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Cornell/CNRI Repository Interoperability Project Interoperability Meeting February 24, 1999.

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Presentation on theme: "Cornell/CNRI Repository Interoperability Project Interoperability Meeting February 24, 1999."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cornell/CNRI Repository Interoperability Project Interoperability Meeting February 24, 1999

2 Cornell/CNRI Repository Goals Open architecture Interoperable digital objects and repositories Flexible notions of content while ensuring interoperability Extensible, community-driven content types Complex aggregations of distributed content Rights management - leverage existing/future schemes

3 CNRI/Cornell Interoperability Project Developed Joint Interface Definition  agreement on all conceptual abstractions  merger of RAP and FEDORA IDL Separate repository implementations  CNRI using Visigenics ORB  Cornell using Iona’s OrbixWeb ORB Test collections of Digital Objects  CNRI - Library Congress materials (books, journals, photographs, speeches)  Cornell - NCSTRL research collections

4 Project History Kahn/Wilensky Warwick Framework Distributed Active Relationships CNRI Repository (Arms, Blanchi, Overly) Cornell FEDORA (Lagoze, Payette) RAP/FEDORA - joint model and IDL RAP/FEDORA - Interoperability Testing RAP/FEDORA - Access Management DLI2

5 Insert CNRI Repository Slides

6 Cornell: FEDORA Repository Service  core service to provide a reliable and secure means to store and disseminate digital content  interoperability with other CRADDL services Digital Object Model  container for aggregating any digital material  disseminations of complex content types with rights management  global extensibility mechanisms Part of broader effort to develop a component-ware digital library architecture

7 application/ MARC DS 1 application/ postscript DS 2 Primitive Disseminator Cornell/CNRI Digital Object Model Book, DublinCore ListContentTypes Book Disseminator DublinCore Disseminator GetDissemination (Book.GetPage(1)) GetChapter GetTOC GetPage GetChapter(n), GetTOC(), etc. GetMethods(Book)

8 Digital Object Extensibility: Adding New Content Types MechanismStructure Interface Book The same underlying data... Book can be operated on in novel ways… Photo Collection to create new disseminations not originally conceived of for the particular digital object. Photo Collect

9 How Achieve Content-Type Extensibility? application/ MARC DC servlet application/ postscript DublinCore Record GetDissemination( GetDCRecord) DC CTID = URN DC1 DC signature GetDCField GetDCRecord DC MethodList Signature Disseminator URN DC DC Mechanism Servlet Disseminator URN DC1 Digital Object attains its extended content-type behaviors through association and delegation

10 Registration and Proliferation of Content Types A content type becomes registered when the URN of the DigitalObject that disseminates its signature is registered (in a DL name service) A content type becomes usable when the URN of the DigitalObject that disseminates its servlet is registered Other DigitalObjects can utilize content types by referencing these URNs.

11 CNRI/Cornell Interoperability Experiments IT0: Fundamental Communication  Inter-ORB communication  IDL recognition: request invocation; proper return types  STATUS: Success (October 1998) IT1: Functional Interoperability  create/access DigitalObjects in each repository  execution of all operations per specification  STATUS: Success (December 1998)

12 CNRI/Cornell Interoperability Experiments IT2: Content-Type Servlet Interoperability  implementation of new Servlet API  dynamic loading and running of remote servlets  integration of CNRI’s Handle System  STATUS: In Progress (Completion March 1, 1999) IT3: Scalability  logical interoperability tests  complex objects from Library of Congress, NCSTRL  STATUS: Planned (Completion April 1, 1999)

13 Planned Research Scale up: demonstrate complex content types and servlets with CNRI and LC Integration of new community- developed content types (e.g., MOA2) Access Management Reliability, security, integrity (DLI2 - CS/Cornell University Library)

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