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Ewa Deelman, Optimizing for Time and Space in Distributed Scientific Workflows Ewa Deelman University.

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1 Ewa Deelman, Optimizing for Time and Space in Distributed Scientific Workflows Ewa Deelman University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute

2 Ewa Deelman, *The full moon is 0.5 deg. sq. when viewed form Earth, Full Sky is ~ 400,000 deg. sq. Generating mosaics of the sky (Bruce Berriman, Caltech) Size of the mosaic is degrees square* Number of jobs Number of input data files Number of Intermediate files Total data footprint Approx. execution time (20 procs) 1232535881.2GB40 mins 21,4442123,9065.5GB49 mins 44,85674713,06120GB1hr 46 mins 68,5861,44422,85038GB2 hrs. 14 mins 1020,6523,72254,43497GB6 hours

3 Ewa Deelman, Issue How to manage such applications on a variety of resources and distributed resources? Approach Structure the application as a workflow Allow the scientist to describe the application at a high- level Tie the execution resources together Using Condor and/or Globus Provide an automated mapping and execution tool to map the high-level description onto the available resources

4 Ewa Deelman, Specification: Place Y = F(x) at L Find where x is--- {S1,S2, …} Find where F can be computed--- {C1,C2, …} Choose c and s subject to constraints (performance, space availability,….) Move x from s to c Move F to c Compute F(x) at c Move Y from c to L Register Y in data registry Record provenance of Y, performance of F(x) at c Error! c crashed! Error! x was not at s! Error! F(x) failed! Error! there is not enough space at L!

5 Ewa Deelman, Pegasus-Workflow Management System Leverages abstraction for workflow description to obtain ease of use, scalability, and portability Provides a compiler to map from high-level descriptions to executable workflows Correct mapping Performance enhanced mapping Provides a runtime engine to carry out the instructions Scalable manner Reliable manner In collaboration with Miron Livny, UW Madison, funded under NSF-OCI SDCI

6 Ewa Deelman, Pegasus Workflow Management System Condor Schedd Reliable, scalable execution of independent tasks (locally, across the network), priorities, scheduling DAGMan Reliable and scalable execution of dependent tasks Pegasus mapper A decision system that develops strategies for reliable and efficient execution in a variety of environments Cyberinfrastructure: Local machine, cluster, Condor pool, OSG, TeraGrid Abstract Workflow Results

7 Ewa Deelman, Basic Workflow Mapping Select where to run the computations Apply a scheduling algorithm HEFT, min-min, round-robin, random The quality of the scheduling depends on the quality of information Transform task nodes into nodes with executable descriptions Execution location Environment variables initializes Appropriate command-line parameters set Select which data to access Add stage-in nodes to move data to computations Add stage-out nodes to transfer data out of remote sites to storage Add data transfer nodes between computation nodes that execute on different resources

8 Ewa Deelman, Basic Workflow Mapping Add nodes that register the newly-created data products Add data cleanup nodes to remove data from remote sites when no longer needed reduces workflow data footprint Provide provenance capture steps Information about source of data, executables invoked, environment variables, parameters, machines used, performance

9 Ewa Deelman, Pegasus Workflow Mapping Original workflow: 15 compute nodes devoid of resource assignment 41 85 10 9 13 12 15 Resulting workflow mapped onto 3 Grid sites: 11 compute nodes (4 reduced based on available intermediate data) 12 data stage-in nodes 8 inter-site data transfers 14 data stage-out nodes to long- term storage 14 data registration nodes (data cataloging) 9 4 8 3 7 10 13 12 15 60 jobs to execute

10 Ewa Deelman, Time Optimizations during Mapping Node clustering for fine-grained computations Can obtain significant performance benefits for some applications (in Montage ~80%, SCEC ~50% ) Data reuse in case intermediate data products are available Performance and reliability advantages—workflow-level checkpointing Workflow partitioning to adapt to changes in the environment Map and execute small portions of the workflow at a time

11 Ewa Deelman, LIGO: (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) Aims to detect gravitational waves predicted by Einstein’s theory of relativity. Can be used to detect binary pulsars mergers of black holes “starquakes” in neutron stars Two installations: in Louisiana (Livingston) and Washington State Other projects: Virgo (Italy), GEO (Germany), Tama (Japan) Instruments are designed to measure the effect of gravitational waves on test masses suspended in vacuum. Data collected during experiments is a collection of time series (multi-channel)

