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Business 100 Introduction to Business Dr. Kathy Broneck.

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Presentation on theme: "Business 100 Introduction to Business Dr. Kathy Broneck."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business 100 Introduction to Business Dr. Kathy Broneck

2 Review Hawthorne Studies Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Motivation Theories in Businesses

3 Preview Human Resource Management Performance Reviews Legislation of HR

4 Human Resources/Management

5 HRM Issues Source:, June 12, 2001

6 HR Challenge Shortages Unskilled Workers Undereducated Workers Shift in Workforce Composition Laws & Regulations Single-Parent & Two-Income Families Attitudes Toward Work Continued Downsizing Overseas Labor Pools Customized Benefits Employees With New Concerns Decreased Loyalty

7 Determining HR Needs Prepare HR Inventory Prepare Job Analysis Description Specification Assess Demand Assess Supply Establish Strategic Plan

8 How Workers Found Last Job Source: USA Today “Snapshots”

9 Hiring Process Recruit Select Application Form Interview Test Investigate Examine Probation Train/Develop Orientation OJT Apprenticeship Off-The-Job Training Online Training Vestibule Training Job Simulation

10 Resumes Contact Information Education Level Work Experience Professional Development Certifications Awards Skills References

11 HR & Legal Issues Civil Rights Act (1964) Age Discrimination Act (1967) Equal Employment Opportunity Act (1972) Affirmative Action Reverse Discrimination Civil Rights Act (1991) Americans with Disabilities Act (1990) Family Medical Leave Act (1993)

12 What Not to Ask In Job Interviews What is your date of birth? Have you ever filed a worker’s comp. claim? Sometimes we will need the person we hire to work late hours. Will this cause problems with your childcare? What is your native language? What is your place of birth? Do you own a home? I see you use a walker. If we were to hire you, what accommodations would you require?

13 Training & Development Assess Needs Design Training Evaluate Effectiveness Performance

14 Performance Appraisal Establish Standards Communicate Standards Evaluate Performance Discuss Results Take Corrective Action Use Results to Make Decisions

15 Uses of Performance Appraisals Identify training needs Use as a promotion tool Recognize workers’ achievements Evaluate hiring process Judge effectiveness of orientation process Use as a basis for terminating workers

16 Comparing HR Approaches Old HR Approach Pay based on salary grades & hourly rates Bonuses tied to unit & company performance Benefits standard throughout organization. Mgmt. strategy modeled on best practices at high- performing companies. Career structures predetermined New HR Approach Pay based on achieving goals Bonuses tied to individual performance Benefits tailored to employee groups Strategy based on internal analysis of employees Career structures sculpted to individuals Source: BusinessWeek, December 16, 2002

17 Employee Retention Compensation Individual Team Fringe Benefits Job-Sharing Flextime Core Time Compressed Workweek Home-Based & Mobile Work

18 Employee Movement Promotion/Reassignment Termination Retirement Resignation

19 Group work… Start working on the organizational chart for your mock business Start thinking about (and writing!) your personal resumes---you will need it for the Management Team section! For the purpose of the Business Proposal, you may “fake” information.

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