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Beavers (Castor Canadensis). Contents Range Physical description Behavior Habitat Ecosystem Role Diet Reproduction Mortality.

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Presentation on theme: "Beavers (Castor Canadensis). Contents Range Physical description Behavior Habitat Ecosystem Role Diet Reproduction Mortality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beavers (Castor Canadensis)

2 Contents Range Physical description Behavior Habitat Ecosystem Role Diet Reproduction Mortality

3 Range Found throughout North America Except Florida, southern California, and southern Nevada.

4 Physical Description Largest rodents Weight: 40-50 lbs Body (including tail): 48 inches in length Tail: 16-17 in. long, 6-7 in. wide, ¾ thick

5 Behavior Nocturnal Do not hibernate Territory marking

6 Habitat

7 Dams Access to food supplies Protection from predators Provide underwater entrances to their den Build new dams during spring

8 Lodges Only used for safety Rest Give Birth Raise young

9 Ecosystem Role Maintain wetlands Slow down the flow of the floodwaters. Improve water quality Benefit other species’ habitat

10 Diet Herbivore In warm months: variety of aquatic plants During fall and winter, cambium layer of trees, which is the wood just under the bark.

11 Life expectancy: about 10 -15 years

12 Reproduction Breeding season: Jan – Feb Sexually mature at age 3 Give birth one litter of kits per year Gestation is about 4 months Both parents caring for the kits till they are 2 years old.

13 Mortality Humans Bears, wolves, lynx, and otters External Parasites: Platypsylla castoris Other causes of death: winter weather, winter starvation, and disease

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