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1 International EOS/NPP Direct Readout Meeting October 2005 National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Direct Readout Mission
2 Direct Readout Lab Roadmap to NPP and Beyond
3 DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) EOS (Earth Observing System) NPOESS (National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System) Sensor data rate: 1.5 Mbps Data latency: 100-150 min. 1.7 GigaBytes per day (DMSP) 6.3 GigaBytes per day (POES) 15 Mbps sensor data rate Data latency: 100-180 min. Data availability: 98% Ground revisit time: 12 hrs. 2.6 TeraBytes per day (EOS) 2.4 TeraBytes per day (NPP) 20 Mbps sensor data rate Data latency: 28 min. Data availability: 99.98% Autonomy capability: 60 days Selective encryption/deniability Ground revisit time: 4-6 hrs. 8.1 TeraBytes per day POES (Polar Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellites) NPP (NPOESS Preparatory Project) 1960 - 2010 2000 - 20102010 – 2020+ NPOESS Satisfies Evolutionary Program Needs with Enhanced Capabilities Data Volume Evolution
4 RF Communications Subsystem Overview LRD L-band, earth coverage spacecraft antenna Channel rate at 7.76 Mbps HRD X-band, earth coverage spacecraft antenna Channel rate of 40 Mbps DRR Wideband ground communications LRD FTS Sites SafetyNet SMD Downlink Ka-band, biaxial steerable spacecraft antenna High rate mission data and real- time and/or stored telemetry provided with low latency worldwide C3S Svalbard, Norway Primary T&C HRD FTS Sites Command S-band, omni antenna Encryption/Authentication Telemetry S-band, omni antenna Command and Uploads S-band, omni antenna Encryption/Authentication Telemetry S-band, omni antenna Both real-time and stored telemetry channels TDRS LEO&A On-orbit backup
5 Overview Spacecraft Iso-view S-band Antenna (Zenith) CMIS Antenna Unit VIIRS ADCS Antenna-Tx ATMS CRIS SESS HORUS HRD Antenna LRD Antenna SARSAT Antenna-Tx S-band Antenna (Nadir) TSIS Altimeter CRIMSS SARSAT/ADCS Antenna-Rx NPOESS Spacecraft (1730 Orbit Shown)
6 HRD RF Downlink Characteristics ParameterValue/Characteristics Carrier Frequency7.834 GHz, nominal PolarizationRHCP Antenna Axial Ratio< 5 dB (within antenna FOV of + 62 degrees) ModulationSQPSK Pulse ShapingSquare root raised cosine (SRRC) pulse shaping ( = 0.5) Channel Data Rate40 Mbps (Includes all CCSDS, Reed-Solomon and convolutional encoding overhead) Decoded BER<10 -8 Link Availability> 99.6% at worst-location (Using ITU-R P. 618-8 orbit averaging)
7 HRD RF Downlink Characteristics Coding/Randomization ParameterValue/Characteristic Data FormatNRZ-M (Prior to convolutional encoding) Reed-Solomon Coding(255, 223) with Interleave Depth = 4 Convolution Coding: - Coding Rate (R) - Constraint Length - Connection Vectors - Phase Relationship - Symbol Inversion - Number of Encoders (CCSDS 101.0-B-6) 1/2 7 G1=1111001, G2=1011011 G1 symbol before G2 symbol G2 1 Data Randomization: - Generator (CCSDS 101.0-B-6) h(x)=x 8 +x 7 +x 5 +x 3 +1
8 HRD EIRP vs. Nadir Angle Shaped beam antenna compensates for space & rain loss variation (function of ground antenna elevation angle) to provide near constant PFD at surface of Earth
9 HRD Downlink Spectral Mask SRRC pulse shaping provides bandwidth efficient spectral occupancy
10 HRD Long-Term Orbit-Averaged Availability Orbit-Average availability over any short-term period may be different than long-term average
11 LRD RF Downlink Characteristics ParameterValue/Characteristics Carrier Frequency1.707 GHz, nominal PolarizationRHCP Antenna Axial Ratio< 3 dB (within antenna FOV of + 62 degrees) ModulationSQPSK Pulse ShapingSquare root raised cosine (SRRC) pulse shaping ( = 0.5) Channel Data Rate7.76 Mbps (Includes all CCSDS, Reed-Solomon and convolutional encoding overhead) Decoded BER<10 -8 Link Availability> 99.9% at worst-location (Using ITU-R P. 618-8 orbit averaging & exclude ionosphere scintillation)
12 LRD RF Downlink Characteristics Coding/Randomization ParameterValue/Characteristic Data FormatNRZ-M (Prior to convolutional encoding) Reed-Solomon Coding(255, 223) with Interleave Depth = 4 Convolution Coding: - Coding Rate (R) - Constraint Length - Connection Vectors - Phase Relationship - Symbol Inversion - Number of Encoders (CCSDS 101.0-B-6) 1/2 7 G1=1111001, G2=1011011 G1 symbol before G2 symbol G2 1 Data Randomization: - Generator (CCSDS 101.0-B-6) h(x)=x 8 +x 7 +x 5 +x 3 +1
