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APreciousWoman 1 Cor 14:33-35. A Precious Woman  Abraham Lincoln said, “No man is poor who has had a godly mother.”

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Presentation on theme: "APreciousWoman 1 Cor 14:33-35. A Precious Woman  Abraham Lincoln said, “No man is poor who has had a godly mother.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 APreciousWoman 1 Cor 14:33-35

2 A Precious Woman  Abraham Lincoln said, “No man is poor who has had a godly mother.”

3 A Precious Woman  Abraham Lincoln said, “No man is poor who has had a godly mother.”  Haven't our mothers greatly influenced who we are?


5 A Precious Woman  “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels” (Prov 31:10, ESV).

6 A Precious Woman  “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels” (Prov 31:10, ESV).  Dad had one pet name for Mom.

7 A Precious Woman  “An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels” (Prov 31:10, ESV).  Dad had one pet name for Mom: PRECIOUS.

8 A Precious Woman  “I surprised your mother by taking her to the Mansion at Griffin Gate! Of course, it cost me an arm and a leg (almost literally!), but it was worth it. I had made a promise when you were just a baby, that someday I would take her there. I remember when they opened. I was working at Coke and would pass that place every day. I someday wanted to treat your mom like the Queen she is to me.”

9 A Precious Woman  “I surprised your mother by taking her to the Mansion at Griffin Gate! Of course, it cost me an arm and a leg (almost literally!), but it was worth it. I had made a promise when you were just a baby, that someday I would take her there. I remember when they opened. I was working at Coke and would pass that place every day. I someday wanted to treat your mom like the Queen she is to me.”  “Don’t forget you won’t always have your wife and treat her like a queen because she is!”

10 A Precious Woman  In this morning's text, Paul places the name “Precious” upon certain women.

11 A Precious Woman  In this morning's text, Paul places the name “Precious” upon certain women.  A SETTLED WOMAN.  A SILENT WOMAN.  A SUBMISIVE WOMAN.  A SCRIPTURAL WOMAN.  A STUDIOUS WOMAN.

12 A Precious Woman A SETTLED WOMAN V 33b

13 A Precious Woman  “As in all the churches of the saints” (v 33b, ESV).

14 A Precious Woman  “As in all the churches of the saints” (v 33b, ESV).  Different translations place this in different places.

15 A Precious Woman  “As in all the churches of the saints” (v 33b, ESV).  Different translations place this in different places—Either with the preceding or following paragraph.

16 A Precious Woman  “As in all the churches of the saints” (v 33b, ESV).  Different translations place this in different places—Either with the preceding or following paragraph.  In Paul's day, Gr had absolutely no punctuation.

17 A Precious Woman  “As in all the churches of the saints” (v 33b, ESV).  Different translations place this in different places—Either with the preceding or following paragraph.  In Paul's day, Gr had absolutely no punctuation, so all punctuation is the work of editors.

18 A Precious Woman  “As in all the churches of the saints” (v 33b, ESV).  Different translations place this in different places—Either with the preceding or following paragraph.  In Paul's day, Gr had absolutely no punctuation, so all punctuation is the work of editors.  It makes no difference where we place these words.

19 A Precious Woman  “As in all the churches of the saints” (v 33b, ESV).  Different translations place this in different places—Either with the preceding or following paragraph.  In Paul's day, Gr had absolutely no punctuation, so all punctuation is the work of editors.  It makes no difference where we place these words.  “As in all the churches of the saints” really applies to the entire passage.

20 A Precious Woman  “As in all the churches of the saints” (v 33b, ESV).  Different translations place this in different places—Either with the preceding or following paragraph.  In Paul's day, Gr had absolutely no punctuation, so all punctuation is the work of editors.  It makes no difference where we place these words.  “As in all the churches of the saints” really applies to the entire passage.  Paul declares that the Corinthians need to worship in peace because God is a God of peace, & that's the same “in all the churches of the saints.”