12 Ewa Deelman, LIGO: (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) Aims to detect gravitational waves predicted by Einstein’s theory of relativity. Can be used to detect binary pulsars mergers of black holes “starquakes” in neutron stars Two installations: in Louisiana (Livingston) and Washington State Other projects: Virgo (Italy), GEO (Germany), Tama (Japan) Instruments are designed to measure the effect of gravitational waves on test masses suspended in vacuum. Data collected during experiments is a collection of time series (multi-channel) LIGO Livingston

13 Ewa Deelman, Example of LIGO’s computations Binary inspiral analysis Size of analysis for meaningful results at least 221 GBytes of gravitational-wave data approximately 70,000 computational tasks Desired analysis: Data from November 2005--November 2006 10TB of input data Approximately 185,000 computations edges 1 Tb of output data

14 Ewa Deelman, LIGO’s computational resources LIGO Data Grid Condor clusters managed by the collaboration ~ 6,000 CPUs Open Science Grid A US cyberinfrastructure shared by many applications ~ 20 Virtual Organizations ~ 258 GB of shared scratch disk space on OSG sites

15 Ewa Deelman, Problem How to “fit” the computations onto the OSG Take into account intermediate data products Minimize the data footprint of the workflow Schedule the workflow tasks in a disk-space aware fashion

16 Ewa Deelman, Workflow Footprint In order to improve the workflow footprint, we need to determine when data are no longer needed: Because data was consumed by the next component and no other component needs it Because data was staged-out to permanent storage Because data are no longer needed on a resource and have been stage-out to the resource that needs it

17 Ewa Deelman, For each node add dependencies to cleanup all the files used and produced by the node If a file is being staged-in from r1 to r2, add a dependency between the stage-in and the cleanup node If a file is being staged-out, add a dependency between the stage- out and the cleanup node Cleanup Disk Space as Workflow Progresses

18 Ewa Deelman, Experiments on the Grid with LIGO and Montage

19 Ewa Deelman, 1.25GB versus 4.5 GB Open Science Grid Cleanup on the Grid, Montage application ~ 1,200 nodes

20 Ewa Deelman, LIGO Inspiral Analysis Workflow Small test workflow, 166 tasks, 600 GB max total storage (includes intermediate data products) LIGO workflow running on OSG

21 Ewa Deelman, Assumes level-based scheduling, all nodes at a level need to complete before the next level starts Opportunities for data cleanup in LIGO workflow

22 Ewa Deelman, Montage Workflow

23 Ewa Deelman, LIGO Workflows 26% Improvement In disk space Usage 50% slower runtime

24 Ewa Deelman, LIGO Workflows 26% Improvement In disk space Usage 50% slower runtime

25 Ewa Deelman, LIGO Workflows 56% improvement in space usage 3 times slower in runtime

26 Ewa Deelman, Challenges in implementing data space-aware scheduling Difficult to get accurate performance estimates for tasks Difficult to get good estimates of the sizes of the output data Errors compound in the workflow Difficult to get accurate estimates of data storage space Space is shared among many users Hard to get allocation estimates available to users Even if you have space when you schedule, may not be there to receive all the data Need space allocation support 0 12 5 6 43 a b c f g h b c d e

27 Ewa Deelman, Conclusions Data are an important part of today’s applications and need to be managed Optimizing workflow disk space usage Data workflow footprint concept applicable within one resource Data-aware scheduling across resources Designed an algorithm which can cleanup the data as a workflow progresses The effectiveness of the algorithm depends on the structure of the workflow and its data characteristics Workflow restructuring may be needed to decrease footprint

28 Ewa Deelman, Acknowledgments Henan Zhao, Rizos Sakellariou University of Manchester, UK Kent Blackburn, Duncan Brown, Stephen Fairhurst, David Meyers LIGO, Caltech, USA G. Bruce Berriman, John Good, Daniel S. Katz Montage, Caltech and LSU, USA Miron Livny and Kent Wenger DAGMan, UW Madison Gurmeet Singh, Karan Vahi, Arun Ramakrishnan, Gaurang Mehta USC Information Science Institute, Pegasus

29 Ewa Deelman, Relevant Links Condor: Pegasus: LIGO: Montage: Open Science Grid: Workflows for e-Science I.J. Taylor, E. Deelman, D. B. Gannon M. Shields (Eds.), Springer, Dec. 2006 NSF Workshop on Challenges of Scientific Workflows :, E. Deelman and Y. Gil (chairs) OGF Workflow research group

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