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Data Modeling ISYS 464. Database Design Process Conceptual database design: –The process of creating a data model independent of implementation details.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Modeling ISYS 464. Database Design Process Conceptual database design: –The process of creating a data model independent of implementation details."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Modeling ISYS 464

2 Database Design Process Conceptual database design: –The process of creating a data model independent of implementation details such as the target database model and physical considerations. Logical database design: –The process of designing database logical structure based on a specific database model (such as relational model), but independent of a particular DBMS and physical considerations. Physical database design: –The process of implementing the database on a secondary storage.

3 Requirements Collection and Analysis The process of collecting and analyzing information about the organization that is to be supported by the database system, and use this information to identify the requirements for the new system.

4 User Views A user view defines what is required of a database system in terms of the data to be held and transactions to be performed on the data from the perspective of a particular job role or enterprise application area. Identifying user views helps to ensure that no major users of the database are forgotten when developing the requirements for the new database system.

5 Fact-Finding Techniques Examining documentation –Defining problem and need for database: Internal memos, minutes of meetings, documents that describe the problem, organizational chart –Describe the current system: Various types of flowcharts and diagrams, data dictionary, database system design, program documentation Interviewing Observing the enterprise in operation Questionnaires

6 Conceptual Database Design Methodology Identify entity types. Identity relationship types between the entity types. Identify and associate attributes with entity or relationship types. Determine attribute domains. Determine candidate keys and primary key. Validate conceptual model: –Check for redundancy, support required transactions, review the model with user

7 Entity-Relationship Diagram ER modeling is a top-down approach to database design that begins by identifying the entities and relationships between entities that must be represented in the model.

8 Entity Type A group of objects with the same properties. –Physical existence: Customer, student, product, etc. –Conceptual existence: Bank accounts, sale Diagrammatic representation: –A rectangle labeled with the name of the entity.

9 Relationship Type A relationship type is a set of associations between one or more participating entity types. Degree of relationship: –The number of participating entity types in a relationship. Binary Ternary

10 Three kinds of Binary Relationship 1:1 1:M M:M Notations: –0..1, 1..1 –0..*, 1..* –3..5

11 Traditional ERD Notations Student Account Faculty Course Has 11 Enroll MM Advise M 1 Teach M 1

12 UML ERD Notations Student Account Faculty Course Has 1..1 Teach 1..*1..1 Enroll 0..* Advise 0..* 1..1

13 Recursive Relationship A relationship type where the same entity type participates more than once in different roles. Examples: –Employee – Supervise -- Employee –Student -- Tutor– Student –Faculty – Evaluate -- Faculty

14 Employee Supervise Supervisor Superviswee Employee Supervise

15 Attributes Properties of an entity or a relationship. Simple and composite attributes –Address:Street address, City, State, ZipCode –Street Address: Number, Street, Apt# Single-valued and multi-valued attributes –Student’s Major attribute –Faculty’s DegreeEarned attribute –Vehicle’s Color attribute –Others: PhoneNumber, EmailAddress Derived attributes Keys –Candidate key, primary key, composite key

16 Student SID {PK} Sname Fname Lname Address Street City State Zip Phone[1..3] Sex DateOfBirth /Age

17 Student SID Sname FnameLname Phone DateOfBirth Age

18 Domains of Attributes The set of allowable values for one or more attributes. Input validation Examples: –Sex: F, M –EmpHourlyWage: Between 6 and 300 –EmpName: 50 charcters

19 Attributes on Relationship Examples: –Student/Course: Grade –Order/Product: Quantity –Product/Country: Date, Quantity

20 Enroll 0..* Student SID Course CID Grade StudentCourse Enroll M M Grade

21 Problems with ER Models Connection Traps Fan traps: Where a model represents a relationship between entity types, but the pathway between certain entity occurrences is ambiguous StaffDivision Branch Has Oversees 1..* 1..1 1..* Which branch does Peter work? Division Branch Oversees 1..* 1..1 Staff Has 1..* 1..1

22 Chasm Traps Where a model suggests the existence of a relationship between entity types, but the pathway does not exist between certain entity occurrences. Branch Staff 1..* 1..1 Has PropertyFor Rent Oversees 0..10..* Which properties are available at each branch?

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