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CUNY Grant for An eBook Experiment: Historical Introduction to American Government (POLSC 110W) Ann Cohen, Jennifer Hopper, Lina Newton, and Charles Tien.

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Presentation on theme: "CUNY Grant for An eBook Experiment: Historical Introduction to American Government (POLSC 110W) Ann Cohen, Jennifer Hopper, Lina Newton, and Charles Tien."— Presentation transcript:

1 CUNY Grant for An eBook Experiment: Historical Introduction to American Government (POLSC 110W) Ann Cohen, Jennifer Hopper, Lina Newton, and Charles Tien Political Science, Hunter College, CUNY

2 What we did Grant requirement: eBook only course Summer 2010 meetings with three publishers: – CQ Press, Norton, McGraw Hill Three different class sizes: – Jumbo (270 students) with three TAs – Triple (90 students) with one grader – Standard (35 students) Textbook selection process with three instructors focused on content. Student online survey at beginning and end of semester

3 The eBook Experiment for publisher as well as for faculty. Textbook with instructor-created reader. Streaming content, not downloadable. Textbook license expired after 6 months. One printing allowed. Priced ~ $50.

4 Did students purchase the eBook? Jumbo course: 178/199 (89%) – Of the 178 who purchased the eBook, 45% did so by the 2 nd day of classes. Triple section: 79/88 (90%) – Of the 79 who purchased eBooks, 47% did so by the 2 nd day of classes. Standard section: 45/54 (83%) (Includes Baruch class) – Of the 45 who purchased eBooks, 73% did so by Labor Day.

5 Was it easy to buy? Did students have computers & internet access? Students found it relatively easy to purchase the book. Students have access to computers (laptops, esp.) and the internet (at home). Students are resistant to, and not familiar or comfortable with eBooks. Results from start of the semester

6 Was purchasing the e-book very easy, somewhat easy, somewhat difficult, very difficult or neither easy nor difficult? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Very easy 50.0%30 Somewhat easy 38.3%23 Somewhat difficult 8.3%5 Very difficult 1.7%1 Neither easy nor difficult 1.7%1 answered question60 skipped question0

7 Compared to buying regular textbooks, would you say that buying the e-book was much easier, somewhat easier, somewhat harder, much harder, or neither easier nor harder? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count much easier 21.7%13 somewhat easier 30.0%18 somewhat harder 15.0%9 much harder 10.0%6 neither easier nor harder 23.3%14 answered question60 skipped question0

8 Please tell us where you have access to the internet. Check all that apply. Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Home 96.7%58 Hunter College 76.7%46 Work 8.3%5 Cell phone 30.0%18 Other (please specify) 3 answered question60 skipped question0

9 Please tell us which of the following devices are you planning on using to read your e-book? Check all that apply. Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Desktop computer 43.3%26 Laptop computer 81.7%49 IPad, Kindle, or some other electronic reader 8.3%5 Cell phone 3.3%2 Other (please specify) 2 answered question60 skipped question0

10 Compared to purchasing a regular textbook, were you more likely or less likely to purchase the e- book? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count More likely 21.7%13 Less Likely 78.3%47 answered question60 skipped question0

11 How many of your other courses at Hunter College have used e-books? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count One or two 23.3%14 Zero 76.7%46 answered question60 skipped question0

12 Did the students do the readings? Students reported being less likely to do the readings on an eBook. Students reported eBooks being less convenient. Results from survey at end of semester.

13 Were you much more likely, somewhat more likely, neither more nor less likely, somewhat less likely, much less likely to do your course readings with the e-book compared to a regular textbook? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count More likely 0.0%0 Somewhat more likely 5.4%2 Neither more nor less likely 24.3%9 Somewhat less likely 35.1%13 Much less likely 35.1%13 answered question37 skipped question0

14 Was the e-book much more convenient, somewhat more convenient, neither more nor less convenient, somewhat less convenient, or much less convenient than a regular textbook? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Much more convenient 2.7%1 Somewhat more convenient 18.9%7 Neither more nor less convenient 16.2%6 Somewhat less convenient 21.6%8 Much less convenient 40.5%15 answered question37 skipped question0

15 Likes and Dislikes Major dislikes: – Automatic log-off after period of inactivity – Not downloadable (didn’t own book after paying) – Limited to one printout – Reading on the screen Major likes: – Search function – Lower cost

16 eBooks & Learning Goals Content is limited. Good alternative to textbook and reader, but not better than coursepaks. Not convenient enough to outweigh cost savings. Didn’t make it more likely that students would do the readings.

17 Survey Summary Students have hardware and access. Students are more comfortable with hard copy books. eBook must be downloadable, printable, and produce significant savings for students. Students are not more likely to do the readings.

18 Factors Increasing Student Utilization Further cost reductions Better coverage of material required in the course (reducing added material through e- reserve or other formats) Better transfer among electronic formats – Kindle – I-pad Better adaptability to student study styles

19 Response to Faculty Concerns E-books might gain wider faculty utilization if: – Faculty were able to insert their own materials (not copyrighted), as coursepaks permit – There were cooperative agreements among publishers permitting broader choices of materials bundled in e-books – There were better technical supports, saving faculty time responding to e-mails – Students were more enthusiastic and engaged with course materials in the electronic format.

20 Thank you!

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