficient + Effective PhysicalFinancialHumanInformation

10 Efficient Using resources wisely and in a cost- effective way

11 Effective Making the right decisions and successfully implementing them

12 Efficient - Effective Case The Accounting department in XYZ company consists of five accountant clerks and one manager. The CEO decided to downsize the Accounting Department by dismissing two clerks. The company is planning to buy a computerized accounting system. The cost of the two accountants is BD1000 per month while the one-time cost of the computerized system is BD1200.

13 Efficient - Effective Case Assumption: Other factors are constant Using the above information only what would you use to describe it –Efficient –Effective

14 Scenario (A) The system proved to be a failure in recording the accounting transactions. Using the information in scenario (A) only what would you use to describe it: Efficient Effective Inefficient Ineffective

15 Scenario (B) The system proved to be a success in recording the accounting transactions and in cutting costs. Using the information in scenario (B) only what would you use to describe it Efficient Effective Inefficient Ineffective

16 Management Planning & Decision-making + Organizing + Leading Controlling Goals PhysicalFinancialHumanInformation

17 Leading Controlling Planning & D-M Organizing Managerial Functions

18 Managerial Functions / Mgt Process PLANNING –Setting organizational goals and deciding how best to achieve them

19 Goals Plan Planning Plan

20 Decision-making Part of planning Selecting Action

21 Organizing Determining how best to group resources and activities

22 DesignMarketing Computers President Software ManufacturingFinance PhoenixDallas Consumer salesIndustrial sales St. LouisChicago Southwest U.S.Southeast U.S.Northeast U.S.Northwest U.S.Central U.S. Organization chart

23 Leading Motivating members of the organization to work in the best interest of the organization

24 Controlling Monitoring and correcting ongoing activities to facilitate goal attainment

25 Regulating & Evaluating performance Goals & Plan Grouping Resources & Activities Influencing & motivating employees behavior Managerial Functions

26 Do the managerial functions occur in a step- by-step fashion? Can a manager be engaged in several different activates simultaneously?

27 UPS Managerial Functions Case Public company Managing e- commerce Deliveries CEO – James Kelly

28 Planning A top priority is building UPS into the leading shipper of on-line purchases to many destinations Decided to invest in new technology to track packages Goals & Plan

29 James Kelly – CEO, Top manager Other managers and employees Two businesses: Air express + Ground shipping UPS combined its air express and ground shipping businesses so customers can arrange for any delivery with one phone call Grouping Resources & Activities Organizing

30 Top managers forged connected with other managers and employees and learned to works and what doesn’t when dealing with employees They brought all the employees to belief and live the vision of the organization. They inspired employees to stretch their performance to the maximum. Employees Profit sharing scheme Influencing & motivating employees behavior Leading

31 UPS managers request daily track reports to follow and check the delivery and the productivity of each employee Controlling Regulating & Evaluating performance

32 Identify the base of the following managerial classifications Top managers Marketing Manager Accounting Manager Accounting Supervisor Head of IT First-line Manager Head of Public Relations Finance Chairperson Chief Executive Officer

33 Identify the base of the following managerial classifications Top managers Marketing Manager Accounting Manager Accounting Supervisor Head of IT First-line Manager Head of Public Relations Finance Chairperson Chief Executive Officer

34 Kinds of Managers by Level and Area Marketing Administration Other Human resources Operations Finance Middle managers Areas of Management Levels of Management First-line managers Top managers Figure 1.3

35 Kinds of Mangers Levels of the organization –Top –Middle –First-line Area of Specialization –Marketing –Finance –Operation –Human Resources –Administration –Others

36 Top Managers Small group of executives Control the organization Major Decisions Set the organizational goals and strategy & Operating Policies CEO Marketing Administration Other Human resources Operations Finance Middle managers Areas of Management Levels of Management First-line managers Top managers

37 Middle Managers Implement top managers goals and strategies Supervising and coordinating the activities of lower-level management Largest group of managers Plant manager, operation, Heads of Departments

38 First-line Managers Oversee the day-to-day operation Direct supervision of non-managerial employees (operating employees) Supervisor, Office Manger

39 Areas of Management Marketing Manager Financial Manager Operating Manager Human Resources Manager Administrative Managers Other Kinds of Managers

40 Marketing Manager Works in areas related to the marketing function and helps to get customers

41 Financial Manager Deals primarily in the financial resources and are involved in activities such as accounting, cash management, investment.

42 Operating Manager Concerns with creating and managing the systems that create an organization’s products and services. –Production control –Inventory control –Quality control –Plant site selection and layout

43 Human Resources Manager Responsible for hiring and developing employees. –Selection and Recruitment –Training and development –Compensation and benefits –Performance appraisal –Discharging

44 Administrative Managers Generalists who have some basic familiarity with all function areas of management rather than specialized training in any one area.

45 Other Kinds of Managers PR Public Relations R & DResearch & Dev. ITInformation Tech.

46 Managerial Roles Interpersonal Roles Informational Roles Decisional Roles

47 Interpersonal Roles Attending Eid Ceremony in the King Palace FIGUREHEAD Encouraging employees to improve productivity LEADER Coordinating activities of two project groups LIAISON

48 Interpersonal Roles Attending Eid Ceremony in the King Palace FIGUREHEAD Encouraging employees to improve productivity LEADER Coordinating activities of two project groups LIAISON

49 Information Role

50 Scanning industry reports to stay abreast of development MONITOR Sending memos outlining new organizational initiatives DISSEMINATOR Making a speed in a formal setting SPOKESPERSON

51 Information

52 Decisional Roles Developing new ideas for innovation - ENTREPRENEUR Resolving conflict between two subordinates DISTURBANCE HANDLER Reviewing and revising budget requests RESOURCE ALLOCATOR Reaching agreement with a key supplier NEGOTIATOR

53 Managerial Skills Define managerial skill and how does it differ than ‘managerial functions’ and ‘managerial roles”?

54 Managerial Skills Technical Skills Interpersonal Skills Conceptual Skills Diagnostic Skills Communication Skills Decision-making Skills Time-Management Skills

55 Technical Skills Skills necessary to accomplish or understand the specific kind of work being done in an organization

56 Interpersonal Skills Ability to communicate with, understand and motivate both individuals and groups

57 Conceptual Skills Ability to think in abstract terms How the parts integrate ‘Holistic View’ of the organization.

58 Diagnostic Skills Ability to analyses symptoms, causes of a situation and Visualized the most appropriate response

59 Communication Skills Ability to both effectively convey ideas and information to others and effectively receive ideas and information from others

60 Decision-making skills The manager’s ability to recognize and define problems and opportunities correctly and then to select an appropriate course of action to solve problems and capitalize on opportunities

61 Time-Management Skills Ability to prioritize work, to work effectively and to delegate appropriately

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