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Fivepoint Voiceture Sign Language Translator Bridging the communication gap.

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Presentation on theme: "Fivepoint Voiceture Sign Language Translator Bridging the communication gap."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fivepoint Voiceture Sign Language Translator Bridging the communication gap

2 Vision statement To become the world leader in sign language translation products

3 About Us ● four engineering students (4 th year) from SFU – Ganesh Swami (President and CEO) – David Brayden (VP, R&D) – Phoenix Yuan (COO) – Kjell Eggen (CTO)

4 Agenda ● Problem overview ● Voiceture solution overview ● Design Implementation ● Market analysis ● Business model ● Product demonstration

5 Problem communication between a deaf/mute person and an English speaking person deaf and mute people depend on translators

6 Solution ● Integrated hardware and software solution ● Innovative algorithms ● Economical ● Portable

7 System Overview Key Features ● Adaptive ● Platform portable ● Requires minimal setup

8 System Implementation

9 Sensor PCB

10 Main Software flow

11 Technology ● bend sensors – Strain gauge – One per finger detect finger position – economical – reliable – Low profile

12 Technology ● sophisticated pattern recognition algorithm ● gaussian statistics ● adapts to the users specific gestures ● 7D statistical sample space

13 Detection Algorithm

14 Business model ● Product – Marketable product for sign language translation – One time non-recurring cost ($400-$500) ● technology licensing – Customized solutions to meet specific customer needs (i.e. teaching institutions)

15 Market position ● Segmentation – teaching aid – replaces human translator (up to $70USD/hr!) ● Competition – image recognition

16 Project Cost

17 Timeline

18 Prototype Status ● 16 / 24 letters with greater than ~80% accuracy ● remaining letters working with less accuracy ● resolution of the glove not to specifications ● thumb sensor not sufficient

19 Voiceture Demo Bridging the communication gap

20 Conclusion ● unique solution to a real world problem

21 Conclusion ● unique solution to a real world problem ● first of its kind

22 Conclusion ● unique solution to a real world problem ● first of its kind ● practical and economical

23 Conclusion ● unique solution to a real world problem ● first of its kind ● practical and economical ● enrich the lives of many people

24 Fivepoint Voiceture Sign Language Translator Bridging the communication gap Questions?

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