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THE COMPASS CERN achievements and outlook

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1 THE COMPASS EXPERIMENT @ CERN achievements and outlook
F. Bradamante Trieste University and INFN to Roger Hess

2 a new spectrometer with outstanding performances
COMPASS experiment: thought of in April ’94 Nov. ‘94 Trento workshop Trieste workshop LoI encouraged March ’95 June ‘95 SPSLC in Cogne Proposal recommended approved by RB March ’96 Sept. ’96 Feb. ‘97 as NA58 commissioning June merging of two programmes: HMC (muon beam) CHEOPS (hadron beam) will take data on the years and onwards with a new spectrometer with outstanding performances from F.B. invited SPIN 2000, Osaka University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

3 COMPASS physics case how is a nucleon made up ?
acknowledgement that it is still worthwhile to invest in trying to answer some questions which have been with us since 30 years how is a nucleon made up ? ! spin structure ! are there non qqq or qq hadrons ? ! exotics ! fundamental problems of QCD role of the axial anomaly to the spin of the proton glueballs non abelian nature of QCD from F.B. invited SPIN 2000, Osaka University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

4 University of Geneva, March 10, 2010
F. Bradamante

5 from F.B. invited talk @ SPIN 2000, Osaka
University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

6 The COMPASS Collaboration
COmmon Muon and Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy Czechia, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Switzerland Bielefeld, Bochum, Bonn, Calcutta, CERN, Dubna, Erlangen, Freiburg, Lisbon, Mainz, Moscow, Munich, Prague, Protvino, Saclay, Tel Aviv, Torino, Trieste, Warsaw, Yamagata 29 Institutes, about 250 physicists University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

7 COMPASS at CERN LHC SPS p up to 400 GeV
secondary hadrons (p, K, ...): 2·107/s tertiary m (polarized): 4·107/s University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante 7

8 The COMPASS Experiment
SM1 SM2 Beam MuonWall E/HCAL RICH Target Two-stage spectrometer large angular acceptance broad kinematical range ~ channels > 800 TB/year 50 m Dipole magnets Tracking detectors RICH El.-mag. calorimeter Hadronic calorimeter Muon identification [hep-ex/ , NIM A 577, 455 (2007)] University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

9 The COMPASS Experiment
SM1 SM2 Beam MuonWall E/HCAL RICH Target Two-stage spectrometer large angular acceptance broad kinematical range ~ channels > 800 TB/year 50 m Data taking periods: : 160 GeV/c m+ 2004: 2 weeks 190 GeV/c p- : 160 GeV/c m+ : 190 GeV/c p, p- [hep-ex/ , NIM A 577, 455 (2007)] University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

10 Hadron Spectroscopy at COMPASS
Diffraction from pions 3 p 5 p hp Central production from pions KK hh 4 p Diffraction from protons Baryon spectroscopy Central production from protons Meson spectroscopy Primakoff p- Polarizability, -anomaly, p0 lifetime, radiative width from S. HADRON 2009, Tallahassee University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

11 = + + + + ... Meson Spectroscopy Quark model: bound state of
Quantum numbers: IG (JPC) P=(-1)l+1, C=(-1)l+s, G=(-1)I+l+s = QCD: other color-neutral configurations with same quantum numbers  mixing + + + decoupling only possible for narrow states vanishing leading qq term  exotic JPC: Hybrids Glueballs + ... Dynamics University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

12 Glueballs  COMPASS Lightest glueballs: Quenched L-QCD prediction
Experimental candidate: f0(1500) (Crystal Barrel, WA102) JPC = 0++  mixing with isoscalar mesons! Events / 0.08 GeV M(hh) (GeV) WA102, Phys. Lett. B479, 59 (2000)  COMPASS [Y. Chen et al., Phys. Rev. D 73, (2006)] University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

13 Hybrids  COMPASS Light meson sector exotics JPC=1-+:
p1(1400) (VES, E852, Crystal Barrel) p1 (1600) (E852, VES) p1 (2000) still controversial... [A.R. Dzierba et al., PRD 73, (2006)] 20 waves 35 waves [S.U. Chung et al., PRD 65, (2002)] M(3p) (GeV/c2) Events / 0.04 GeV/c2  COMPASS University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

