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1 2015-06-24 Component-based approach for embedded systems Ivica Crnkovic Mälardalen University (MdH) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Mälardalen.

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Presentation on theme: "1 2015-06-24 Component-based approach for embedded systems Ivica Crnkovic Mälardalen University (MdH) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Mälardalen."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 2015-06-24 Component-based approach for embedded systems Ivica Crnkovic Mälardalen University (MdH) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Mälardalen Real-time Research Centre (MRTC) Sweden

2 2 2015-06-24 Mälardalen University (MdH) Mälardalen University, Vasteras (Västerås) Department of Computer Engineering Real-Time Systems Design Lab Computer Architecture Lab Computer Science Lab Software Engineering Lab Prof. in Software Engineering

3 3 2015-06-24 Outline PART I RESEACH AT MdH Part II Basic characteristics of Component-based Software Engineering Component-based approach in different domains – benefits and challenges Embedded systems – some examples CBSE for different types of embedded systems – concerns

4 4 2015-06-24 Mälardalen University Placed in Västerås and Eskilstuna 16 000 students 400 intl. magister students Research –12 M€ –60 professors –250 PhD students

5 5 2015-06-24 IDE och other MdH-depts Engineering –Department of Computer Science and Electronics, IDE –Innovation, Design and Product Development, IDP –Public Technology –Mathematics & Physics, IMa –Biology & Chemistry, IBK Humanities, Social sciences and Caring sciences

6 6 2015-06-24 IDE facts and figures Staff: ~100 –10 Professors –20 Researchers/Senior Lecturers –60 PhD-students (~20 of which are Industrial PhD-students) –10 Lecturers –10 Admin+Engineering IDE = merge of two depts. in Jan 2005 –Computer Science and Engineering (MRTC) –Electrical Engineering (ISS) Strong focus on research: > 60%

7 7 2015-06-24 Industrial co-op Commercialisation of research Basic and applied research MRTC’s 3 legs Undergraduate Graduate Continued Education

8 8 2015-06-24 Graduate education External courses Education@IDE Engineering in CSE (civing) Engineering in Robotics (civing) Computer Science Mechatronics ”Computer Interaction – Computer games” Int’l MSc (within MIMA) –Computer Sci. with AI –Computer Sci. with Software Engineering –Electronics with Biomedical Engineering –Real Time Systems –Robotics Under- graduate (including MSc) Netcenter ABB, Ericsson, m.fl. Co-ordination and marketing Volume and organisation ~30 supervisors~10 Dr 2005 ~60 PhD-stud.~10 lic 2005

9 9 2015-06-24 6 Medical Tech. Architecture for RT-System Industrial Software- eng Software for embedded system RT-Design Debug Test RT- Flex Data- comm RF- - Tech. Robotics Comp.Sci theory Real time Software- Meka- tronic MRTC & ISS activities Volvo S80 ProgramBeräkning Flöes- analys Maskinvaru- analys Medical Tech. AI Program- analysis Groups IDE Lab ISS MRTC

