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Quiz Four What is the name of the book you read by Thomas Frank?

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2 Quiz Four What is the name of the book you read by Thomas Frank?

3 Watergate Denouement: The Conservative Ascendancy Forestalled

4 Haldeman Kissinger Ehrlichman Some of the President’s Men

5 Throw-away Nixon and George McGovern Dixie Cups from the 1972 election

6 The soon-to-be-infamous Watergate Hotel in Washington, DC, home to the Democratic Party Headquarters in 1972

7 The Watergate scandal moves ever closer to Nixon as John Dean agrees to testify in 1973

8 Senate Watergate hearings begin in May of 1973

9 Nixon’s VP, Spiro Agnew, resigns after it is revealed he had accepted bribes as governor of Maryland and cheated on his income taxes, October 10, 1973

10 Gerald Ford, a senator from Michigan, becomes Nixon’s new VP

11 August 9, 1974, Nixon resigns the presidency and departs the White House for the last time in the presidential helicopter

12 August 9, 1974, Gerald Ford is sworn in, promising, “Our long national nightmare is over.”

13 Watergate in Retrospect Demonstrated the importance of a free, vigorous, and independent press Demonstrated the dangers of allowing extra- constitutional powers, even in emergency situations Despite a serious threat to constitutional order, the American system of separation of powers did work A forceful and hopefully enduring reminder of the founding fathers’ fundamental belief that too much secrecy and power in the hands of one man or institution was dangerous Derailed, temporarily, the conservative ascendancy as the nation reacted to these largely Republican crimes by voting in the Democrat Jimmy Carter in 1976 Ironically, this delay may have made the ultimate triumph of conservativism more radical than if Nixon’s moderate Republicanism had continued

14 Global Energy: The Onset of WWIV

15 October 6, 1973, Egypt and Syria attack Israel, beginning the 19-day Yom Kippur War

16 Responding to the American support of Israel in the Yom Kippur war, Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich middle eastern states form OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

17 FDR meets with Ibn Saud, King of Saudi Arabia, in 1945, offering the Saudi’s a promise of security in exchange for easy American access to cheap Saudi oil

18 Political cartoon from 1976 expressing the increasing realization that the American lifestyle was built on cheap oil

19 Long lines and sold-out gas pumps in the wake of the 1973 OPEC embargo

20 The 1973 Mercury Marquis The 1973 Cadillac The 1970s version of the SUV, typically getting less than 10 mpg; overall average for 1973 cars was 13.1 mpg

21 The sharp increases in oil prices that began with the 1973 OPEC embargo

22 President Ford stumbles on wet stairs in 1975, seen by some as symbolic of his stumbling economic policies

23 Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter break with tradition and walk to the inauguration, January 1977

24 The Three Mile Island nuclear power facility near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

25 Three Mile Island, evening of March 28 th 1979

26 Map illustrating proximity of Three Mile Island nuclear reactors to major population centers

27 For decades the Middle East and Persian Gulf states had been central to American foreign policy because of their large oil reserves

28 The American-backed Shah of Iran (Reza Pahlavi) on the cover of Time, 1960. The CIA engineered a coup in 1953 to overthrow the nationalist government of Mohammed Mossadegha, which threatened to nationalize foreign oil investments, replacing him with Pahlavi.

29 The Iranian Revolution of February, 1979, which deposed the Shah and established an Islamic theocracy under the Ayatollah Khomeini

30 Student revolutionaries outside American Embassy in Iran, November 1979

31 Some of the 53 Americans taken hostage in Tehran—they will remain captive for 444 days

32 Soviet helicopter gun ships during the disastrous Soviet-Afghanistan War, 1979-1988 December of 1979, the Soviet Union invades Afghanistan to prop up a faltering Marxist regime, bring them dangerously close to Persian Gulf oil fields

33 How does Bacevich view these events? Jimmy Carter attempted to convince Americans to wean themselves off imported oil, but his request that they conserve and do with less fell on deaf ears Subsequently articulated the Carter Doctrine (January 1980): “An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.” Argues this began the on-going WWIV, a determination to maintain a Middle Eastern supply of cheap oil as the key to the “American way of life,” which is to day, economic abundance and consumption Today, a way on terror or a war for oil? Or both?

34 February 1991: In the First Persian Gulf War American soldiers removed Saddam Hussein from Kuwait and thwarted his hopes of eventually taking control of much of the Persian Gulf oil wealth WW IV

35 The massive American bombing of Baghdad in March of 2003 that began the Second Persian Gulf War—President Bush’s attempt to transform the Persian Gulf and its vast oil supplies into a democratic, pro-American region WW IV

36 American military bases in the Greater Middle East as of 2004

37 Conservative Ascendancy Redux: The Reagan Revolution?

38 The Carter Anomaly: Why was one of the most deeply religious and morally decent presidents of the 20 th century soundly rejected by social and religious conservatives in favor of a divorced former Hollywood actor?

39 How does Frank explain the rise of conservativism in the U.S.?

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