21 A Precious Woman  “As in all the churches of the saints” (v 33b, ESV).  Different translations place this in different places—Either with the preceding or following paragraph.  In Paul's day, Gr had absolutely no punctuation, so all punctuation is the work of editors.  It makes no difference where we place these words.  “As in all the churches of the saints” really applies to the entire passage.  Paul also declares that what he writes is a command of the Lord, & that's the same “in all the churches of the saints.”

22 A Precious Woman  “As in all the churches of the saints” (v 33b, ESV).  Different translations place this in different places—Either with the preceding or following paragraph.  In Paul's day, Gr had absolutely no punctuation, so all punctuation is the work of editors.  It makes no difference where we place these words.  “As in all the churches of the saints” really applies to the entire passage.  What Paul writes about the role of women did not just apply in Corinth, but “in all the churches of the saints.”

23 A Precious Woman  What Paul writes is a settled principle.

24 A Precious Woman  What Paul writes is a settled principle.  Precious women are settled women.

25 A Precious Woman  What Paul writes is a settled principle.  Precious women are settled women. They acknowledge their role as settle & do not seek to meddle with it.

26 A Precious Woman  What Paul writes is a settled principle.  Precious women are settled women. They acknowledge their role as settle & do not seek to meddle with it.  Many of our religious friends hold that what Paul writes here is not a settled principle.

27 A Precious Woman  What Paul writes is a settled principle.  Precious women are settled women. They acknowledge their role as settle & do not seek to meddle with it.  Many of our religious friends hold that what Paul writes here is not a settled principle.  Paul was writing to correct abuses of spiritual gifts in Corinth & what he writes only applies to that narrow context.

28 A Precious Woman  What Paul writes is a settled principle.  Precious women are settled women. They acknowledge their role as settle & do not seek to meddle with it.  Many of our religious friends hold that what Paul writes here is not a settled principle.  Paul was writing to correct abuses of spiritual gifts in Corinth & what he writes only applies to that narrow context.  Their reasoning: “Since spiritual gifts are not available today, this text does not apply.”

29 A Precious Woman  What Paul writes is a settled principle.  Precious women are settled women. They acknowledge their role as settle & do not seek to meddle with it.  Many of our religious friends hold that what Paul writes here is not a settled principle.  Paul was writing to correct abuses of spiritual gifts in Corinth & what he writes only applies to that narrow context.  Their reasoning: “Since spiritual gifts are not available today, this text does not apply.”  BUT, Paul applies this truth to “all the churches of the saints.”

30 A Precious Woman  The principle of male spiritual leadership is as old as man himself.

31 A Precious Woman  “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor” (1 Tm 2:12-14, ESV).


33 A Precious Woman A SILENT WOMAN Vv 34-35

34 A Precious Woman  “The women should keep silent in the church. For they are not permitted to speak.... It is shameful for a woman to speak in church” (vv 34-35, ESV).

35 A Precious Woman  “The women should keep silent in the church. For they are not permitted to speak.... It is shameful for a woman to speak in church” (vv 34-35, ESV).  What does it mean for the women to keep silent in the church?

36 A Precious Woman  “The women should keep silent in the church. For they are not permitted to speak.... It is shameful for a woman to speak in church” (vv 34-35, ESV).  What does it mean for the women to keep silent in the church?  Are they permitted to sing?

37 A Precious Woman  “The women should keep silent in the church. For they are not permitted to speak.... It is shameful for a woman to speak in church” (vv 34-35, ESV).  What does it mean for the women to keep silent in the church?  Are they permitted to sing?  Are they permitted to confess their faith?

38 A Precious Woman  “The women should keep silent in the church. For they are not permitted to speak.... It is shameful for a woman to speak in church” (vv 34-35, ESV).  What does it mean for the women to keep silent in the church?  Are they permitted to sing?  Are they permitted to confess their faith? Sin?

39 A Precious Woman  “The women should keep silent in the church. For they are not permitted to speak.... It is shameful for a woman to speak in church” (vv 34-35, ESV).  What does it mean for the women to keep silent in the church?  Are they permitted to sing?  Are they permitted to confess their faith? Sin?  May she correct her child during an assembly?