10 10 2015-06-24 Senseboard ABB Automation Westinghouse VTEC Volvo CEC Bombardier Volvo PV ABB Robotics RealFast CC-Systems Ericsson Microwave Zealcore Arcticus ÅF Ericsson Core Network Volcano CT PBM StressMedicin 40+ companies ~20 Industrial PHD STUDENTS Industrial cooperation Ardendo Comet ABB Research MRTC cooperations KTH (M.Törngren) LiTH (S.Nadjm-Tehrani) UU (B.Jonsson, P.Gunningberg, W.Yi) SICS (B.Ahlgren,B.Levin) LTH (K-E.Årzén, P.Runesson) ARTES/CUGS/ASTEC/SAVE/Flexcon National research cooperation EU NoE ARTIST Philips Research (L.Steffens, R.v.Ommering) U. Cantabria (M.G.Harbour) L’Aqualia University (Paola Inverardi) U. York (Alan Burns, …) U. Tampere (P. Abrahamsson) SEI/CMU (K.Wallnau) MIT (K.Lundqvist) U. Aveiro (L.Almeida) TU Darmstadt (N.Suri) Manchester U (Kung-Kiu Lau) UPC Barcelona (J.Fuertes) C-Lab (F.Stappert) U.Catania (L.LoBello) TU Eindhoven (M.Chaudron) SSSA Pisa (G.Buttazzo) TU Porto (E. Tovar) U.Zagreb (M.Zagar) TU Wien (H.Kopetz,P.Puschner) UC Irvine (K.J.Lin) Microsoft Research (Clemens Szyperski) TUFTS U., Boston (Judith Stafford) Georgia Tech.(V.Mooney) UT Austin (A.Mok) U.Virginia (J.Stankovic) IIT Bombay (K.Ramamritham) Seoul Nat’l U (S.Lyul Min) Monash U (H.Schmidt) U.New South Wales (J.Xue) Int’l research cooperation U.Rio Grande (C.Pereira) RT metoder & verktyg Flexibla plattformar Komponent- baserad pgmvara PROGRESS BTH (C.Wohlin)

11 11 2015-06-24 Model of cooperation with industry students Phd students Researchers Theses & interns Industry stays Research stays Eval. of research results Courses Meetings & seminars Coordination group Industrial PhD-students Research- projects Bombardier Transportation

12 12 2015-06-24 Reseach at Mälardalen University (MdH) Component-based approach for embedded systems Ivica Crnkovic Mälardalen University (MdH) Department of Computer Science and Electronics, Mälardalen Real-time Research Centre (MRTC) Sweden

13 13 2015-06-24 Sources of information SAVE Ivica Crnkovic and Magnus Larsson: Building Reliable Component-Based Software Systems Artech House Publishers, 2002, ISBN 1-58053-327-2

14 14 2015-06-24 Component-based approach Building systems from (existing) components –Providing support for the development of systems as assemblies of components –Supporting the development of components as reusable units –Facilitating the maintenance and evolution of systems by customizing and replacing their components Component-based Software Engineering –Provides methods and tools supporting different aspects of component-based approach Process issues, organizational and management issues, technologies (for example component models), theories (component compositions), tools…

15 15 2015-06-24 Why component-based approach? Advantages from the business point of view: –Shorter time-to-market, lower development and maintenance costs Advantages from technical and engineering point of view –Increased understability of (complex) systems –Increased the reusability, interoperability, flexibility, adaptability, dependability… Advantages from strategic point of view of a society –Increasing software market, generation of new companies CB-approach has been successful in many application domains: –Web- and internet-based applications –Desktop and office applications, Graphical tools, GUI-based applications –In certain segments of telecommunication, consumer electronics…

16 16 2015-06-24 CBSE – basic definitions The basis is the Component Components can be assembled according to the rules specified by the component model Components are assembled through their interfaces A Component Composition is the process of assembling components to form an assembly, a larger component or an application Component are performing in the context of a component framework A component technology is a concrete implementation of a component model c 1 c 2 Middleware Run-time system framework Component Model

17 17 2015-06-24 Component Technology Component Component Framework Platform Components Repository Supporting Tool

18 18 2015-06-24 Implications of the CBSE approach Component development is separated from system development process –Less programming efforts to build systems –System verification and validation more difficult and more important –Different requirements management A combination of a bottom-up and top-down approach Many explicit and implicit assumptions –Architectural styles (middleware, deployment,..)

19 19 2015-06-24 Software Component Definition Szyperski (Component Software beyond OO programming) A software component is –a unit of composition –with contractually specified interfaces –and explicit context dependencies only. A software component –can be deployed independently –it is subject to composition by third party.

