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Karl A. Smith Civil Engineering University of Minnesota

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1 Pedagogies for Diversity: Preparing Students for an Interdependent World
Karl A. Smith Civil Engineering University of Minnesota Provost’s Luncheon Seminar California State University – Dominguez Hills October 25, 2005

2 Pegadogies of Engagement: Using Cognitive Science to Design Instruction for Diverse Learners
“If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.” President John F. Kennedy, Commencement Address, American University, June 10, 1963. Cited in Harlan Cleveland, Nobody in charge: Essays on the future of leadership, Jossey-Bass, 2002. Making the classroom safe for diversity – what do we know: we know that putting students in close proximity without changing the way they meet and interact doesn’t reduce prejudice (in fact it may increase it). We know that a received education doesn’t affect change nearly to the extent that a claimed education does (Adrienne Rich) in a 1977 commencement address

3 Age of Interdependence
Tom Boyle of British Telecom calls this the age of interdependence; he speaks of the importance of people’s NQ, or network quotient – their capacity to form connections with one another, which, Boyle argues is now more important than IQ, the measure of individual intelligence. Cohen, Don & Prusak, Laurence In good company: How social capital makes organizations work. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

4 Horizontalize Platform for Collaboration (1st Three Flatteners):
11/9/89 8/9/95 Work Flow Software Horizontalize NYTimes MAGAZINE April 3, 2005 It's a Flat World, After All By THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN Video – Think Global Series: 11/9/89 Wall came down & 6 months later Windows came up. 8/9/95 Netscape went public. Work Flow – next 6 are new forms of collaboration The global economic playing field is being flattened. Globalization 1.0 – countries, 2.0 companies, Globalization 3.0 individual and small groups can go global and they’re not going to be entirely White westerners.

5 The great question of this new century is whether the age of interdependence is going to be good or bad for humanity. The answer depends upon whether we in the wealthy nations spread the benefits and reduce the burdens of the modern world, on whether the poor nations enact the changes necessary to make progress possible, and on whether we all can develop a level of consciousness high enough to understand our obligations and responsibilities to each other.

6 JD Edwards Ad from Time Magazine, 9/00

7 Pedagogies of Engagement
(yeah! The red arrow is pointing at one of our undergrad researchers—Michelle Valeriano)

8 8:30-9:30?Take copies of Active Lrn, HTMI, New Paradigms,
Lila M. Smith

9 8:30-9:30?Take copies of Active Lrn, HTMI, New Paradigms,
Lila M. Smith

10 Foundations for Pedagogies of Engagement
Learning is a social activity (John Dewey) Innovative learning requires ambiguity (Stuart Pugh) All learning requires un-learning (John Seely Brown) Learning is situated (Jean Lave)

11 Foundations - John Dewey
John Dewey’s ideal school: •a “thinking” curriculum aimed at deep understanding •cooperative learning within communities of learners •interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary curricula •projects, portfolios, and other “alternative assessments” that challenged students to integrate ideas and demonstrate their capabilities. Dewey, John The school and society, 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

12 Cooperative Learning •Positive Interdependence •Individual and Group Accountability •Face-to-Face Promotive Interaction •Teamwork Skills •Group Processing

13 Cooperative Learning Research Support
Johnson, D.W., Johnson, R.T., & Smith, K.A Cooperative learning returns to college: What evidence is there that it works? Change, 30 (4), • Over 300 Experimental Studies • First study conducted in 1924 • High Generalizability • Multiple Outcomes Outcomes 1. Achievement and retention 2. Critical thinking and higher-level reasoning 3. Differentiated views of others 4. Accurate understanding of others' perspectives 5. Liking for classmates and teacher 6. Liking for subject areas 7. Teamwork skills Table summarizes my perception of the shift. A version of this table is available in New Paradigms for Engineering Education -- FIE Conf proceedings 97 (avail on the www) One of the most significant changes that has occurred is the shift from "pouring in knowledge" to "creating a climate where learning flows among students and the professor"

14 Small-Group Learning: Meta-analysis
Springer, L., Stanne, M. E., & Donovan, S Effects of small-group learning on undergraduates in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology: A meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research, 69(1), Small-group (predominantly cooperative) learning in postsecondary science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (SMET) reports from 1980 or later, 39 of which met the rigorous inclusion criteria for meta-analysis. The main effect of small-group learning on achievement, persistence, and attitudes among undergraduates in SMET was significant and positive. Mean effect sizes for achievement, persistence, and attitudes were 0.51, 0.46, and 0.55, respectively. Table summarizes my perception of the shift. A version of this table is available in New Paradigms for Engineering Education -- FIE Conf proceedings 97 (avail on the www) One of the most significant changes that has occurred is the shift from "pouring in knowledge" to "creating a climate where learning flows among students and the professor"

