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Approximating Optimal Binary Decision Trees Brent Heeringa (joint work with Micah Adler) 18 November 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Approximating Optimal Binary Decision Trees Brent Heeringa (joint work with Micah Adler) 18 November 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Approximating Optimal Binary Decision Trees Brent Heeringa (joint work with Micah Adler) 18 November 2005

2 Question: àI am thinking of a computer scientist. Which one? àRule: Ask YES/NO questions from a finite set Q

3 Q1: MIT Professor?

4 Q1: MIT Professor? YES Q1 YES NO

5 Q1: MIT Professor? YES Q2: Author of a popular CS text? Q1 YES NO

6 Q1: MIT Professor? YES Q2: Author of a popular CS text? YES Q1 YES NO Q2 YES NO

7 Q1: MIT Professor? YES Q2: Author of a popular CS text? YES Q1 YES NO Q2 YES NO

8 Q1: MIT Professor? YES Q2: Author of a popular CS text? YES Q3: Inventor of RSA? Q1 YES NO Q2 YES NO

9 Q1: MIT Professor? YES Q2: Author of a popular CS text? YES Q3: Inventor of RSA? NO Q1 YES NO Q2 YES NO

10 Decision Tree Problem (DT) àInput: A set X=(x 1,…,x n ) of binary strings (called items) ßEach item has exactly m-bits ßE.g. if m=5 then x i might be 10011 àSolution: A binary tree with n leaves ßEach internal node indexes some bit k Þ partitions items into two groups ßEach item is a leaf (n leaves total) àCost: Total Sum of Leaf Depths àOptimal Solution: DT with minimum cost k 0 1

11 Example: 11110 10111 11010 01101 3 01 11010 01101 0 1 1 2 0 10111 1 11110 1 2 33 Cost: 1 + 2 + 3 + 3 = 9

12 Example: 11110 10111 11010 01101 3 01 11010 01101 0 1 1 2 0 10111 1 11110 1 2 33 4 3 2+ 9

13 Example: 11110 10111 11010 01101 5 01 1101001101 01 1 1011111110 2 Cost: 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 OPTIMAL! 0 1 3 222

14 Alternative Cost 11110 10111 11010 01101 5 01 1101001101 01 1 1011111110 2 0 1 3 222 4 + 2 + 2 = 8

15 Decision Trees àDecision Trees (DT) model many natural tasks in ßMedical Diagnosis ßExperiment Design àDT is the the 20-questions problem àDT is NP-Complete ßReduction from Set Cover (Exact Cover by 3 Sets) Þ[Hyafill and Rivest - 1975]

16 Outline àProblem Introduction àA Greedy Approximation Algorithm for DT àAn Analysis of the Greedy Algorithm ß ln n-approximation àOther Results and Open Problems

17 A Greedy DT Algorithm 01101 10001 11101 11110 10111 11010 ? IDEA: Always choose bit which most evenly partitions items 01

18 A Greedy DT Algorithm 01101 10001 11101 11110 10111 11010 4 IDEA: Always choose bit which most evenly partitions the items 01 01101 10001 1110111110 10111 11010

19 A Greedy DT Algorithm 4 IDEA: Always choose bit which most evenly partitions items 01 11101 11110 10111 11010 1 01101 2 10001 01101 10001 11101 11110 10111 11010

20 A Greedy DT Algorithm 4 IDEA: Always choose bit which most evenly partitions items 01 11101 11010 1 01101 2 10001 01101 10001 11101 11110 10111 11010 10111 2 11110 3

21 A Greedy DT Algorithm IDEA: Always choose bit which most evenly partitions items GREEDY-DT(X) If X=Ø Return NIL Else k  index of the bit most evenly separating X T  new tree node T[left]  GREEDY-DT({X | X(k)=0}) T[right]  GREEDY-DT({X | X(k)=1}) Return T

22 Optimal vs. Greedy a bc h eb cdfg a Optimal Tree T*Greedy Tree T Cost(T)=26 Cost(T*)=25 deh fg

23 Outline àProblem Introduction àA Greedy Approximation Algorithm for DT àAn Analysis of the Greedy Algorithm ß (ln n+1)-approximation àOther Results and Open Problems

24 Approximation Algorithm Review àMinimization Problem àC = cost given by approximation algorithm àC opt = cost of optimal solution  -approximation:  may be a function of the input size – n

25 Analysis Outline àAccounting Scheme ßEach pair of items {x i, x j } is separated exactly once in any decision tree Þ True for Greedy and Optimal ßDistribute cost of the Greedy tree among item pairs àAnalyze cost of greedy tree w.r.t. structure of optimal tree Theorem: The greedy algorithm yields a tree with cost at most a factor of (ln n +1) more than the optimal tree

