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HFHS Wellness Programs $150 Wellness Incentive HAP’s iStrive Succeed Health Risk Assessment HAP’s iStrive Lifestyle Management Programs Wellness screenings.

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Presentation on theme: "HFHS Wellness Programs $150 Wellness Incentive HAP’s iStrive Succeed Health Risk Assessment HAP’s iStrive Lifestyle Management Programs Wellness screenings."— Presentation transcript:


2 HFHS Wellness Programs $150 Wellness Incentive HAP’s iStrive Succeed Health Risk Assessment HAP’s iStrive Lifestyle Management Programs Wellness screenings (as part of mandatory screens) Walk for Better Health Tobacco Treatment Services Flu shots Monthly presentations Weight Watchers At-Work® Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Diabetes in Active Care (in partnership with Diabetes Care Center) Stress and Pain Free Living Program

3 Sign up to be a Wellness Ambassador!

4 Earn the $150 Wellness Incentive! Complete the online HAP iStrive Succeed Health Risk Assessment AND Submit the 2009 Wellness Incentive Participation Form Visit

5 Move to Improve…Every Day Find a Way!

6 Physical Activity in the United States Percentage of population meeting physical activity guidelines. Source: CDC

7 2007 Prevalence of Recommended Physical Activity Recommended physical activity: at least 30 minutes per day, at least 5 days per week Insufficient physical activity: more than 10 minutes total per week of moderate, but less than the recommended level of activity Inactivity: less than 10 minutes total per week Source: CDC

8 My current level of physical activity (circle one): Meet recommended guidelines Insufficient physical activity Inactive

9 Fitness Levels and CVD Deaths Source: 2006 Wellness Council of America Deaths per 1000

10 Benefits of Physical Fitness Lowers blood pressure Decreases risk of heart disease Helps prevent type 2 diabetes Reduces the risk of certain types of cancer Early death Assists in weight control Increases your energy Improves bone strength May increase HDL (good cholesterol) Helps manage stress Increases quality of life!

11 Barriers & Solutions to Exercising Lack of time Aim for 10 minutes in the morning, afternoon & evening Park farther away from the building, mall or grocery store Inconvenient Schedule a physical activity with your kids Start a lunchtime walk group at work Many health clubs are now open 24 hours Poor health or injury Consult with your physician if you have an illness to see what activities are ok for you If you have an injury, exercise other parts of your body Try bicycling or swimming as low impact options Lack of facilities Walking can be done anywhere & doesn’t cost a thing! Purchase or rent exercise DVD's Utilize the exercise channel on tv Poor weather Most malls have marked walking routes Plan on exercising first thing in the morning or later in the evening when its not too hot

12 My #1 barrier: Solution:

13 Components of Fitness nCnCardiovascular nSnStrength nFnFlexibility

14 Surgeon General Recommendations Get F.I.T.T.! Frequency: Most days of the week Intensity: Moderate Time: at least 30 minutes Type: Variety “People of all ages can obtain significant health benefits by accumulating 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most, if not all, days of the week ” The good news…You can accumulate 30 minutes in 5, 10 or 15 minute sessions!

15 Talk Test While engaging in cardiovascular exercise, the Talk Test is an easy guide to help you determine the correct exercise intensity. If you can talk without too much difficulty, while you are exercising… you are most likely in your ideal intensity range. If you are really breathing hard and you can barely talk… you are probably working at a very high intensity. If you can quote extensive poetry without pausing for a breath… you probably need to step it up a little.

16 Every day, find a way! Find something you enjoy… Walking/running Swimming/water aerobics Exercise machines-elliptical, rower, bike, etc. Play a sport such as basketball or volleyball Jump rope Dancing Bicycling Join a team (softball, hiking group, etc) Stay active throughout the day… Start a lunchtime walking group with your co-workers Have a “walking” meeting Take the stairs Take fitness breaks Mow the lawn Pull weeds Play catch with your kids Make it a part of your social hour- go golfing or bowling Plan active outings with your kids such as going to the zoo

17 Activities I enjoy:

18 Remember to make it FUN!

19 Strength Training Benefits: n Increases resting metabolic rate n Reduces high blood pressure n Reduces risk of osteoporosis n Enhances self esteem and self confidence Guidelines: n Frequency: 2-3 days/week n Repetitions: 10-12 n Sets: 1-2 for beginners n Exercises: 1-2 per major muscle group Sample exercises: n Squats n Pushups n Bicep curls n Bench press n Lunges n Abdominal curls n Overhead press


21 Flexibility Benefits: Increased quality of daily living Improves joint mobility Reduces stress Helps prevent injury Guidelines: n Try to warm up with 3-5 minutes of aerobic activity n Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds n Do not bounce!

22 Everyday Stretches Hold each stretch for 5- 10 seconds 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.5. 6.

23 Stretches Continued… 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

24 Additional Stretches

25 -Walt Disney “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

26 Your Personal Action Plan 3 Steps to Success! Complete your personal action plan today Tell your family, friends & co-workers Schedule time on your calendar

27 Additional Resources Walk for Better Health- information found in the fitness section at Michigan Steps Up-

28 Additional Resources The President’s Be a part of the HFHS team! Group Name: Henry Ford Health System Group ID Number: 83709

29 Questions? Thank you!

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