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Student Support Services University College of Borås Why do some first-year students fail in their academic studies -can Student Support Services do anything.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Support Services University College of Borås Why do some first-year students fail in their academic studies -can Student Support Services do anything."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Support Services University College of Borås Why do some first-year students fail in their academic studies -can Student Support Services do anything to help? Ingela Högberg and Kerstin Holmeros Skoglund Reports and publications, University College of Borås, 2007: 2

2 Photo: Anna Sigge


4 The Swedish School of Library and Information Sciences School of Engineering School of Health Sciences School of Education and Behavioural Sciences School of Business and Informatics Swedish School of Textiles Library & Learning Resources Student Support Services Central Administration University College of Borås

5 Student Support Services Student Councellors Career Councellor International Coordinator Social Councellor Student Nurse Student Priest Maths Support IT support Speech & Presentation Skills /Communication Swedish as a Second Language Language Lab/ Swedish, SSL, English Reading & Writing Disabilities /Dyslexia

6 Purposes of our survey Relations between study results, need of, access to and use of Student Support Services Personal and organizational reasons for failure Future development of SSS according to the FYE-concept Comparison with the national Student Mirror Survey Age, gender and nationality

7 Number of students and respondents at the different schools Schools no. respond. School of Business and Informatics 59 26 School of Engineering 52 26 School of Education and Behavioural Sciences 17 7 The Swedish School of Library and Information Sciences 14 10 School of Health Sciences 5 2 The Swedish School of Textiles 1 1 ___________________________________________________________ Total 148 72

8 Credits N.B. Required amount of credits a year is 40/60 _______________________________________________ Credits Numbers 1-5 9 6-10 18 11-15 18 16-20 27 _______________________________________________ Total 72

9 Reasons to why you did not take 40 credits during your first year -organizational reasons

10 Reasons to why you did not take 40 credits during your first year -personal reasons

11 Study hours/week -a comparison with students at UCB* and the Student Mirror Survey (2007) in percent ________________________________________________________ Student Mirror UCB* % students % study hours/week 1 0 0 8 3 1 - 5 9 13 6 - 10 10 2 11 - 15 12 3 16 - 20 16 8 21 - 25 17 27 26 - 30 25 45 more than 30 ______________________________________________________________________ * Calculation based on the 6220 students in the Student Mirror and the 72 respondents in our survey.

12 Number of working hours/week –a comparison with students at UCB and the Student Mirror Survey (2007) in percent Student Mirror UCB Work % students % no hour/week 50 47 (34)* 0 answered “no” 14 4 (3) 1 – 5 10 17 (12) 6 – 10 7 10 (7) 11 – 15 5 8 (6) 16 – 20 3 0 (0) 21 – 25 2 7 (5) 26 – 30 9 7 (5) more than 30 __________________________________________________________________ * Numbers in brackets = number of respondents

13 UCB has some supporting activities. Are you aware of them? Have you consulted them?

14 Number of students, and number of consultations academic year 2005- 2006 at the UCB in whole ___________________________________________________ Support No. students No. consultations Reading and writing disab./dyslexia 74 345 Voice, speech, communication 92 450 Swedish as a second language ca 46 ca 190 Maths support * ca 700 Student priest ca 75 ca 185 Student nurse 152 193 Social Councellor 139 350 Study Counsellor - central * * Study Counsellor - faculties * * Total _________________________ 578 ___________ 2413 __________ * No statistics available from this period.

15 Are you still studying at UCB? If not, what are you doing now?

16 Most Striking Results Dominating numbers of male students under the age of 25 Most respondents have Swedish as their first language

17 Conclusion Better knowledge of reasons for failure Student Support Services play an IMPORTANT part in helping some students succeed YES, we can help!

18 Thank you for listening!


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