13 LRD EIRP vs. Nadir Angle Shaped beam antenna compensates for space and rain loss Variation (function of ground antenna elevation angle) to provide near constant PFD at surface of Earth
14 LRD Downlink Spectral Mask SRRC pulse shaping provides bandwidth efficient spectral occupancy
15 LRD Long-Term Orbit-Averaged Availability Orbit-Average availability over any short-term period may be different than long-term average
17 LRD Data Content Balances Performance and Provides Flexibility Limited LRD Bandwidth 3.88 Mbps Programmable LRD downlink provides flexibility for the future Programmable LRD downlink provides flexibility for the future 1330 & 17302130 CrIS CMIS VIIRS Selection of compression (6:1) applied to selected VIIRS mission data for increased mission data throughput in downlink
18 Field Terminal Ancillary Data Approach Dynamic ancillary data contained within LRD and HRD downlinks to meet specified performance levels Data for six pressure levels from the NWP forecast model -Temperature -Humidity -Surface pressure -Standard pressure levels -Wind speed, wind direction -Precipitable water For SESS EDR production Effective sunspot number and global geomagnetic Kp NPOESS mission support data server, accessible via internet
19 Ancillary Data Downlink Graphical Representations 16 points spaced 200 kilometers apart at right angles to the ground track Completely covers the area viewed by all sensors Successive lines 200 kilometers apart Each line transmitted twice to ensure receipt by the ground Path of the satellite
21 EDRs with Key Performance Parameters VIIRS CMIS CrIS/ATMS OMPS SES GPSOS ERBS TSIS ALT APS 25 19 3 1 13 2 5 1 3 4 NPOESS High Rate Data (HRD) Environmental Data Records (EDRs) Atm Vertical Moisture Profile Atm Vertical Temp Profile Imagery Sea Surface Temperature Sea Surface Winds Soil Moisture Active Fires Aerosol Particle Size Aerosol Refractive Index Albedo (Surface) Auroral Boundary Auroral Energy Deposition Auroral Imagery Cloud Base Height Cloud Cover/Layers Cloud Effective Particle Size Cloud Ice Water Path Cloud Liquid Water Cloud Optical Thickness Cloud Particle Size/Distribution Cloud Top Height Aerosol Optical Thickness Cloud Top Pressure Cloud Top Temperature Downward LW Radiance (Sfc) Downward SW Radiance(Sfc) Electric Field Electron Density Profile Energetic Ions Geomagnetic Field Ice Surface Temperature In-situ Plasma Fluctuations In-situ Plasma Temperature Ionospheric Scintillation Medium Energy Charged Particles Land Surface Temperature Net Heat Flux Net Solar Radiation (TOA) Neutral Density Profile Ocean Color/Chlorophyll Ocean Wave Characteristics Outgoing LW Radiation (TOA) Ozone; Total Column/Profile Precipitable Water Precipitation Type/Rate Pressure (Surface/Profile) Sea Ice Characterization Sea Surface Height/Topo. Snow Cover/Depth Solar Irradiance Supra-Thermal-Auroral Part. Surface Type Surface Wind Stress Suspended Matter Total Water Content Vegetation Index
22 EDRs with Key Performance Parameters VIIRS CMIS CrIS/ATMS OMPS SES GPSOS ERBS TSIS ALT APS 25 19 3 1 13 2 5 1 3 4 NPOESS Low Rate Data (LRD) Environmental Data Records (EDRs) Atm Vertical Moisture Profile #3 Atm Vertical Temp Profile #2 Imagery #1 Sea Surface Temperature #8 Sea Surface Winds #4 Soil Moisture Active Fires (P) Aerosol Particle Size Aerosol Refractive Index Albedo (Surface) Auroral Boundary Auroral Energy Deposition Auroral Imagery Cloud Base Height #5 Cloud Cover/Layers #6 Cloud Effective Particle Size Cloud Ice Water Path (P) Cloud Liquid Water Cloud Optical Thickness Cloud Particle Size/Distribution Cloud Top Height Aerosol Optical Thickness Cloud Top Pressure (P) Cloud Top Temperature Downward LW Radiance (Sfc) Downward SW Radiance(Sfc) Electric Field Electron Density Profile Energetic Ions Geomagnetic Field Ice Surface Temperature In-situ Plasma Fluctuations In-situ Plasma Temperature Ionospheric Scintillation Medium Energy Charged Particles Land Surface Temperature Net Heat Flux Net Solar Radiation (TOA) Neutral Density Profile Ocean Color/Chlorophyll Ocean Wave Characteristics Outgoing LW Radiation (TOA) Ozone; Total Column/Profile Precipitable Water Precipitation Type/Rate Pressure (Surface/Profile) #7 Sea Ice Characterization Sea Surface Height/Topo. Snow Cover/Depth Solar Irradiance Supra-Thermal-Auroral Part. Surface Type (P) Surface Wind Stress Suspended Matter Total Water Content Vegetation Index (P)