20 20 2015-06-24 Another definition A software component is a software element that –confirms a component model –can be independently deployed –composed without modification according to a composition standard. A component model defines specific interaction and composition standards. G. Heineman, W. Councel, Component-based software engineering, putting the peaces together, Addoson Wesley, 2001

21 21 2015-06-24 Implications of Szyperski’s Definition The following implications arise as a result of Szyperski’s definition: –For a component to be deployed independently, a clear distinction from its environment and other components is required. –A component must have clearly specified interfaces. –The implementation must be encapsulated in the component and is not directly reachable from the environment. (Black box nature)

22 22 2015-06-24 Component specification Components are described by their interfaces (A black box character) glass box black box white box grey boxgray box

23 23 2015-06-24 Components and Interfaces - UML definition Component – a set of interfaces required (in-interfaces) provided (out-interfaces) Interface – set of operations Operations – input and output parameters of certain type

24 24 2015-06-24 IDL Example interface ISpellCheck : IUnknown { HRESULT check( [in] BSTR *word, [out] bool *correct ); }; interface ICustomSpellCheck : IUnknown { HRESULT add( [in] BSTR *word ); HRESULT remove( [in] BSTR *word ); }; library SpellCheckerLib { coclass SpellChecker { [default] interface ISpellCheck; interface ICustomSpellCheck; };

25 25 2015-06-24 Contractually specified interfaces Extension of Interface (adding contract) –a set of interfaces that each consists of a set of operations. –a set of preconditions and postconditions is associated with each operation. –A set of invariants Also called: Contractually specified interfaces

26 26 2015-06-24 Precondition, Postconditions, Invariants Precondition –an assertion that the component assumes to be fulfilled before an operation is invoked. –Will in general be a predicate over the operation’s input parameters and this state Postcondition –An assertion that the component guarantees will hold just after an operation has been invoked, provided the operation’s pre-conditions were true when it was invoked. –Is a predicate over both input and output parameters as well as the state just before the invocation and just after Invariant –Is a predicate over the interface’s state model that will always hold

27 27 2015-06-24 Semantic Specification in a UML metamodel

28 28 2015-06-24 Semantic Interface Specification context ISpellCheck::check(in word : String, out correct : Boolean): HRESULT pre: word <> “” post: SUCCEEDED(result) implies correct = words->includes(word) context ICustomSpellCheck::add(in word : String) : HRESULT pre: word <> “” post: SUCCEEDED(result) implies words = words@pre->including (word) context ICustomSpellCheck::remove(in word : String) : HRESULT pre: word <> “” post: SUCCEEDED(result) implies words = words@pre->exluding(word)

29 29 2015-06-24 Extrafunctional properties Extrafunctional (non-functional) properties –runt-time properties Performance, latency Dependability (Reliability, robustness, safety) –Lifecycle properties Maintainability, usability, portability, testability,…. There is no standards for specification of extrafunctional properties

30 30 2015-06-24 Extrafunctional properties specifications Credentials (Mary Shaw) A Credential is a triple –Attribute: is a description of a property of a component –Value: is a measure of that property –Credibility: is a description of how the measure has been obtained Attributes in.NET –A component developer can associate attribute values with a component and define new attributes by sub-classing an existing attribute class. ADL UniCon –allows association of to components

31 31 2015-06-24 Extra-functional Properties

32 32 2015-06-24 Main principles of CBSE: (1) Reusability Reusing components in different systems The desire to reuse a component poses few technical constraints. Good documentation (component specification…) a well-organized reuse process Similar architecture …. C1 C2 C3C4 Application A1 C1C5 C6C7 Application A2

33 33 2015-06-24 Main principles: (2) Substitutability Alternative implementations of a component may be used. The system should meet its requirements irrespective of which component is used. Substitution principles –Function level –Non-functional level Added technical challenges –Design-time: precise definition of interfaces & specification –Run-time: replacement mechanism C1C2 C3C4 Application A1 C1´C2 C3C4 Application A1

34 34 2015-06-24 Substitution Substituting a component Y for a component X is said to be safe if: – All systems that work with X will also work with Y From a syntactic viewpoint, a component can safely be replaced if: –The new component implements at least the same interfaces as the older components From semantic point of view? –Contractual interface holds (pre-, postconditions and invariants)

