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8 October 2010 Introduction for funded postgraduates James Clark.

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Presentation on theme: "8 October 2010 Introduction for funded postgraduates James Clark."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 October 2010 Introduction for funded postgraduates James Clark

2 AHRC Fee + Stipend University of Bristol Fee + Stipend Faculty of Arts Bursaries Fees only Others Studentships

3 Points of Contact AHRC Postgraduate Award Officer: Team D University of Bristol Student Funding Office Penny Rowe ( Faculty of Arts Bursaries Simon Gane (Graduate School) Christine Hall (Faculty Office) Managing your studentship

4 Resources AHRC Studentships ‘Roberts’ Skills Training Grant for collective skills training Research Training Support Grant for individual research support

5 Reporting AHRC Studentships  The studentship holder is responsible for reporting changes of registration status, illness and requests for extension or suspension.  The Research Council must be informed first of any change in your pattern of study. University of Bristol Studentships  The studentship holder should report to the Student Funding Office any change of registration status, illness or request for extension and suspension.

6 AHRC Studentships  The award is conditional upon satisfactory academic progress determined by an annual progress report completed by supervisor and student. University of Bristol Studentships  The award is conditional upon satisfactory academic progress. Continuation of the award for the third year of full-time registration is conditional upon a successful upgrade. Progression

7  AHRC Block Grant Partnership Studentships  AHRC Collaborative and Project Studentships  University of Bristol Overseas Studentships  Faculty Studentships  Faculty Teaching Bursaries  School Studentships (e.g. English, Historical Studies) Further funding opportunities

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