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Analysis farm: past experience Concezio Bozzi Padova, Oct 16 th 2003.

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1 Analysis farm: past experience Concezio Bozzi Padova, Oct 16 th 2003

2 Farm usage Could have been better in terms of CPU cycles Low usage led to the decision to devote (part of) the farm for SP(4&5) starting in May2002 SP5 was actually deployed outside SLAC at the INFN TierB and Caltech at the end of 2002 This did not prevent bursts of CPU-intensive toy- MC studies (CPT violation, F.Martinez et al), and of course the discovery of new particles (A. Palano)

3 Main limitations Disk space –We had only Run1 data (release 8) and SP3 MC until spring 2002 (Kanga production at SLAC was also a showstopper) –Situation was better in summer 2002, when mostly all Run1+2 data (release 10) and half of SP4 MC were available Batch CPUs –13 biprocessors originally, then 29 –Never got all available 58 CPUs running at the same time No luck in HW procurement (lenghty, many failures, etc…) Not enough manpower for hardware and software upgrades/maintenance

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