26 Definitions and Notation àConsider each pair of items {x i,x j } àS ij separates x i from x j àS ij : set of items that are children àS ij + and S ij - child sets respectively à|S ij + | ≥ |S ij - | à|S ij | = |S ij + | + |S ij - | xixi S ij S ij - S ij + xjxj Greedy Tree T

27 Accounting Method xixi S ij S ij - S ij + xjxj Greedy Tree T àAssign cost c ij to each pair of items {x i,x j }  Distribute |S ij | equally among the |S ij + ||S ij - | pairs of items split at S ij àc ij =

28 xixi 2 4 xjxj Greedy Tree T àAssign cost c ij to each pair of items {x i,x j }  Distribute |S ij | equally among the |S ij + ||S ij - | pairs of items split at S ij àc ij = àExample:  |S ij |= 6 |S ij + |= 4 |S ij - |= 2 ß {a,f} = {c,e} = c ij = 6/8 = 3/4 6 Accounting Method {a,b,c,d,e,f} {a,b,c,d}{e,f}

29 Greedy Tree Cost xixi S ij S ij - S ij + xjxj Greedy Tree T Cost of Greedy Tree T: Free to order pair costs in any way we like!

30 Reorder c ij according to T* xixi Z Z-Z- Z+Z+ xjxj Free to order pair costs in any way we like! Optimal Tree T *

31 A Lemma xixi Z Z-Z- Z+Z+ xjxj Optimal Tree T * Lemma: For any node Z in T*

32 Prove of the Theorem xixi Z Z-Z- Z+Z+ xjxj Optimal Tree T * (lemma) (|Z| ≤ n) (Def of tree cost) (CLRS) Lemma: For any node Z in T*

33 Proving the Lemma Lemma: For any node Z in T* xixi S ij S ij - S ij + xjxj Greedy Tree T Goal: Relate pair cost (defined w.r.t. greedy tree) to the optimal tree Claim 1:

34 Proving the Lemma Lemma: For any node Z in T* xixi S ij S ij Z- S ij Z+ xjxj Greedy Tree T Claim 1:

35 Proving the Lemma Lemma: For any node Z in T* Claim 1: xixi S ij S ij Z- S ij Z+ Greedy Tree T xjxj

36 Claim 2 (claim 1) Claim 2: For any Z in T *, for any x i in Z + :

37 Proof of Claim 2 Claim 2: For any Z in T *, for any x i in Z + : Z - = {a, b, c, d, e, f} Order Z from 1 to 6 according to when x j is split from x i When t th item is split from x i, |S ij  Z - | ≥ 6-t+1 xixi a,b c d,e f S i1 S i2 S i3 S i4 S i5 |S i2 | ≥ 6 |S i3 | ≥ 4 |S i4 | ≥ 3 |S i4 | ≥ 1 Greedy Tree T

38 Wrapping up the Proof: (claim 1) Claim 2: For any Z in T *, for any x i in Z + : Lemma: For any node Z in T*

39 Wrapping up the Proof: (claim 1) Claim 2: For any Z in T *, for any x j in Z - : Lemma: For any node Z in T*

40 Wrapping up the Proof: (claim 1) Lemma: For any node Z in T* QED (claim 2)

41 Outline àProblem Introduction àA Greedy Approximation Algorithm for DT àAn Analysis of the Greedy Algorithm ß (ln n +1)-approximation àOther Results and Open Problems

42 DT has no PTAS unless P=NP àMAX3SAT5 [Feige]: ß 3CNF; each literal appears in exactly 5 clauses ßThm: There exists a universal constant  > 0 such that it is NP-Hard to distinguish 3SAT5 formula that are satisfiable and those in which at most (1-  )|C| clauses are simultaneously satisfied. àGap preserving reduction from MAX3SAT5 to DT ßVia a set cover

43 DT has no PTAS unless P=NP All clauses satisfied: Cost:

44 DT has no PTAS unless P=NP At most (1-  )|C| clauses satisfied: Cost:

45 The ConDT Problem: àInput: A set X=(x 1,…,x n ) of m-bit binary strings (called items) ßEach item x i has a label TRUE or FALSE àSolution: A binary tree ßEach internal node is a bit k; each leaf is a label ßThe tree correctly labels each item (consistent) àCost: Total number of leaves àOptimal Solution: Consistent decision tree with minimum number of leaves àNot possible to approx. size s DTs with size s k DTs (for any constant k) unless NP is in DTIME[2 m  ] for some  < 1

46 Open Problems àGap in approximation ratios between lower and upper bounds ßTechniques from ConDT don’t work àItems with weights ßTests with weights ßMinimize:

47 Fin

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