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Reproductive Problems 4-H Veterinary Science Extension Veterinary Medicine Texas AgriLife Extension Service College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical.

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Presentation on theme: "Reproductive Problems 4-H Veterinary Science Extension Veterinary Medicine Texas AgriLife Extension Service College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reproductive Problems 4-H Veterinary Science Extension Veterinary Medicine Texas AgriLife Extension Service College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Texas A&M System

2 Objectives Recognize the economic importance of reproductive problems Describe infertility problems that affect the cow Describe infertility problems that affect the mare Describe infertility problems that affect the stallion Discuss the factors that cause dystocia Discuss the management of reproductive problems

3 Reproductive problems are common Recognize them Prevent Cull Problems include Ability to breed Ability to conceive Ability to maintain pregnancy

4 Male problems Decreased libido Abnormal sperm production Female problems Estrous cycle

5 Refresher Estrous – entire cycle Estrus – when in heat Anestrus – not in heat SpeciesLength of Estrous Duration of Estrus Cattle21d15 h Pig21 d50 h Sheep17 d30 h Horse21 d7 d

6 Infertility problems Infertility Definition A reduced ability or inability to produce offspring Male or female

7 Cow Cystic ovaries Reproductive tract adhesions Anestrus Hereditary reproductive defects Freemartin Improper nutrition Reproductive tract infections Metritis

8 Mare Seasonal breeders Improper nutrition Reproductive tract infections (Metritis)

9 Bulls Cause Poor semen quality Reason Poor nutrition Testicular diseases Injury or infection of penis Lameness

10 Stallions Cause Poor semen quality Reason Poor nutrition Testicular diseases

11 Problems During Pregnancy Abortion Premature termination of pregnancy Result from Infections Nutritional deficiencies Plants Chemicals Drugs

12 Early pregnancy loss No sign Body reabsorbs Late pregnancy loss Expelled/dead fetus Do diagnostic

13 Problems at Birth Dystocia Condition or difficult or impossible birth Caused by abnormal circumstance Size of birth canal Size of fetus Improper position of fetus

14 Can correct problems Call veterinarian to assist Reposition fetus Cesarean section

15 Management of Reproductive Problems Key Careful observation Includes Awareness of repeat breeders Animals that don’t breed Dystocia problems

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