40 A Precious Woman  “The women should keep silent in the church. For they are not permitted to speak.... It is shameful for a woman to speak in church” (vv 34-35, ESV).  What does it mean for the women to keep silent in the church?  Are they permitted to sing?  Are they permitted to confess their faith? Sin?  May she correct her child during an assembly?  May she say something during the announcements?

41 A Precious Woman  “The women should keep silent in the church. For they are not permitted to speak.... It is shameful for a woman to speak in church” (vv 34-35, ESV).  What does it mean for the women to keep silent in the church?  Are they permitted to sing?  Are they permitted to confess their faith? Sin?  May she correct her child during an assembly?  May she say something during the announcements? May she speak up in Bible class?

42 A Precious Woman  Paul speaks both specifically & pointedly in this text.

43 A Precious Woman  Paul speaks both specifically & pointedly in this text.  The term “silent” means to utter not a sound!

44 A Precious Woman  Paul speaks both specifically & pointedly in this text.  The term “silent” means to utter not a sound!  “They kept silent and told no one in those days anything of what they had seen” (Lk 9:36, ESV).

45 A Precious Woman  Paul speaks both specifically & pointedly in this text.  The term “silent” means to utter not a sound!  “They kept silent and told no one in those days anything of what they had seen” (Lk 9:36, ESV).  “Those who were in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me!’” (Lk 18:39, ESV).

46 A Precious Woman  Paul speaks both specifically & pointedly in this text.  The term “silent” means to utter not a sound!  “They kept silent and told no one in those days anything of what they had seen” (Lk 9:36, ESV).  “Those who were in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me!’” (Lk 18:39, ESV).  The Gr term basically means “SHUT UP!”

47 A Precious Woman  Paul speaks both specifically & pointedly in this text.  The term “silent” means to utter not a sound!  “They kept silent and told no one in those days anything of what they had seen” (Lk 9:36, ESV).  “Those who were in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me!’” (Lk 18:39, ESV).  The Gr term basically means “SHUT UP!”  Paul also said that women are not permitted to speak.

48 A Precious Woman  Paul speaks both specifically & pointedly in this text.  The term “silent” means to utter not a sound!  “They kept silent and told no one in those days anything of what they had seen” (Lk 9:36, ESV).  “Those who were in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me!’” (Lk 18:39, ESV).  The Gr term basically means “SHUT UP!”  Paul also said that women are not permitted to speak. The Gr word means to open your mouth & make a sound.

49 A Precious Woman  Paul speaks both specifically & pointedly in this text.  The term “silent” means to utter not a sound!  “They kept silent and told no one in those days anything of what they had seen” (Lk 9:36, ESV).  “Those who were in front rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he cried out all the more, ‘Son of David, have mercy on me!’” (Lk 18:39, ESV).  The Gr term basically means “SHUT UP!”  Paul also said that women are not permitted to speak. The Gr word means to open your mouth & make a sound.  If we simply look at these words, women cannot make a single sound in the assembly!

50 A Precious Woman  But, Paul also speaks specifically in this text.

51 A Precious Woman  But, Paul also speaks specifically in this text.  You cannot take any words at face value.

52 A Precious Woman  But, Paul also speaks specifically in this text.  You cannot take any words at face value. “R-E-A-D.”

53 A Precious Woman  But, Paul also speaks specifically in this text.  You cannot take any words at face value. “R-E-A-D.” You have to check the context!

54 A Precious Woman  But, Paul also speaks specifically in this text.  You cannot take any words at face value. “R-E-A-D.” You have to check the context!  Let's take a look at this context.

55 A Precious Woman  The same prohibition is given against tongue speakers.

56 A Precious Woman  The same prohibition is given against tongue speakers.  “If there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in church and speak to himself and to God” (v 28, ESV).

57 A Precious Woman  The same prohibition is given against tongue speakers.  “If there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in church and speak to himself and to God” (v 28, ESV).  They didn't have to keep total silence in the assembly—they just couldn't speak in tongues.

