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Bio277 Lab 3: Finding Transcription Factor Binding Motifs Adapted from a Lab Written by Prof Terry Speed Jess Mar Department of Biostatistics Quackenbush.

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Presentation on theme: "Bio277 Lab 3: Finding Transcription Factor Binding Motifs Adapted from a Lab Written by Prof Terry Speed Jess Mar Department of Biostatistics Quackenbush."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bio277 Lab 3: Finding Transcription Factor Binding Motifs Adapted from a Lab Written by Prof Terry Speed Jess Mar Department of Biostatistics Quackenbush Lab DFCI

2 Outline Analyze cell cycle gene expression data. Cluster cell cycle data using hierarchical clustering. Visualize cell cycle clusters. Find motifs in these clusters and visualize them using sequence logos.

3 The Cell Cycle

4 Cell Cycle Data Set Experiments assayed mRNA expression patterns over the duration of one cell cycle (at least). Custom cDNA microarray platform. RNA samples from Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell culture. 3 methods of synchronization -  -factor arrest, cdc15, elutriation. Today's data:  -factor arrest (blocks cell division in G1). ~6000 genes x 17 times points Sampled at 7min intervals over 120min, starting at time zero. See Paper: Spellman et al. Comprehensive identification of cell cycle-regulated genes of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae by microarray hybridization. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 1998, p3273.

5 Experimental Data From the ~6000 yeast genes, we have chosen to focus on those involved in key biological processes (such as cell cycle, oxidative phosphorylation and nucleotide metabolism ). Read the data into R: dat <- read.table("ccexpdata.txt", header=T, sep="\t") Objective: find transcription factor binding sites implicated in the cell cycle. How do we search for these binding sites? Where do we begin to search?

6 Linking Gene Expression and Promoters One canonical representation of gene regulation. Genes that are regulated by the same transcriptional program share similar expression patterns. But co-expression does not always imply co-regulation. We look to upstream promoter regions to see if we can elucidate common regular expression patterns. Statistically over-represented patterns are potential transcription binding sites.

7 Building Gene Expression Clusters distMat <- dist(dat, method="euclidean") clustObj <- hclust(distMat) plot(clustObj) How many clusters should we use? cluster.labels <- cutree(clustObj, 15) print(table(cluster.labels)) The cluster distribution looks like: barplot(table(cluster.labels), xlab="Cluster Size", ylab="Frequency")

8 Visualizing Clusters par(mfrow=c(2,4)) for( i in 1:8 ){ titleLab <- paste("Cluster ", i, sep="") <- as.matrix(dat[cluster.labels == i,]) plot([1,], ylim=range(, na.rm=T), type="l", xlab="Time", ylab="Expression", main=titleLab) apply(, 1, lines) } Let's plot the first 8 clusters:

9 par(mfrow=c(2,4)) for( i in 9:15 ){ titleLab <- paste("Cluster ", i, sep="") <- as.matrix(dat[cluster.labels == i,]) plot([1,], ylim=range(, na.rm=T), type="l", xlab="Time", ylab="Expression", main=titleLab) apply(, 1, lines) }

10 Exporting Expression Clusters Write out the gene names in each cluster into a text file: for( i in 1:15 ){ cluster.genes <- row.names(dat)[cluster.labels == i] fileName <- paste("cluster", i, ".txt", sep="") write(cluster.genes, fileName) } Are they there? dir()

11 Retrieving Promoter Sequences Let's focus on Cluster 12. We can retrieve the promoter sequences for these genes using a tool called RSA: When working on yeast genomics, another great resource is:

12 TF Motif Finding Tools MEME AlignACE BioProspector

13 Making Sequence Logos WebLogo SEQLOGO

14 TRANSFAC Database Database on eukaryotic cis-acting regulatory transcription factors. SITE: gives information on (regulatory) transcription factor binding sites within eukaryotic genes. GENE: explanation of the gene where a site (or group of sites) belongs to. FACTOR: describes the proteins binding to these sites. CELL gives brief information about the cellular source of proteins that have been shown to interact with the sites. CELL: gives brief information about the cellular source of proteins that have been shown to interact with the sites. CLASS: contains some background information about the transcription factor classes. MATRIX: gives nucleotide distribution matrices for the binding sites of transcription factors.

15 Public Data Repositories for Gene Expression Studies[0[0] 2701 experiments available. Expression profiles derived from 180 experiments, 112 510 genes available. 3916 expression platforms. 174 783 samples.

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