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Fish Hatcheries Savior or Scourge for Salmon?. How Hatcheries Work.

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Presentation on theme: "Fish Hatcheries Savior or Scourge for Salmon?. How Hatcheries Work."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fish Hatcheries Savior or Scourge for Salmon?

2 How Hatcheries Work

3 Fertilizing sperm and eggs

4 Raising Fry

5 The Larger Life Stages

6 Out-planting to the Wild

7 Why Don’t Hatchery Fish Survive Very Well? O Non-competitive behavior O Non-native stocks Feeding Time Non-native Eastern Brook Trout are often released into Washington rivers

8 Danger of Hatcheries O Non-native stocks O Swamping and Competition O Disease Transmission

9 The Arguments O Some argue that hatcheries have saved salmon from going extinct. O Some argue the over-use of hatcheries have caused wild salmon stocks to decline faster. O Some argue hatcheries have uses that should be on a case-by-case basis, such as in saving critically endangered runs.

10 This project was made possible in part by a grant from Washington’s National Park Fund.

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