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Kristin Eberle Monica Hampton Carmen Velasquez Kristin Eberle Monica Hampton Carmen Velasquez Knowledge Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Kristin Eberle Monica Hampton Carmen Velasquez Kristin Eberle Monica Hampton Carmen Velasquez Knowledge Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kristin Eberle Monica Hampton Carmen Velasquez Kristin Eberle Monica Hampton Carmen Velasquez Knowledge Management

2  A way to manage all of the knowledge that an organization possesses.  Accomplished through Digital Asset Management (DAM). The art of archiving  A way to manage all of the knowledge that an organization possesses.  Accomplished through Digital Asset Management (DAM). The art of archiving

3 Benefits of (DAM) ROI on DAM is between 8-14:1.  Labor reduction - no redundancy.  Reuse of existing assets from previous projects.  Faster turnaround time.  Workflow efficiency. ROI on DAM is between 8-14:1.  Labor reduction - no redundancy.  Reuse of existing assets from previous projects.  Faster turnaround time.  Workflow efficiency.

4 Digital Library A way to store and retrieve knowledge via online networks. Electronic repository for:  Textual and numeric data  Scanned images and graphics  Audio & video recordings A way to store and retrieve knowledge via online networks. Electronic repository for:  Textual and numeric data  Scanned images and graphics  Audio & video recordings

5 Digital Library Who uses a digital library?  Companies; e.g., HP, Nike  Governmental & nongovernmental organizations. You have access to digital libraries for academic, research, and cultural resources. Who uses a digital library?  Companies; e.g., HP, Nike  Governmental & nongovernmental organizations. You have access to digital libraries for academic, research, and cultural resources.

6 Metadata  Information about a set of data  “Data about data”  Structured, encoded information that describes, explains, or locates an information resource  Aids in identification, discovery, assessment and management of the described entities  Leads to discovery of relevant information  Information about a set of data  “Data about data”  Structured, encoded information that describes, explains, or locates an information resource  Aids in identification, discovery, assessment and management of the described entities  Leads to discovery of relevant information

7 Traditional Library Catalog  Catalog contains data about location and content of a book: Author Title Year published Genre ISBN number Dewey call number Brief synopsis Keywords  Catalog contains data about location and content of a book: Author Title Year published Genre ISBN number Dewey call number Brief synopsis Keywords

8 To locate a book using the catalog:  Search through the cards using any of the criteria  Location for book will be listed on card  May be multiple results  Search through the cards using any of the criteria  Location for book will be listed on card  May be multiple results

9 Three Categories of Metadata 1.Descriptive- Describes a resource for purposes such as search and retrieval. 2.Structural- Indicates the connection between objects to create a logical tie. 3.Administrative- Helps manage the information or control access to the information. 1.Descriptive- Describes a resource for purposes such as search and retrieval. 2.Structural- Indicates the connection between objects to create a logical tie. 3.Administrative- Helps manage the information or control access to the information.

10 Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI )  Defines a set of elements to be used by authors to describe their resources  Created for simple resource discovery  Continually refined by an international, cross-disciplinary group of professionals  Easy for web authors to adopt  No specific order necessary  Encourages the use of encoding and vocabulary schemes  Defines a set of elements to be used by authors to describe their resources  Created for simple resource discovery  Continually refined by an international, cross-disciplinary group of professionals  Easy for web authors to adopt  No specific order necessary  Encourages the use of encoding and vocabulary schemes

11 Two Types of Dublin Core 1.Simple Dublin Core- title, creator, subject, description, publisher contributor, date,type, format, identifier, source, language, relation, coverage, rights 2.Qualified Dublin Core- Includes all of the above fifteen plus: audience, provenance and rights holder 1.Simple Dublin Core- title, creator, subject, description, publisher contributor, date,type, format, identifier, source, language, relation, coverage, rights 2.Qualified Dublin Core- Includes all of the above fifteen plus: audience, provenance and rights holder

12 Periodic Harvesting  Scheduled harvesting/uploading of data (e.g. one a day)  Documents are stored on the harvesting server  Searching is done on the server.  Scheduled harvesting/uploading of data (e.g. one a day)  Documents are stored on the harvesting server  Searching is done on the server.

13 Federated Harvesting  Searches as a request is made (on the fly)  No data are stored on the server.  Data are transferred from a remote source  Effective with smaller amounts of data, large quantities can bog down the system  Searches as a request is made (on the fly)  No data are stored on the server.  Data are transferred from a remote source  Effective with smaller amounts of data, large quantities can bog down the system

14 KM/DAM Software  KM: Knowledge Management  DAM: Digital Asset Management  Open Source DSpace Fedora  Licensed Digital Librarian Documentum  KM: Knowledge Management  DAM: Digital Asset Management  Open Source DSpace Fedora  Licensed Digital Librarian Documentum


16 DSpace  Created in MIT Libraries and Hewlett-Packard Labs  Operating System - UNIX or LINUX  Archiving, browsing and retrieval are the primary functions  Accepts all forms of digital materials: text, images, video, and audio files  Created in MIT Libraries and Hewlett-Packard Labs  Operating System - UNIX or LINUX  Archiving, browsing and retrieval are the primary functions  Accepts all forms of digital materials: text, images, video, and audio files

17 Fedora  Created by UVA and Cornell  Commonly used  Operating System  Does not have a user friendly interface for uploading  Not something that just anyone can install  Created by UVA and Cornell  Commonly used  Operating System  Does not have a user friendly interface for uploading  Not something that just anyone can install

18 Remember! Digital Libraries are also for Companies:  Hewlett-Packard uses one  NIKE is implementing one Digital Libraries are also for Companies:  Hewlett-Packard uses one  NIKE is implementing one

19 Sources 04-digital-library_x.htm 04-digital-library_x.htm 04-digital-library_x.htm 04-digital-library_x.htm

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