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Regional Geology The Arabian Shield. The Earth Slice cut in the Earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Geology The Arabian Shield. The Earth Slice cut in the Earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Geology The Arabian Shield

2 The Earth

3 Slice cut in the Earth

4 The Arabian Plate

5 Arabian Plate tectonic setting

6 The Dead Sea Aqaba Fault

7 Aqaba Strike-Slip Fault

8 The Arabian Gulf

9 Trends of Stress Regimes within the Arabian Plate OMAN STRESS Strain Ellipses for Zagros and Oman Stress Regimes ZAGROSSSTRESS

10 Geology of Saudi Arabia

11 Arabian Nubian Shield

12 Bowen ’ s Reaction Series

13 Jeddah, Makkah and Taif Jeddah Makkah Taif Al-Hada

14 Arabian Shield

15 Makkah-Taif Road


17 Makkah Al-Taif Road

18 Makkah-Taif Road

19 Sill

20 Sills

21 Dikes

22 Dikes filling fractures

23 Dikes

24 Dikes and Veins

25 Fractures and Dikes

26 Dikes Intrusions

27 Xenolith

28 Dikes and Sills

29 Meta-sediments

30 Metamorphic Rocks Foliation and Lineation

31 Breccias

32 Evolution of the Arabian Shield

33 Ophiolite Belts in The Arabian Shield

34 The Arabian Shield

35 Pillow Lava


37 Five Microplates


39 Topography of the Red Sea

40 Crater


42 Volcanic vent

43 Relationship of the Arabian Shield to the overlying Sedimentary Formations


45 Non-Conformity Contact between Precambrian and Phanerozoic rocks


47 Wajeed Sandstones

48 Gondwana

49 Horst and Graben

50 Cross Section of The Arabian Plate

51 Type of Regional Faults

52 Salt Diapirs

53 Salt Domes and Fractures

54 Economic Importance Of the Arabian Shield

55 Ancient Mine

56 Ancient Inclined Shafts Carbonatized Serpentinite Felsic Dike

57 Inclined Shaft

58 Vertical Shaft

59 Mahd Al-Dahab

60 Mahd Al-Dahab Mine

61 Exploration drilling for gold in the Shield

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