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Positive Living Positive Teaching Presented by Kim Sherwood.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Living Positive Teaching Presented by Kim Sherwood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Living Positive Teaching Presented by Kim Sherwood

2 Be aware of your thoughts, for your thoughts become your words. Be aware of your words, for your words become your actions. Be aware of your actions, for your actions become your habits. Be aware of our habits, for your habits become your character. Be aware of your character, for your character becomes your destiny. Author Unknown

3 What’s Your Self Talk ? ?  Self talk is happening all of the time –It is either positive or negative –Must identify your talk and control it or it will control you –Worrying is negative self talk and leads to negative goal setting

4 Attitude  Attitude can be defined as your reaction to your environment  Your attitude is created by your self talk  Your attitude is contagious to all around you---- Positive or Negative  Your attitude is directly related to your self- esteem (your estimate of your worth) –There is a direct relationship between self-esteem and performance

5 It’s Not The Journey It’s The Destination It’s all right to start intimidated, but don’t stay there You must have a vision of where you want to be and what you expect to be like when you are there

6 Have The Vision  You must have the vision of what you want-----This is your tool for change –What’s your ideal workplace? –You have to PICTURE it, FEEL it FEEL it READ it READ it –Once you have the vision, get the goal

7 Setting The Goal  Goal Setting –Causes a problem for your mind –A good problem, that your subconscious will try to solve –Goals must be reset- ---(if Fri 3pm is your goal....) is your goal....) –It’s only when you continually reset your goals that you will cause change and grow

8 Prepare your Mind For: The Interview  You have to believe it  You have to visualize it  You have to see it as Your Reality

9 Children may forget what you say, but they will never forget how you make them feel.

10 Be Sure That Your School Is A Positive Talk Zone Zone Feel IT-Hear It- Be Part Of It

11 What will my classroom be?  Let your classroom be the one that makes that kid get out of bed in the morning to see what’s happening next  Envision how you want your classroom to be and then set your plan in place to make it happen.

12 Success in teaching depends partly on what you know and partly on what methods you use, but most of all it depends on who you are. Success in teaching depends partly on what you know and partly on what methods you use, but most of all it depends on who you are. A teacher’s belief about students as persons of worth who can learn and profit from an education are more important than any combination of content and education courses. A teacher’s belief about students as persons of worth who can learn and profit from an education are more important than any combination of content and education courses. –Lounsbury’s Points to Ponder

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