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Towards Autonomous Jumping Microrobots

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1 Towards Autonomous Jumping Microrobots
Sarah Bergbreiter Prof. Kris Pister Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center University of California, Berkeley

2 Motivation Applications Key Technologies Mobile Sensor Networks
Size Applications Mobile Sensor Networks Planetary Exploration MEMS Catapults Bi-Modal Transportation Key Technologies Energy storage Large force, large displacement actuators “High output power for short time” actuated MEMS system Target Space Input Power Size ~ mm Input Power ~ 10s mW Speed ~ 10 sec / jump Speed

3 Why Jumping? Improve Mobility Improve Efficiency Obstacles are large!
What time and energy is required to move a microrobot 1 m and what size obstacles can these robots overcome? Ant (Walking) Proposed (Jumping) Hollar (Walking) Ebefors (Walking) Mass 11.9 mg 10 mg 80 mg Time 15 sec 1 min 417 min 2.8 min Energy 1.5 mJ 5 mJ 130 mJ 180 J Obstacle Size ** 1 cm 50 m 100 m

4 Building a Jumping Microrobot
Spring for energy storage short legs imply short acceleration times High force, long stroke motor Store energy in springs Power for motors and control Controller to direct motors Landing and resetting for next jump are NOT discussed From what we’ve already shown, the robot is going to require. Emphasize that landing and resetting for next jump are not discussed.

5 Energy Density (mJ/mm3)
How Much Energy? Motor work  kinetic energy for jump Drag is not large effect at smaller energies Spring requirements High energy density Large deflection (5mm) Large forces (10mN) Simple process integration Elastomer springs Large strains Material E (Pa) Maximum Strain (%) Tensile Strength (Pa) Energy Density (mJ/mm3) Silicon 169x109 0.6 1x109 3 Silicone 750x103 350 2.6x106 4.5 Resilin 2x106 190 4x106 4

6 Integration Elastomer With Silicon
Fabricate separately and assemble Simple fabrication Allows larger variety of spring material Silicon Process High force electrostatic inchworm motors Hooks to assemble silicone Elastomer Process Two methods demonstrated

7 Elastomer Fabrication
Laser Cut Simple Fabrication Spin on Sylgard® 186 and cut with VersaLaserTM Poor quality Mean 250% elongation at break Molded Complex Fabrication DRIE silicon mold Pour on Sylgard® 186 High quality Mean 350% elongation at break

8 Assembly Fine-tip tweezers under an inspection microscope
Mobile pieces need to be tethered during assembly Yield > 80% and improving

9 Spring Performance: Molded
Using force gauge shown previously, pull with probe tip to load and unload spring Trial #1 200% strain 10.4 mJ 92% recovered Trial #2 220% strain 19.4 mJ 85% recovered 20 mJ would propel a 10mg microrobot 20 cm

10 Quick Release of Energy
Electrostatic clamps designed to hold leg in place for quick release Normally-closed configuration for portability Shot a 0.6 mg 0402-sized capacitor 1.5 cm along a glass slide Energy released in less than one video frame (66ms)

11 Full System Demonstration
Electrostatic inchworm motor translates 30mm to store an estimated 4.9nJ of energy and release it quickly Motors will be more aggressively designed in the future to substantially increase this number

12 Conclusions and Future Work
Process developed for integrating elastomer springs with silicon microstructures Almost 20 mJ of energy stored in molded micro rubber bands Equivalent jump height of 20 cm for 10 mg microrobot Build higher force motors to store this energy Keep the leg in-plane through integrated staples Put it all together for an autonomous jumping microrobot! Subramaniam Venkatraman, 2006

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