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March 25, 20011de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 An Experimental Study of Tester Yield and Defect Coverage Jose T. de Sousa INESC/IST, Technical University of Lisbon.

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Presentation on theme: "March 25, 20011de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 An Experimental Study of Tester Yield and Defect Coverage Jose T. de Sousa INESC/IST, Technical University of Lisbon."— Presentation transcript:

1 March 25, 20011de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 An Experimental Study of Tester Yield and Defect Coverage Jose T. de Sousa INESC/IST, Technical University of Lisbon 1000 Lisboa, Portugal Vishwani D. Agrawal Circuit and Systems Research Lab Agere Systems, Murray Hill, NJ 07974 USA IEEE International Test Synthesis Workshop, Santa Barbara, CA

2 March 25, 20012de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 VLSI Chip Yield n A manufacturing defect is a finite chip area with electrically malfunctioning circuitry caused by errors in the fabrication process. n A chip with no manufacturing defect is called a good chip. n Fraction (or percentage) of good chips produced in a manufacturing process is called the yield. Yield is denoted by symbol Y. n Cost of a chip: Cost of fabricating and testing a wafer -------------------------------------------------------------------- Yield x Number of chip sites on the wafer

3 March 25, 20013de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Clustered VLSI Defects Wafer Defects Faulty chips Good chips Unclustered defects Wafer yield = 12/22 = 0.55 Clustered defects (VLSI) Wafer yield = 17/22 = 0.77

4 March 25, 20014de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Yield Parameters n Defect density (d ) = Average number of defects per unit of chip area n Chip area (A ) Clustering parameter (  ) n Negative binomial distribution of defects, p (x ) = Prob(number of defects on a chip = x )  (  +x ) (Ad /  ) x = -------------. ---------------------- x !  (  ) (1+Ad /  )  +x where  is the gamma function  =0, p (x ) is a delta function (max. clustering)  =, p (x ) is Poisson distr. (no clustering) 

5 March 25, 20015de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Yield Equation Y = Prob( zero defect on a chip ) = p (0) Y = ( 1 + Ad /  )  Example: Ad = 1.0,  = 0.5, Y = 0.58 Unclustered defects:  =, Y = e -- Ad Example: Ad = 1.0,  =, Y = 0.37 too pessimistic !  

6 March 25, 20016de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Defect Level or Reject Ratio n Defect level (DL) is the ratio of faulty chips among the chips that pass tests. n DL is measured as parts per million (ppm). n DL is a measure of the effectiveness of tests. n DL is a quantitative measure of the manufactured product quality. For commercial VLSI chips a DL greater than 500 ppm is considered unacceptable.

7 March 25, 20017de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Determination of DL n From field return data: Chips failing in the field are returned to the manufacturer. The number of returned chips normalized to one million chips shipped is the DL. n From test data: Fault coverage of tests and chip fallout rate are analyzed. A modified yield model is fitted to the fallout data to estimate the DL.

8 March 25, 20018de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Modified Yield Equation n Three parameters: n Fault density, f = average number of stuck-at faults per unit chip area Fault clustering parameter,  n Stuck-at fault coverage, T n The modified yield equation: Y (T ) = (1 + TAf /  ) -  Assuming that tests with 100% fault coverage (T =1.0) remove all faulty chips, Y = Y (1) = (1 + Af /  ) - 

9 March 25, 20019de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Defect Level Y (T ) - Y (1) DL (T ) = -------------------- Y (T ) (  + TAf )  = 1 - -------------------- (  + Af )  Where T is the fault coverage of tests, Af is the average number of faults on the chip of area A,  is the fault clustering parameter. Af and  are determined by test data analysis.  , Y (T ) = e --TAf and DL(T) = 1 -- Y (1) 1--T

10 March 25, 200110de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Example: SEMATECH Chip n Bus interface controller ASIC fabricated and tested at IBM, Burlington, Vermont n 116,000 equivalent (2-input NAND) gates n 304-pin package, 249 I/O n Clock: 40MHz, some parts 50MHz 0.45  CMOS, 3.3V, 9.4mm x 8.8mm area n Full scan, 99.79% fault coverage n Advantest 3381 ATE, 18,466 chips tested at 2.5MHz test clock n Data obtained courtesy of Phil Nigh (IBM)

11 March 25, 200111de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Test Coverage from Fault Simulator Stuck-at fault coverage Vector number

12 March 25, 200112de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Measured Chip Fallout Vector number Measured chip fallout

13 March 25, 200113de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Model Fitting Clustered faults: Af = 2.1 and  = 0.083 Measured chip fallout Y (1) = 0.7623 Chip fallout and computed 1-Y (T ) Stuck-at fault coverage, T Unclustered faults: Af = 0.31 Y (1) = 0.7348

14 March 25, 200114de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Computed Defect Level Defect level (ppm) Stuck-at fault coverage (%) Clustered faults  = 0.083 Unclustered faults

15 March 25, 200115de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Reexamine Assumption n Assumption: 100% fault coverage leads to zero defect level. n Reality: 100% defect coverage leads to zero defect level. n Must examine the two coverages.

16 March 25, 200116de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Fault vs. Defect Coverage n Coverage = % of stuck- at faults detected by vectors. n Faults are countable. n Alternative definition: f(T) = Prob(detection by T vectors | a fault is present) n All faults assumed equally probable on a faulty chip. n Determined theoretically. n Coverage = % of real defects detected by vectors. n Many types, large numbers. n Alternative definition: d(T) = Prob(detection by T vectors | a defect is present) n Each defect may have a different probability of occurrence. n Determined experimentally. Fault coverage Defect coverage

17 March 25, 200117de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Defect Coverage d (T ) = Prob (detection by T vectors|chip defective) Prob (failure by T vectors) = ------------------------------------------- 1 – Y (1) 1 – Y (T ) = -------------- 1 – Y (1) Measured yield, Y (T ), and estimated true yield, Y (1), can provide a statistical estimate for defect coverage.

18 March 25, 200118de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Defect and Fault Coverages Defect coverage d Fault coverage f Vector number Coverage

19 March 25, 200119de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Defect vs. Fault Coverage Fault coverage, f Defect coverage, d d > f d< f

20 March 25, 200120de Sousa-Agrawal/ITSW01 Conclusion n Defect coverage can be determined from the measured test data. n Assumption: Test must be capable of activating the defect, e.g., only data from at-speed test can determine the coverage of delay defects. n The assumption, “DL = 0 at f = 100%,” may be justified since fault coverage appears to be more pessimistic than defect coverage. n Any coverage is a transformation of test data: – Vector 0 = coverage 0 – Vector infinity = coverage 1 n Unclustered fault assumption adds pessimism.

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