35 35 2015-06-24 Main principles: (3) Extensibility Comes in two flavors: –extending components that are part of a system –Increase the functionality of individual components Added technical challenges: –Design-time: extensible architecture –Run-time: mechanism for discovering new functionality C1C2C3 C1C2+C3 C1C2C3 C1C2C4C3

36 36 2015-06-24 Main principles: (4) Composability Composition of components –P(c1 o c2) =P1(c1) o P2(c2) –Composition of functions –Composition of extra-functional properties Many challenges –How to reason about a system composed from components? Different type of properties Different principles of compositions C1C2 assembly C

37 37 2015-06-24 Components for Embedded Systems

38 38 2015-06-24 Do existing component technologies meet the requirements of different domains? Widely-used component models (Microsoft COM/DCOM and.NET, Sun EJB, OMG CCB,…) –Focus on functionality, flexibility, run-time adaptability, simpler development and maintenance –Do not consider a number of extra-functional requirements Timing properties (performance), resource consumptions Reliability, availability, quality of services… Important questions for CBSE feasibility: Which are the primary requirements in different domains? Can CBSE provide solutions that meet these requirements?

39 39 2015-06-24 What are embedded systems? An Embedded Computer System: A computer system that is part of a larger system and performs some of the requirements of that system. (IEEE, 1992). 99,8% of computer systems are embedded systems (DARPA 2000)

40 40 2015-06-24 Characteristics of ES: Interaction with the environment A sensor transforms physical data (temperature, pressure) to digital format Examples: thermometer, microphone, video camera An actuator works the other way round - transforming digital data to physical format. Example: motors, pumps, machines… An embedded system interacts with the environment via sensors and actuators RT software system Sensor Actuator Process

41 41 2015-06-24 RT Systems : Correct result at the right time Example: An air bag must not be inflated too late, not too early! In some cases the system must wait before it responds! Collision Too late time Too early ES – Real-time systems

42 42 2015-06-24 Real-time in Football - Offside rules

43 43 2015-06-24 Too late

44 44 2015-06-24 Too eraly

45 45 2015-06-24 Most of the real-time systems are based on following: 1.Several parallel activities are given some unique priorities 2.A resource manager makes sure the task with the highest priority will execute Challenges when constructing RT ES 13 Activities Resource manager timeCPU 1 2 3 ready Processing requires resources (time, CPU-time, memory,..)

46 46 2015-06-24 Enough resources –You can always guarantee that all functions in the system are able to execute when they so desire. –Most often safety critical applications –Expensive –Example: ABS-system, ”fly-by-wire”-system, power plant… Limited resources –There may be occasions when the system is unable to handle all functions that wants to execute. –Designed to work well under normal conditions. –Example: telephone – everybody wants to make a phone call simultaneously will result in that some has to wait. Enough resources vs. Limited resources

47 47 2015-06-24 Event driven real-time systems –External events determines when a program is to be executed –Often through interrupts –Example: telephone switches, ”video-on-demand”, transaction systems… Time driven real-time systems –The system handles external events at predefined points in time –Most often cyclic systems  repeats a certain scenario –Example: ABS, control systems, manufacturing systems… Event driven vs. time driven systems

48 48 2015-06-24 Hard real-time systems –The cost for not fulfilling the functional and temporal constraints are severe –Failing to meet hard real-time constraints results in computations, at best, being useless –Often safety critical  the correctness must be verified before system operation –Example: ABS, airbag, defence system, power plant… Soft real-time systems –Occasional miss of fulfilling a timing constraint can be acceptable –The usefulness of the computation is reduced (reduced service) Example: reservation systems, ATM machines, multimedia, virtual reality… Hard vs. Soft real-time systems

49 49 2015-06-24 New requirements (RT requirements) introduce new challenges in achieving the CBSE principles Example: –Substitution principle for RT components.

