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Leadership Begins With You by Mary Morgan Riley, PH.D. Susanti Kee Summer 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Begins With You by Mary Morgan Riley, PH.D. Susanti Kee Summer 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Begins With You by Mary Morgan Riley, PH.D. Susanti Kee Summer 2001

2 Three Rules Everyone Contributes No Put-downs Keep Agreements

3 Everyone Contributes What is Contribution? - Contribute means to add value to support, advance, promote, provide, bestow, furnish, give or donate. - Knowing your position in your field.

4 Everyone Contributes Cont’ How to contribute effectively? - Recognize the importance of contribution because it carries with it a responsibility to effectively communicate well-stated goals and to align those goals with commonly desired outcomes.

5 No Put-Downs What is Put-Downs? - Criticism without hope What is the impact? - Damage the energy in a group and create an atmosphere of hostility and resentment. - Possibly take you away from knowing your own strength, deprive you to reach your path, and to cause depression that can lead to commit suicide.

6 No Put-Downs Cont’ How to overcome Put-Downs? - By putting the eight steps effective listening that can shift the disappointment to empowerment into one’s personal application.

7 No Put-Downs Cont’ What are the Eight Step Effective Listening? - paying attention by not interrupting - summarizing with your own words - acknowledging your partners’ feelings - asking questions - suggestions - presenting your position - following up - thanking the person.

8 Keep Agreements Why keeping agreement is important? - Be able to keep agreement will generate trust and is the key to leadership. - “Be impeccable with your word. Your word is the power that you have to create,” said Don Miguel Ruiz.

9 Keep Agreements Cont’ How to use this rule effectively? - Making agreement that you can keep. - Informing other party immediately if you can not make it. - Approaching the situation if you forgot the agreement.

10 Bees with Three Rules Bees - work in organize and systematize rules. Rule 1: automatically gather nectar, distribute pollen, create more bees, and make a new queen if one dies. Rule 2: don’t have to prevent sabotage since no one acts in blaming, gossiping, procrastinating, creating chaos, stealing, abusing-substances, building empires, and withholding useful information between one another. Rule 3: follow the rules without no one telling this to them.

11 Singapore with Three Rules Singapore - a success country that has followed it’s own rules. Rule 1: does not allow anyone to spit or chew gum or drive a car that is more than ten years old, thus the streets are clean because everybody contributes. Rule 2: shows a harmony nationalities and religions environment since no put-down is allowed between one another. Rule 3: everybody keeps agreement and as the outcome Singapore has become an extremely clean and prosperous and visibly integrates the major religions and nationalities of the world.

12 You with Three Rules Determining who you are. - in family: son, daughter, mom, dad. - in work place: regular employee, mid-manager, manager, CEO, president, owner, stock holder, baby-boomer (x generation), old generation (y generation), millennial (1982-2002). - in society: friend, best friend, co-worker, spiritual leader.

13 You with Three Rules Cont’ Determining your goal. Communicate your mission. What is your personal motivation. How to have everybody contribute. How to create the positive environment. How to keep everybody in the agreement.

14 Me with the Three Rules I am a daughter in a family. My goal is to keep my apartment clean and tidy. I explain to my family that cleanness and tidiness are very important because these are one of the home sweet home environment. My personal motivation is to have everybody follow these rules. No contribution, no expectation.

15 Me with the Three Rules Cont’ Always thank them for the good works they have done. If they break the rules, listen to their reasons and give suggestions. Have them and their guests to enjoy these clean and tidy environment, so they will follow these rules with enjoyment.

16 Conclusion “Most of the tools for the rules are geared toward a private, personal use of the rules simultaneously with taking them to the workgroup. If we need to wait until we have mastered the Three Rules to take them to our workplace, we will never get it done. We can jump-start the Three Rules today if we are willing to work on them privately and simultaneously with the asking of others.”

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