23 Field Terminal Data Flow
24 Direct Readout Interfaces
25 Field Terminal Data Processor Element Software Design Open Systems Group standards compliance at interfaces minimizes configurations Programmable LRD downlink favors 8 Priority EDRs Onboard VIIRS data compression rates by APID for LRD Flexible ancillary data approach Dynamic ancillary data via satellite downlink NPOESS Mission Support Data Server via Internet access
26 FTS EDR Performance HRD EDR performance 99% of performance attributes meet or exceed performance thresholds Latency requirements achievable with current COTS multiple CPU workstations Designed to recognize missing channels and ancillary data Lossless RICE compression on VIIRS LRD EDR performance 0.8 km resolution imagery and programmable downlink Produces 8 high priority EDRs at or near LRD objective levels Produces 15 lower priority EDRs and required predecessor EDRs Designed to recognize missing channels and ancillary data Lossless and Lossy JPEG2000 compression on selected APIDs
27 FTS Latency Analysis for Stress-case FTS Latency Requirement: max latency is 15 minutes. SYS013235 & SYS013230 - Field Terminal software, when installed on NPOESS- specified HRD field terminal hardware, shall produce the Imagery EDR in less than or equal to 2 minutes and all other EDRs as specified in Appendix E in less than or equal to 15 minutes after receipt of data from the FT Signal Processing Subsystem. A large number of factors impact FTS processing. Terrain - Land or ocean Day versus Night sensor characteristics Weather - Cloudy, Partial Cloudy, Clear Satellite Orbits & FTS emplacement (Latitudes) FTS Hardware: CPUs ( 3 GHz NPP era )
28 FTS Simulation (e.g. 45N/00): 1 day 15 Passes with 3 NPOESS S/C 133017302130 FTS Contacts with NPOESS S/C (1440 minutes = 1 days) Contact Durations: Max 13.1 mins Avg 10.5 mins Min 2 mins <4mins 2.3% Back-to-back contacts
29 Overlapping S/C contacts don’t occur due to spacecraft orbital phasing. Smallest gap of 10.2 minutes has minimal impact to FTS latency. Above 60N there is a large increase in contacts and EDRs. Back-to-back S/C Contacts Max gap is 2.1 orbits at equator Gap Time Between Contacts Analyzed STK 1330/1730/2130 contact data 60N
30 Orbital Position Defines Dynamic Scene Content in Sensor Data Orbital Position defines Sensor NadirNCEP Weather Data Base Scene in VIIRS View Ocean Cloudy Snow/Ice Dynamic Processing
31 Land/Ocean, Day/Night, and Clear/Cloudy Data Land has process loads comparable to ocean. Day data is 4x night data processing. Day-only algorithms are: ACO/OCC Vegetation Index Surface Types Aerosols ( large load ) Surface Albedo ( large load ) Clear Data is most stressing Clear-only algorithms are: ACO/OCC Vegetation Index Land/Ice Surface & Sea Surface Temp Surface Types Aerosols ( large load ) Surface Albedo ( large load ) CMIS/CrIS AVT/MP ( large load ) Used Land, Day and 100% Clear data Day Night EDR Processing
32 FTS Latency Status All EDRs & Imagery EDR Comparison of 2.6 GHz and 5.0 GHz HRD Results
33 NPOESS Field Terminal Segment Schedule Build 2.3Build 2.2Build 2.1Build 1.4Build 1.3Build 1.2 Tech Specs PDR Version May 2005 FT NPOESS FTTS, ICD & FTDS CDR Version Apr 2006 NPP Ground Readiness Jul 2007 NPP HRD Demo NLT April 2009 FTS FAT 2.2 Sept 2008 FTS 2.3 S/W Final Release June 2009 FTS FAT Build 2.3 April 2009 NPOESS C1 Launch Jul 2010 NPP Launch April 2008 IDPS FAT Build 2.2 May 2008 FTS 2.2 S/W Release Oct 2008 FT NPOESS ICD PDR Version Apr 2005 IDPS FAT 2.3 Feb 2009 PDA Mar 2005 PDR Jun 2005 2004 2010 2007 2005200620082009
34 NPOESS Direct Readout Mission Points of Contact Direct Readout Mission POCs: John Overton: (301) 713-4747 Bill Munley: (301) 713-4782 Joe Mulligan: (301) 713-4803 John van de Wouw:(310) 812-0800 NPOESS websites Http://www.npoess.noaa.Gov Http://npoesslib.ipo.noaa.Gov/ (electronic bulletin board)
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