50 50 2015-06-24 Substitution principles When we can replace a component? Goal: on-line upgrade task components in a ‘safe’ way Two issues: –new components must not be faulty –schedulability of all tasks (components) must be guaranteed Run-time upgrade possible if worst case execution time –WCET (new comp) ≤ WCET (old comp) Is that correct?

51 51 2015-06-24 ABC rel(A,C) rel(B) dl(B)dl(A,C) (a) BCC A is replaced by A’; wcet(A’)<wcet(A) Order of execution changed – deadline met A’ rel(A,C) rel(B) dl(B)dl(A,C) (b) Example 1: preemptive Fast priority scheduling task priority A high B medium C low Rel = release time dl = deadline

52 52 2015-06-24 Example 2: non-preemptive FPS ABC rel(A,C ) rel(B) dl(B)dl(A,C) BC B misses deadline! (a) A’ rel(A,C) rel(B) dll(B) (b) task priority A high B medium C low A is replaced by A’; wcet(A’)<wcet(A)

53 53 2015-06-24 Example 2: non-preemptive FPS ABC rel(A,C ) rel(B) dl(B)dl(A,C) BC B misses deadline! (a) A’ rel(A,C) rel(B) dll(B) (b) task priority A high B medium C low A is replaced by A’; wcet(A’)<wcet(A)

54 54 2015-06-24 On-line upgrading of real-time components in priority-based RTS Solution? –preemptive FPS eliminate/predict preemptions at design stage –non-preemptive FPS work on the WCET predict exact execution time? Another solution –Off-line scheduling –Missing possibility of on-line upgrading of a component

55 55 2015-06-24 From component model to RT execution model Task Allocation Win32 APPLICATION components -composition presentation Design- Time Compile- Time Run- Time <<SaveComp>> PC <<SaveComp>> Compose <<Assembly>> P Set Actual Control Attribute Assignment Glue CodeGeneration &Analysis C-compiler RTXC APPLICATION SimulationTarget

56 56 2015-06-24 From component model to RT execution model Design- Time Component model Real-Time Analysis Real-time model Synthesis Compile- Time Model transformation Run- Time Target application RTOS t Task Allocation Attribute Assignment Analysis Glue Code Generation Target Compiler Component model RTOS Fully Automated Compile-Time Step Component code loading

57 57 2015-06-24 Allocating components to real-time tasks Today one-to-one allocation is commonly used –Not efficient in terms of cpu-overhead and stack usage –However, highly analyzable How can the mapping between components and tasks be analyzable and efficient? Infeasible to calculate due to the many different possible mappings in a large system Limitations –Only pipe-and-filter architectures –No advanced real-time constraints

58 58 2015-06-24 Mapping system usage profile to component usage profile When the known (measured) properties values can be reused? Reuse problem

59 59 2015-06-24 Some examples of component models

60 60 2015-06-24 The Koala Component Model – Philips CE C C2C2 C1C1 C3C3 Koala is: - a Software Component Model - with an ADL - to build populations of resource constrained products

61 61 2015-06-24 Property key value PropertyBundle name Port type Direction range Connector type Component name scheduling memory Sub- components Event component Active component passive component event info thread info Pecos component model (ABB)

62 62 2015-06-24 SaveCOM – component model for embedded system developed at MdH Target systems - Safety Critical Embedded Real-Time Systems –Reliability –Timeliness –Resources (memory, CPU) –Safety Key features addressed –Efficient development –Predictable system behavior –Low foot print

63 63 2015-06-24 Component Development System Configuration Run-time Environment Component Specification Operational /constructive Interface Analytic Interface System Architecture Verification Technology Verification Development Process SaveComp Framework developed at MdH SaveComp Technology SaveCom Component Model IDE-system configuration Verification & composition Technology Component Composition

64 64 2015-06-24 Static Configuration (Off-line) P-Mode 1 0 0 > PC > Compose > P Set Actual Control

65 65 2015-06-24 SaveCom Framework

66 66 2015-06-24 Conclusion & Summary There is a visible trend in acquiring CB approach in development of embedded systems New component technologoes and utilization of the existing theories important.

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