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In-class Assignment zNAME, MAJOR, STATUS, HIGH SCHOOL zWhat do you hope to learn from this class? zHow do the mass media affect you? (be specific –

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Presentation on theme: "In-class Assignment zNAME, MAJOR, STATUS, HIGH SCHOOL zWhat do you hope to learn from this class? zHow do the mass media affect you? (be specific –"— Presentation transcript:



3 In-class Assignment zNAME, MAJOR, STATUS, HIGH SCHOOL zWhat do you hope to learn from this class? zHow do the mass media affect you? (be specific – use examples) zIs the effect Strong? Weak? Somewhere in the middle?

4 Define "The Media" zWhat role do the media play in our lives? zHow do the media help and/or hurt us?

5 Group Discussion zWhat do you like about the media yNews yEntertainment zWhat do you dislike about the media yNews yEntertainment

6 What is Media Literacy? zDo children need to learn how to "read" media? zDo adults need to learn how to "read" media?

7 Is it the media's fault?

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