58 A Precious Woman  The same prohibition is given against tongue speakers.  “If there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in church and speak to himself and to God” (v 28, ESV).  They didn't have to keep total silence in the assembly—they just couldn't speak in tongues.  It becomes clear what Paul means by “speak” & “keep silent” in vv 29-31.

59 A Precious Woman  “Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others weigh what is said. If a revelation is made to another sitting there, let the first be silent. For you can all prophesy one by one, so that all may learn and be encouraged” (vv 29-31, ESV).

60 A Precious Woman  The same prohibition is given against tongue speakers.  “If there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in church and speak to himself and to God” (v 28, ESV).  They didn't have to keep total silence in the assembly—they just couldn't speak in tongues.  It becomes clear what Paul means by “speak” & “keep silent” in vv 29-31.  Paul envisions one prophet speaking while the others remain quiet.

61 A Precious Woman  The same prohibition is given against tongue speakers.  “If there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in church and speak to himself and to God” (v 28, ESV).  They didn't have to keep total silence in the assembly—they just couldn't speak in tongues.  It becomes clear what Paul means by “speak” & “keep silent” in vv 29-31.  Paul envisions one prophet speaking while the others remain quiet.  “Speaking” thus involves address the congregation with divine authority.

62 A Precious Woman  The same prohibition is given against tongue speakers.  “If there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in church and speak to himself and to God” (v 28, ESV).  They didn't have to keep total silence in the assembly—they just couldn't speak in tongues.  It becomes clear what Paul means by “speak” & “keep silent” in vv 29-31.  Paul envisions one prophet speaking while the others remain quiet.  “Speaking” thus involves address the congregation with divine authority.  In this context, “speak” is synonymous with “teach.”


64 A Precious Woman A SUBMISSIVE WOMAN V 34

65 A Precious Woman  “They are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission” (v 34, ESV).

66 A Precious Woman  “They are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission” (v 34, ESV).  Submission is generally regarded quite negatively.

67 A Precious Woman  “They are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission” (v 34, ESV).  Submission is generally regarded quite negatively.  “He went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them” (Lk 2:51, ESV).

68 A Precious Woman  “They are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission” (v 34, ESV).  Submission is generally regarded quite negatively.  “He went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them” (Lk 2:51, ESV).  If the Creator of the Universe was submissive, how can being a woman's being submissive be demeaning?

69 A Precious Woman  “They are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission” (v 34, ESV).  Submission is generally regarded quite negatively.  “He went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them” (Lk 2:51, ESV).  If the Creator of the Universe was submissive, how can being a woman's being submissive be demeaning?  This text does not tell women to submit to men.

70 A Precious Woman  “They are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission” (v 34, ESV).  Submission is generally regarded quite negatively.  “He went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them” (Lk 2:51, ESV).  If the Creator of the Universe was submissive, how can being a woman's being submissive be demeaning?  This text does not tell women to submit to men.  Paul likely intends for us to get that from the context.

71 A Precious Woman  “They are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission” (v 34, ESV).  Submission is generally regarded quite negatively.  “He went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them” (Lk 2:51, ESV).  If the Creator of the Universe was submissive, how can being a woman's being submissive be demeaning?  This text does not tell women to submit to men.  Paul likely intends for us to get that from the context.  But, Paul could have something larger in view here: Precious women submit to the Word of God.

72 A Precious Woman  No precious woman ever submits—in the assembly or in the home—to a MAN.

73 A Precious Woman  No precious woman ever submits—in the assembly or in the home—to a MAN.  She submits to GOD!

74 A Precious Woman  No precious woman ever submits—in the assembly or in the home—to a MAN.  She submits to GOD!  When a precious woman honors her husbands, she submits to God.

75 A Precious Woman  No precious woman ever submits—in the assembly or in the home—to a MAN.  She submits to GOD!  When a precious woman honors her husbands, she submits to God.  When a precious woman remains silent in the assembly, she submits to God.


