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Why, why, why DELILA…? Releasing information and digital literacy content to support trainee teachers in higher education Catherine Robertson – University.

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Presentation on theme: "Why, why, why DELILA…? Releasing information and digital literacy content to support trainee teachers in higher education Catherine Robertson – University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why, why, why DELILA…? Releasing information and digital literacy content to support trainee teachers in higher education Catherine Robertson – University of Birmingham

2 Who/what is DELILA? Developing Educators Learning and Information Literacy for Accreditation PGCert could make use of generic Information and Digital Literacy material JISC/HEA funded as part of the OMAC strand – oer/phase2?tabIndex=2&#tab3 oer/phase2?tabIndex=2&#tab3 LSE lead – Jane Secker UoB partner – Nancy Graham

3 Aims and objectives To provide a model of embedded digital and information literacy support into teacher training at higher education level; To release a small sample of open educational resources to support embedding digital and information literacy education into institutional teacher training courses accredited by the HEA including PGCerts and other CPD courses; To customise local repositories to provide access to these resources.

4 Work packages 1. IL Audit 2. Mapping of digital/information literacy to HEA framework 3. Review of content to ensure content can be made open 4. Conversion of material to appropriate format (licensing etc) 5. Repository customisation 6. Deposit of content 7. Dissemination and publicity 8. Quality control and evaluation

5 Work package 2 UKPSF standards Sconul 7 pillars DL framework Enhance value of material and increase likelihood of reuse

6 How OERs are used now - LSE Teaching and Learning Centre run the Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCert) In 2010, the PGCert was revised to embed elements of digital and information literacy 5 modules in total – 3 needed for Associate level and 5 needed for Fellowship of HEA Portfolio contains: – Mapping grid to show where specific elements of PSF are addressed in portfolio LSE worked examples

7 LSE - Worked example 1

8 How OERs will be used - UoB Library Services Subject Advisors used to develop and run optional sessions in PGCert teaching. Participants focused on compulsory elements and attendance dropped off. Working with PGCert Co-ordinator to discuss indivudla modules and how existing leanring objects can be used to enhance the PGCert. PGCert is run by the Centre for Learning and Academic Development (CLAD) 2 Modules – Module 1 (20 credits) = Associate – Module 2 (40 credits) = Fellowship Portfolio contains evidence that learning outcomes have been met but isn’t directly mapped to the UKPSF UoB worked examples

9 UoB – Worked example 1

10 Worked examples Worked examples: – Follow a template – overview; resources available; format; credits/hours; which parts of IL/DL frameworks met; which parts of UKPSF met; module breakdown – LSE Already has material embedded in their PGCert Worked example has timings etc – Bham Doesn’t have material embedded in PGCert Used generic material which fitted nicely with existing modules in PGCert

11 Impact on academic practice DELILA also covers other aspects of digital and information literacy which isn’t covered in the PGCert Audit highlighted material that would be useful (eg copyright training) Resources linked directly to PGCert will be converted as a priority but we aim to do all identified as useful Promote existing resources to academics for re-use Planning for further integration

12 Impact on academic practice (2) Academics who teach need to understand IL and DL Resources can be shared in their classes to spread DL and IL to students Will highlight the uses of OERs and reusable learning objects. Creating a workflow ensuring an object is an OER

13 Lesson learned

14 Questions?

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