14 Hadron Reactions at COMPASS
Two production mechanisms studied in parallel using proton, pion and kaon projectiles Central production Rapidity gap between pslow, hfast, X Beam particle looses ~10% of its energy Particles at large angles from X decays Possible source of glueballs (DPE) Diffractive dissociation Forward kinematics Need to separate particles at very small angles Study of JPC-exotic mesons University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

15 Diffractive Reactions at COMPASS 2004
Example: 4p vertex in Pb target Exclusivity  target stays intact Momentum transfer pa pc Diffraction on Pb nuclei Diffraction on nucleons University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

16 Invariant Mass of 3p system 2004
COMPASS: pp =190 GeV/c 4M events in 3 days (full t range) 450k events in 0.1<t’<1.0 GeV2/c2 BNL852: pp= 18 GeV/c 250k events  p1(1600) University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

17 p1 (1600) BW parameters for p1(1600) Leakage negligible p2(1670)
arXiv: p2(1670) University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

18 p1 (1600) BW parameters for p1(1600) Leakage negligible a1(1260)
University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

19 COMPASS in 2008 University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

20 COMPASS in 2008 b University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

21 COMPASS in 2008 University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

22 p-p+p- in 2008  Very Preliminary 190 GeV/c hadron beam
Target: 40cm liquid hydrogen p-p  p-p+p- p Diffractive dissociation: 96% p-, 3.5% K-, 0.5% p p-p  p1(1600) p, p1(1600)  3p: events exp. >200 times statistics of 2004 data PWA has started First result: compare production on proton and lead  Very Preliminary Dalitz plot around p2(1670) University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

23 3p final state p-p  p-p0p0p
Isospin partner to p-p  p-p+p-p Consistency check University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

24 3p final state p-p  p-p0p0p
Isospin partner to p-p  p-p+p-p Consistency check Different isobars in decay chain University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

25 3p final state p-p  p-p0p0p
Isospin partner to p-p  p-p+p-p Consistency check Different isobars in decay chain Isospin information Use a2 : normalization Example: a1 a2 rp a1 rp University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

26 Strangeness in final states pp  pKKp
Search for hidden strangeness Neutral and charged kaon channels High mass isobars observed cleanly Glueball search decaying into KK Hybrids decaying into KKp Information on nature of states branching fraction decay chain PWA being prepared K+K-p vs K+p- K+K-p vs K+K- University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

27 CONCLUSIONS COMPASS has started spectroscopy program tools developed
more refined PWA analysis underway larger wave set, Deck effect, parallelization VERY high statistics (partly > 200 times previous work) University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

28 COMPASS muon programme
THE QCD STRUCTURE of the nucleon LONGITUDINAL TRANSVERSE University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

29 Deep Inelastic Scattering
key role in the study of the partonic structure of the nucleon Q2 >> M2 W2=(P+q)2 >> M2 valence quarks sea quarks gluons Inclusive DIS: only the incident and scattered leptons are measured Semi-Inclusive DIS: the incident and scattered leptons, and at least one final state hadron are measured Exclusive DIS: the incident and scattered leptons, and all the final state hadron are measured NB: COMPLEMENTARY RHIC (will not mention) University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

30 Structure Functions and PDF: q(x)
University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

31 measured at CERN, HERA, SLAC
Structure Functions and PDF: q(x) Inclusive DIS: unpolarised measured at CERN, HERA, SLAC F2(x) = 2x·F1(x) Callan-Gross in the parton model  q(x) from global analysis of DIS and hard scattering data (QCD fits) University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

32 Parton Distribution Functions
three distribution functions are necessary to describe the structure of the nucleon at LO: q(x) : number density or unpolarised distribution probability of finding a quark with a fraction x of the longitudinal momentum of the parent nucleon Dq(x) = q- q: longitudinal polarization or helicity distribution in a longitudinally polarised nucleon, probability of finding a quark with a momentum fraction x and spin parallel to that of the parent nucleon DTq(x) = q- q: transverse polarization or transversity distribution in a transversely polarised nucleon, probability of finding a quark with a momentum fraction x and spin parallel to that of the parent nucleon q quark or antiquark with a specific flavor [notation: Barone, Drago, Raftcliffe 2001] ALL OF EQUAL IMPORTANCE ! University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