77 A Precious Woman A SCRIPTURAL WOMAN V 34c

78 A Precious Woman  “They are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says.”


80 A Precious Woman  Paul likely alludes to Gn 3:16.

81 A Precious Woman  Paul likely alludes to Gn 3:16: “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you” (ESV).

82 A Precious Woman  Paul likely alludes to Gn 3:16: “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you” (ESV).  Paul may allude to Gn 2, where woman is made from & for man.

83 A Precious Woman  Paul likely alludes to Gn 3:16: “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you” (ESV).  Paul may allude to Gn 2, where woman is made from & for man.  Paul may also allude to the fact that Israelite leaders were male.

84 A Precious Woman  Paul likely alludes to Gn 3:16: “I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you” (ESV).  Paul may allude to Gn 2, where woman is made from & for man.  Paul may also allude to the fact that Israelite leaders were male.  It doesn’t matter to what specific text Paul alludes, for the truth runs throughout the entire OT.

85 A Precious Woman  The principle of male spiritual leadership is not a new principle.

86 A Precious Woman  The principle of male spiritual leadership is not a new principle.  The truth is as old as man himself.

87 A Precious Woman  The principle of male spiritual leadership is not a new principle.  The truth is as old as man himself; Paul applies it back to the Creation & the Fall (1 Tm 2).

88 A Precious Woman  The principle of male spiritual leadership is not a new principle.  The truth is as old as man himself; Paul applies it back to the Creation & the Fall (1 Tm 2).  The controversy isn’t new either!

89 A Precious Woman  The principle of male spiritual leadership is not a new principle.  The truth is as old as man himself; Paul applies it back to the Creation & the Fall (1 Tm 2).  The controversy isn’t new either!  American Christian Review (1886): The issue appeared in its columns “often as once a month, if not more frequently.”

90 A Precious Woman  The principle of male spiritual leadership is not a new principle.  The truth is as old as man himself; Paul applies it back to the Creation & the Fall (1 Tm 2).  The controversy isn’t new either!  American Christian Review (1886): The issue appeared in its columns “often as once a month, if not more frequently.”  David Lipscomb (1894): Complained that his office had recently received “not less than twenty queries on the subject of women preaching in public.”

91 A Precious Woman  The principle of male spiritual leadership is not a new principle.  The truth is as old as man himself; Paul applies it back to the Creation & the Fall (1 Tm 2).  The controversy isn’t new either!  American Christian Review (1886): The issue appeared in its columns “often as once a month, if not more frequently.”  David Lipscomb (1894): Complained that his office had recently received “not less than twenty queries on the subject of women preaching in public.”  Paul speaks of the truth of Scripture.

92 A Precious Woman  The principle of male spiritual leadership is not a new principle.  The truth is as old as man himself; Paul applies it back to the Creation & the Fall (1 Tm 2).  The controversy isn’t new either!  American Christian Review (1886): The issue appeared in its columns “often as once a month, if not more frequently.”  David Lipscomb (1894): Complained that his office had recently received “not less than twenty queries on the subject of women preaching in public.”  Paul speaks of the truth of Scripture.  If I’m faithful to God, I can’t determine what role I give women in the assembly.

93 A Precious Woman  Scripture cannot be set aside.

94 A Precious Woman  Scripture cannot be set aside.  “Scripture cannot be broken” (Jn 10:35, ESV).

95 A Precious Woman  Scripture cannot be set aside.  “Scripture cannot be broken” (Jn 10:35, ESV).  All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever” (1 Pt 1:24-25, ESV).


97 A Precious Woman A STUDIOUS WOMAN V 35

98 A Precious Woman  “If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home” (v 35, ESV).


100 A Precious Woman  Gr doesn’t have separate words for husband & man.

101 A Precious Woman  Gr doesn’t have separate words for husband & man.  Context must determine if one references a husband or a man.

102 A Precious Woman  Gr doesn’t have separate words for husband & man.  Context must determine if one references a husband or a man. Here, the context doesn’t help much.

