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Modern physics and Quantum Mechanics Physical Systems, 8 Mar.2007 EJZ More angular momentum and H atom Compare to Bohr atom Applications: Bohr magneton,

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Presentation on theme: "Modern physics and Quantum Mechanics Physical Systems, 8 Mar.2007 EJZ More angular momentum and H atom Compare to Bohr atom Applications: Bohr magneton,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern physics and Quantum Mechanics Physical Systems, 8 Mar.2007 EJZ More angular momentum and H atom Compare to Bohr atom Applications: Bohr magneton, Zeeman effect Brief review of modern physics and QM Conferences next week Next quarter

2 Quantization of angular momentum Show that for ANY radial potential V(r) in the spherical Schrödinger equation, both the total angular momentum and the z-component are quantized. Last week we discussed the momentum operators…





7 Spherical harmonics solve spherical Schrödinger equation for any V(r)

8 Possible orientations of L and L z (for l=2) Example 7.1 (p.300), #7.12, 7.14 (p.332)

9 H-atom: quantization of energy for V= - kZe 2 /r Solve the radial part of the spherical Schrödinger equation (next quarter): Do these energy values look familiar?

10 QM H-atom energy levels: degeneracy for states with different qn and same energy Selections rules for allowed transitions: l must change by one, since energy hops are mediated by a photon of spin-one.  n = anything  m can = ±1 or 0

11 H-atom: wavefunctions  (r,  ) for V= - kZe 2 /r We already have the angular part of the wavefunctions for any radial potential in the spherical Schrödinger equation: We can solve (next quarter) for R(r) ~ Laguerre Polynomials

12 H-atom wavefunctions ↔ electron probability distributions Discussion: compare Bohr model to Schrödinger model for H atom.

13 A fourth quantum number: intrinsic spin If there are 2s+1 possible values of m s, and only 2 orientations of m s = z-component of s (Pauli), What values can s and m s have?

14 Stern-Gerlach showed splitting due to spin, even when l=0 l = 1, m = 0, ±1l = 0, m = ±1/2

15 Spinning particles shift energies in B fields Cyclotron frequency: An electron moving with speed v perpendicular to an external magnetic field feels a Lorentz force: F=ma (solve for  =v/r) Solve for Bohr magneton…



18 Magnetic moments shift energies in B fields

19 Spin S and orbit L couple to total angular momentum J = L + S

20 Spin-orbit coupling: spin of e - in magnetic field of p Fine-structure splitting (e.g. 21-cm line) (Interaction of nuclear spin with electron spin (in an atom) → Hyper-fine splitting)

21 Total J + external magnetic field → Zeeman effect



24 History of Light quantization Stefan-Boltzmann blackbody had UV catastrophe Planck quantized light, and solved blackbody problem Einstein used Planck’s quanta to explain photoelectric effect Compton effect demonstrated quantization of light Corrollary: deBroglie’s matter waves, discovered by Davisson & Germer hc/ = K max + 

25 History of atomic models: Thomson discovered electron, invented plum-pudding model Rutherford observed nuclear scattering, invented orbital atom Bohr quantized angular momentum, for better H atom model. Bohr model explained observed H spectra, derived E n = E/n 2 and phenomenological Rydberg constant Quantum numbers n, l, m l (Zeeman effect) Solution to Schrodinger equation showed that E n = E/  l(l+1) Pauli proposed spin (m s =  1/2), and Dirac derived it

26 Compton Effect deBroglie’s matter waves  Bohr’s angular momentum quantization

27 Quantum wells

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