15 Strategies for Energizing Large Classes: From Small Groups to
Learning Communities: Jean MacGregor, James Cooper, Karl Smith, Pamela Robinson New Directions for Teaching and Learning, No. 81, 2000. Jossey- Bass

16 The Harvard Assessment Seminars - Richard J. Light
All the specific findings point to, and illustrate, one main idea. It is that students who get the most out of college, who grow the most academically, and who are the happiest, organize their time to include interpersonal activities with faculty members, or with fellow students, built around substantive, academic work. Environmental Factors That Enhance Students= Academic and Personal Development and Satisfaction Alexander Astin in What matters in college: Four critical years revisited. Jossey-Bass, 1993. Student-student interaction Student-faculty interaction A faculty that is very student-oriented Discussing racial/ethnic issues with other students Hours devoted to studying B Time on task Tutoring other students Socializing with students of different race/ethnicity A student body that has high socioeconomic status An institutional emphasis on diversity A faculty that is positive about the general education program A student body that values altruism and social activism

17 Shaping the Future: New Expectations for Undergraduate Education in Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Technology – National Science Foundation, 1996 Goal B All students have access to supportive, excellent undergraduate education in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology, and all students learn these subjects by direct experience with the methods and processes of inquiry. Recommend that SME&T faculty: Believe and affirm that every student can learn, and model good practices that increase learning; starting with the student=s experience, but have high expectations within a supportive climate; and build inquiry, a sense of wonder and the excitement of discovery, plus communication and teamwork, critical thinking, and life-long learning skills into learning experiences.

18 Effective Course Design
(Felder & Brent, 1999) EC 2000 Bloom’s Taxonomy Course-specific goals & objectives Goals and Objectives Classroom assessment techniques Technology Cooperative learning Students Instruction Assessment Other experiences Tests Other measures Lectures Labs

19 Desired Attributes of a Global Engineer*
A multidisciplinary, systems perspective, along with a product focus An awareness of the boundaries of one’s knowledge, along with an appreciation for other areas of knowledge and their interrelatedness with one’s own expertise An awareness of and strong appreciation for other cultures and their diversity, their distinctiveness, and their inherent value A strong commitment to team work, including extensive experience with and understanding of team dynamics High ethical standards (honesty, sense of personal and social responsibility, fairness, etc) An ability to think both critically and creatively, in both independent and cooperative modes *A Manifesto for Global Engineering Education, Summary Report of the Engineering Futures Conference, January 22-23, The Boeing Company & Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

20 Minnesota Studies in International Development (MSID)
MSID-Kenya Site Visit February 2003 30 students studying in Kenya in MSID program

21 Nairobi, Kenya



24 The Country

25 Linnea






31 Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW)

32 Maybe I’m just asking you to pay closer attention to the land
Maya Lin Boundaries I feel I exist on the boundaries Maybe I’m just asking you to pay closer attention to the land

33 Whole Earth, Winter 2002

34 Mitakuye Oyasin "We are all related"
Education is an art of process, participation and making connection. Albert White Hat, Sr. & Cheryl Medearis Sinte Gleska University, Rosebud, SD

35 Safe for Diversity The required solvent for civilization is respect for differences. The art is to be different together. Civilization will be built by cooperation and compassion, in a social climate in which people of different groups can deal with each other in ways that respect their cultural differences. Harlan Cleveland, Nobody in charge: Essays on the future of leadership, Jossey-Bass, 2002.

36 5 changes I'd like to see Take advantage of classroom gatherings for student-student interaction Involve more students in study abroad and other forms of engagement that are well outside their familiarity – Lee Shulman - Goal of Education - make the strange familiar and make the familiar strange. Change the PhD preparation to make it more focused on Scholarly Teaching & SOTL - (UW Re-envisioning the PhD, Woodrow Wilson - Responsive PhD, Carnegie Study of the Doctorate. Study ourselves. Engaged Scholarship. Embrace sustainability - universities should be leading the efforts and studies to develop more sustainable communities and workplaces.

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