HELICITY and TRANSVERSITY are different have different properties are measured in different ways thus one has to deal differently the situations when the target spins are LONGITUDINAL and TRANSVERSE University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

34 Helicity PDFs Dq’s can be extracted from a
cross-section asimmetry Δσ for parallel and antiparallel lepton and nucleon spins University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

35 Structure Functions and Helicity PDFs
Inclusive DIS: beam and target longitudinally polarized beam/target helicity g1 measured at SLAC, EMC, SMC, HERMES, COMPASS g2 suppressed by a factor g2  0.01 at 100 GeV (SMC, SLAC) University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

36 Structure Functions and Helicity PDFs
Inclusive DIS: beam and target longitudinally polarized beam/target helicity Asymmetry Analysis Collaboration, M. Hirai, S. Kumano and N. Saito, PRD (2004) g1 measured at SLAC, EMC, SMC, HERMES, COMPASS g2 suppressed by a factor g2  0.01 at 100 GeV (SMC, SLAC) in the parton model University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

37  SPIN CRISIS The Quark Contribution to the Nucleon Spin
in polarised DIS one measures using complementary information from the WEAK DECAY CONSTANTS of the BARYONS one can get Du, Dd, Ds and then DS EMC 1988 G1p =   DS = 0.12  0.17  SPIN CRISIS University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

38 The Constituent Quark Model
magnetic moments: assuming u and d Dirac particles with spin: University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

39 DS: latest results  = 0.330 ± 0.025 ± 0.011 ± 0.028 (from 1d)
(exp) (theory) (evol.) HERMES  = 0.30 ± 0.01 ± (from NLO QCD fit) COMPASS (stat) (evol.) LATEST RESULTS: University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

spin sum-rule contribution from GLUON SPIN in inclusive DIS Dq and DG mix up in g1 (DGLAP equations) NECESSITY OF A DIRECT MEASUREMENT OF DG → SIDIS experiments (HERMES and COMPASS) contribution from ORBITAL ANGULAR MOMENTUM of quarks and gluons University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

41 THE PLAYERS DESY pure H and D target 28 GeV CERN high energy m-beam 160 GeV JLAB Experiments very high luminosity 6 GeV University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

42 COMPASS University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

43 Measurements of DG/G in polarized DIS
direct: cross-section asymmetry for charm production COMPASS cross-section asymmetry for high pT hadron pairs HERMES, COMPASS cross-section asymmetry for high pT hadron HERMES indirect: scale violation of g1(x,Q2) (QCD fit) SMC, SLAC Experiments, HERMES, COMPASS University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

44 Direct Measurements of DG/G
Photon Gluon Fusion N q = c cross section difference in charmed meson production → theory well understood → experiment challenging COMPASS q = u,d,s cross section difference in 2+1 jet production in COMPASS: events with 2 hadrons with high-pt → experiment easy → theory more difficult COMPASS & HERMES University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

45 QCD fit + direct measurements
conclusion: ΔG SMALL and unlikely to account for the missing spin note: NLO fits, LO data same conclusion from RHIC experiments University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS TRANSVERSITY DISTRIBUTION DTq(x) University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

47 TRANSVERSITY since 10 years a very active field, rapidly growing
theory experiments HERMES, RHIC, COMPASS, JLAB Fruitful collaboration between Experimentalists and Theorists University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

48 Puzzles in hadronic reactions I
in hadronic reactions like with a transversely polarized proton, the spin asymmetry in leading twist perturbative QCD Kane, Pumplin and Repko (1978) THE DATA STRONGLY CONTRADICT THIS! University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

49 Hope to find solutions at the quark level (DTq(x) …)
Puzzles in hadronic reactions II Since many years intriguing evidence of large transverse spin effects at high energy hyperon polarization high pt effects in hadronic interactions asymmetries in hadron production STAR Hope to find solutions at the quark level (DTq(x) …) University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

