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Chapter 7 Worms. Worms  We’ve previously discussed worms  Here, consider 2 in slightly more depth o Xerox PARC (1982) o Morris Worm (1988)  Recall.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 Worms. Worms  We’ve previously discussed worms  Here, consider 2 in slightly more depth o Xerox PARC (1982) o Morris Worm (1988)  Recall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 Worms

2 Worms  We’ve previously discussed worms  Here, consider 2 in slightly more depth o Xerox PARC (1982) o Morris Worm (1988)  Recall also discussion of Slammer…

3 History  “Worm” mentioned in fiction in 1975 o The Shockwave Rider by John Brunner o Next slide…

4 History I guess you all know about tapeworms... ? Good. Well, what I turned loose in the net yesterday was the.., father and mother of all tapeworms....My newest----my masterpiece---breeds by itself.... By now I don't know exactly what there is in the worm. More bits are being added automatically as it works its way to places I never dared guess existed....And---no, it can't be killed. It's indefinitely self-perpetuating so long as the net exists. Even if one segment of it is inactivated, a counterpart of the missing portion will remain in store at some other station and the worm will automatically subdivide and send a duplicate head to collect the spare groups and restore them to their proper place.

5 History  Xerox Palo Alto Research Center o Xerox PARC  Established 1970 o To create “the office of the future”  Helped create laser printers, Ethernet, modern PC, GUI, VLSI  Original Apple Macintosh heavily influenced by the “Alto”

6 Xerox PARC  Developed a program so unused CPU cycles could be put to use o Use your machine for parallel processing when not busy with your work  “Worm” to manage the machines o Composed of “segments” which is why they called it a worm o One segment per machine o Segments communicated with each other

7 Xerox PARC  “Worm” had many safety features o For example, no disk access o Also, could be shut down  Key insights o Managing growth is difficult o Stability is difficult maintain

8 Morris Worm  “Internet Worm” of 1988  Major wake up call…  Three stages  Stage 1: Get access o Sendmail --- debug command o Finger --- read input using “gets” (no bounds checking…) o rexec and pwd guessing (or rsh)

9 Morris Worm  Stage 2: Grappling hook o Once a remote shell was obtained, send, compile, and run small C program o Code sent as source, so immune to damage by communication channel  Only passed seven bits out of eight  Would have destroyed exe file o Retrieve several exes until it found one that worked

10 Morris Worm  Stage 3: Propagate o Used some stealth --- named itself “sh” o Cleaned up (removed source code, etc.) o Prevented “core dump” o Propagate by looking at network routing tables and other local resources o Had no destructive payload

11 Propagation  Humans slow compared to networks o “Fast burners” o Warhol worms o Flash worms o Surreptitious (or slow) worms --- later  How can worm propagate faster? o Can’t use too much bandwidth…

12 Propagation  How to propagate faster o Shorten initial startup time o Minimize contention between instances of the worm o Increase rate that targets are probed o Use low-overhead protocols (UDP vs TCP)  Recall that Slammer used UDP

13 Propagation  Surreptitious worm o That is, slow worm  Slow infection rate o Hide in normal traffic o Hard to detect  Create a zombie army o What good is that?  A lot like modern Botnets

14 Initial Seeding  How to start the worm  A single instance? o Slow initial growth o Easier to trace  Multiple instances? o Faster initial growth o Use wireless networks, spam, Botnets o Other?

15 Finding Targets  IP numbers o IPv4, that is  Worms “scan” for targets o Search for vulnerable IP addresses  How to scan?

16 Finding Targets  How to scan?  Random o Used in Code Red and Slammer  Localized o Favor machines on same network o Why?  Hit list o Avoids contention, speeds initial spread

17 Finding Targets  Permutation scanning o Treat IP address space as sequence o Each worm select random starting point o Each time previously-infected machine found, select new starting point o Can be used to detect (near) saturation

18 Finding Targets  Topological scanning o Actual network topology o Topology of a social network o “Topology” of users’ email o IM worm  Morris Worm used topological scan o Was this a good idea for Morris Worm?

19 Finding Targets  Passive scanning o Wait for useful info to come to you o Sniff network traffic for… o Valid IP addresses o Operating system and services o Network traffic pattern  Other scanning strategies? o Santy worm used Google

20 Worms: The Bottom Line  A well-designed worm… o Virus-like concealment o Exploit technical/human weaknesses o Hijacking legitimate transactions o Rapid (or slow) spreading  Worms are potent type of malware  Equally potent defensives needed o Next chapter

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