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CSE 221: Probabilistic Analysis of Computer Systems Topics covered: Statistical inference.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 221: Probabilistic Analysis of Computer Systems Topics covered: Statistical inference."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 221: Probabilistic Analysis of Computer Systems Topics covered: Statistical inference

2 Introduction and motivation  Practical application of probability models:  Observations:  Population:  Sample:

3 Introduction and motivation  What is inference?  Representativeness of the sample:

4 Types of inference problems  Parameter estimation:  Determination of the distribution:  Hypothesis testing:

5 Parameter estimation  Maximum likelihood:

6 Parameter estimation: Bernoulli trials  Parameters to be estimated:  Observations:  Likelihood function:

7 Parameter estimation: Bernoulli trials  Maximum likelihood estimate:  Example:

8 Parameter estimation: Binomial distribution  Parameter to be estimated:  Observations:

9 Parameter estimation: Binomial distribution (contd..)  Likelihood function:

10 Parameter estimation: Binomial distribution (contd..)  Maximum likelihood estimate:

11 Parameter estimation: Binomial distribution (contd..)  Example:

12 Irreducible chains  Example:  Definition:  Steady-state or equilibrium state:

13 Irreducible chains (contd..)  Computation of steady-state probabilities:

14 Irreducible chains (contd..)  Example:

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