103 A Precious Woman  Gr doesn’t have separate words for husband & man.  Context must determine if one references a husband or a man. Here, the context doesn’t help much.  We could translate this: “Let them ask their own men at home.”

104 A Precious Woman  Gr doesn’t have separate words for husband & man.  Context must determine if one references a husband or a man. Here, the context doesn’t help much.  We could translate this: “Let them ask their own men at home.”  Thus, a young, unmarried girl could ask counsel from her father or brother(s).

105 A Precious Woman  Gr doesn’t have separate words for husband & man.  Context must determine if one references a husband or a man. Here, the context doesn’t help much.  We could translate this: “Let them ask their own men at home.”  Thus, a young, unmarried girl could ask counsel from her father or brother(s).  A widowed woman could seek counsel from her son(s), son(s)-in-law, brother(s), etc.

106 A Precious Woman  Paul says that women might desire to learn something.

107 A Precious Woman  Paul says that women might desire to learn something.  In Paul’s day, that was an AMAZING statement!

108 A Precious Woman  Paul says that women might desire to learn something.  In Paul’s day, that was an AMAZING statement!  Women were largely considered too stupid to learn.

109 A Precious Woman  Paul says that women might desire to learn something.  In Paul’s day, that was an AMAZING statement!  Women were largely considered too stupid to learn.  One rabbi: “Let the words of the Law be burned rather than committed to a woman.”

110 A Precious Woman  Paul says that women might desire to learn something.  In Paul’s day, that was an AMAZING statement!  Women were largely considered too stupid to learn.  One rabbi: “Let the words of the Law be burned rather than committed to a woman.”  But, Paul elevates women & says that they can learn.


112 A Precious Woman  Precious women have long desired to learn.

113 A Precious Woman  Precious women have long desired to learn.  When Mary recognized Jesus after his resurrection, “she turned and said to him in Aramaic, ‘Rabboni!’ (which means Teacher)” (Jn 20:16, ESV).

114 A Precious Woman  Precious women have long desired to learn.  When Mary recognized Jesus after his resurrection, “she turned and said to him in Aramaic, ‘Rabboni!’ (which means Teacher)” (Jn 20:16, ESV).  “One who heard us was a woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple good, who was a worshiper of God. The Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul” (Acts 16:14, ESV).


116 A Precious Woman  But, Paul says that if women want to learn something, they need to ask their husbands/men at home.

117 A Precious Woman  But, Paul says that if women want to learn something, they need to ask their husbands/men at home.  Does that make it wrong for a woman to ask a question in Bible class?

118 A Precious Woman  But, Paul says that if women want to learn something, they need to ask their husbands/men at home.  Does that make it wrong for a woman to ask a question in Bible class?  Those who say, “Yes,” overlook the cultural context.

119 A Precious Woman  Many of the Corinthian Christians were former pagans & the worship of Apollo was big in Corinth.

120 A Precious Woman  Many of the Corinthian Christians were former pagans & the worship of Apollo was big in Corinth.  The Corinthians, therefore, likely saw prophesying in their assemblies like the prophesying at Delphi.

121 A Precious Woman  Many of the Corinthian Christians were former pagans & the worship of Apollo was big in Corinth.  The Corinthians, therefore, likely saw prophesying in their assemblies like the prophesying at Delphi.  The women were likely interrupting the prophets to ask irrelevant questions.

122 A Precious Woman  Many of the Corinthian Christians were former pagans & the worship of Apollo was big in Corinth.  The Corinthians, therefore, likely saw prophesying in their assemblies like the prophesying at Delphi.  The women were likely interrupting the prophets to ask irrelevant questions.  Paul says that’s out of place in the assembly.

123 A Precious Woman  Many of the Corinthian Christians were former pagans & the worship of Apollo was big in Corinth.  The Corinthians, therefore, likely saw prophesying in their assemblies like the prophesying at Delphi.  The women were likely interrupting the prophets to ask irrelevant questions.  Paul says that’s out of place in the assembly.  The cultural context has to do with women speaking out in the worship assembly, not Bible class, & seeking personal answers from God.




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