50 HOW to MEASURE DTq(x) DTq(x) is chiral-odd  cannot be measured in inclusive DIS it can be measured in SIDIS: the observable is the convolution of DTq(x) with another chiral-odd quantity, the “Collins” function, which describes a possible left-right asimmetry of the hadrons in the hadronization process of a transversely polarized quark the observable is the so-called “Collins asymmetry”, an azimuthal modulation in the cross-section of the type sinFC FC = fh + fS fh azimuthal angle of the hadron, fS azimuhtal angle of the spin of the nucleon because helicity of quark must flip University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante 50

51 The conjecture was right !!
PROTON TARGET DEUTERON TARGET plus BELLE data on e+e-  hadrons University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

52 University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante
Anselmino et al., PRD75 (2007) University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

RECENT DEVELOPMENTS when taking into account the intrinsic transverse momentum of the quarks several azimuthal modulations are possible sin 2fh sin (fh + fS) sin (fh - fS) sin (3fh - fS)  Transversity PDF x Collins FF  Sivers PDF the amplitudes are convolutions of different Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) PDFs e FFs: all these amplitudes can be extracted from the SIDIS data HOPE TO GET INFORMATION ON Lq FROM THE SIVERS ASYMMETRY University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

CONCLUSIONS The relative size of DG and L not clearly assessed TRANSVERSE SPIN PHENOMENA: NEW Properties of matter have been unveiled Collins effect Sivers effect OTHER correlations are still possible (Boer-Mulders) More precise measurements are needed to compare with calculations (pQCD and Lattice) COMPASS two years of run: T (2010), L JLab RHIC GSI and in the long run AN ELECTRON-NUCLEON COLLIDER University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

Transversity, Network7 Integrated Infrastructure Initiative in Hadronic Physics (I3HP) project, funded by the European Community FP6 ( ) TMD-Net, WorkPackage3 Hadron Physics 2 project FP7 ( ) PRIN2003, 2006, 2008 MIUR, Italy Transversity 2005 (Como), 2008 (Ferrara), 2011 (Trieste) dedicated workshops at ECT* (~1 each year) Beijing (2008) Yerevan (2009) .... a dedicated session at the International Spin Symposium in 2006, 2008, 2010 University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

56 … and COMPASS proposal in preparation GPDs, polarised DY, Primakov
to know more: University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

57 SPARE SLIDES University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

58 g1 and F1 in Quark Parton Model
s = 1 s = - 1/2 definitions: University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

59 Measurement of g1 in inclusive DIS
0.15 ~0.2 target ~0.8 beam ~0.8 D, h kinematical quantities A1 and A2 are the asymmetries in g*p (n) scattering University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

60 recently much interest !
TRANSVERSITY DTq(x), h1q(x), dq(x), dTq(x) , q=uv, dv, qsea recently much interest ! properties: DTq(x)  Dq(x) probes the relativistic nature of quark dynamics no contribution from the gluons  simple Q2 evolution positivity (Soffer) bound first moments: tensor charge sum rule for transverse spin in Parton Model framework it is related to GPD’s is chiral-odd: decouples from inclusive DIS because helicity of quark must flip Bakker, Leader, Trueman, PRD 70 (04) University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante 60

61 Transversity and TMD PDFs
Three parton distributions describing quark’s transverse momentum and/or transverse spin 1) Transversity 2) Sivers function 3) Boer-Mulders function University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante

62 PWA Technique high s: t-channel Reggeon exchange
reflectivity basis in G-J frame e = h of Regge trajectory isobar model 1. Mass-independent PWA of angular distributions in 40 MeV mass bins Tire production amplitudes - determined by fit 42 partial waves i = JPCMe[...]L [...] = isobar: (pp)S, f0(980), r(770), f2(1270), r3(1690) University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante 62

63 PWA Technique high s: t-channel Reggeon exchange
reflectivity basis in G-J frame e = h of Regge trajectory isobar model 1. Mass-independent PWA of angular distributions in 40 MeV mass bins 2. Mass-dependent c2 fit to results of step 1 6 waves parameterized by BW ( incl. barrier factors and G (m) ) coherent background for some waves University of Geneva, March 10, 2010 F. Bradamante 63

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