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SOSC 103D Social Inequality in HK Lecture 2: Concepts of inequality.

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Presentation on theme: "SOSC 103D Social Inequality in HK Lecture 2: Concepts of inequality."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOSC 103D Social Inequality in HK Lecture 2: Concepts of inequality

2 L2: 11.09.06 Concepts of Inequality Social Differentiation –A necessary precondition for inequality –All individuals are different in terms of: Biological characteristics Personality Attitudes Social roles Experiences –Principle Assets: the basis of inequality

3 L2: 11.09.06 Social Ordering –Individuals are placed in relation to one another (through comparison) –Scale of differences Social Ranking/ Evaluation –Apply meaning to the differences and the order –Making judgment on how people should be ranked –Prestige/ honor & Privilege Concepts of inequality (cont’)

4 L2: 11.09.06 Concepts of inequality (cont’) Social Stratification –Strata: Class, Status groups, etc. –A hardened and institutionalized hierarchical arrangement –A system of social relationships that determines who get what and why Social Mobility –Individuals move up and down the hierarchy –The way people leave and enter certain strata

5 L2: 11.09.06 Understanding a Stratification System Historical Approach Comparative Approach Basic Parameters Rigidity (normative closed vs open divisions) Ascriptive Processes (method of status or class placement: ascription vs achievement) Legitimation (justify the stratification system) Forms of Inequality (economic, status, power) Degree of Inequality (comparative level)

6 L2: 11.09.06 Varieties of Stratification System (cont’)

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