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Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 The arXiv eprint archive CS520 guest lecture Simeon Warner

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1 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 The arXiv eprint archive CS520 guest lecture Simeon Warner (

2 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 What is arXiv? Eprint - lots of meanings, here: pre-print, post-print, no-print, refereed or un- refereed, openly accessible via internet 230,000 papers (35k/year, ~150/day) Mostly physics, some math and cs Mostly TeX/LaTeX source Automated PS/PDF production 17 mirror sites world-wide, nightly update Secondary submission site in Lyon, France

3 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 Full-text downloads/week

4 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 History 1992 - hep-th created (email reflector, messages were saved). ~200 users. 1992 - ftp interface. hep-ph… added 1993 - web interface 1994 - data on remote sites moved to main site, they become mirrors 1995 - automatic PS from TeX 1996 - PDF generation, mirror network grows 2003 - ~70,000 users

5 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 Not often cited as HCI exemplar

6 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 Submission form

7 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 Submission methods

8 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 Submissions to different areas

9 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 Why is cs archive failing? Why are physics/math working?  Strong pre-print culture in physics  Active promotion from inside communities CS less TeX based CS has stronger homepage culture? CS has Citeseer (aka ResearchIndex) CS researchers hate arXiv interface? CS has more conference publication?  LESSON: Can’t apply `one size fits all’

10 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 Different habits in CS (1)

11 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 Different habits in CS (2)

12 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 Current problems at arXiv Too much admin time  150 new/day, 30 replacements/day Inappropriate submissions  Encouraged by arXiv’s popularity  Should be “peer reviewable” quality  Must be appropriate to subject areas Copyright PS/PDF  Don’t (can’t?) automatically detect Submission size  (otherwise) good tools produce bloated figures

13 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 Discipline-Based Repositories, Institutional Repositories, Open Access… Driven by cost, ideology, self-promotion… arXiv is exemplar archive  Largest, best-known, discipline based  Need open archiving Current interest in institutional repositories  Slice the other way to disciple based  Coexist? Metadata sharing - OAI  Essential infrastructure for more disperse model than arXiv

14 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 Publishers and Peer-Review Peer-reviewed publication necessary for academic rewarding (promotion, tenure, prestige)  System slow to change Physics publishers accept/live-with arXiv  Can even submit to journals via arXiv  Not true in chemistry/biology Peer-review costs ~$500/paper  Where would that come from without subscriptions?

15 Simeon Warner - 21 April 2003 Resources arXiv: Front (interface to math arXiv): Algebraic Geometry and Topology (arXiv overlay journal) OAI: BOAI:

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