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Work package 1 (WP1) Topic: Cyanobacterial Dormant Forms in an Aquatic environment Objective: Establishment of dormant stage/ Induction of akinetes in.

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Presentation on theme: "Work package 1 (WP1) Topic: Cyanobacterial Dormant Forms in an Aquatic environment Objective: Establishment of dormant stage/ Induction of akinetes in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work package 1 (WP1) Topic: Cyanobacterial Dormant Forms in an Aquatic environment Objective: Establishment of dormant stage/ Induction of akinetes in cyanobacteria TaskDeliverable #month 1. Determine conditions for the induction of akinetes D49 (M9) 2. Physiological processes involved in the induction of the dormant stage D830 (M30) 3. Compounds and metabolites associated with the dormant stage D830 (M30) 4. Development of molecular tools: DNA libraries. Gene expression during akinete formation (avaK, hetR) D5 D6 18 (M18) 27 (M27) 5. Quantitative analyses of the expression of specific genes by QPCR D735 (M35) 6. Summary and Report(M36)

2 # D4 and # D8 Basic studies to reveal conditions and mechanisms involved in induction of akinetes formation, dormancy and desiccation: Nutrient Depletion (P), Light, Temp, O 2 (hypoxia) Specialized envelopes Storage of metabolites [carbohydrates, cyanophycin (N)] – enzymes involved, e.g cyanophycine synthase Tolerance to stress: heat shock proteins/chaperones-function in maintaining structural integrity of biomolecules. Tryptophan, aspartate, aspargin, phenyl-alanine and serine triggered akinete formation. Mature akinetes Respiration and Photosynthetic apparatus (is there pigments production?) O 2 evolution/consumption Reduced energy production? To collect adequate material for further genomic, proteomic and metabolomic studies.

3 Whole cell protein extracts from Aphanizomenon ovalisporum (Akinetes and vegetative cells) separated on 10 and 12.5% PAGE. Akinete specific proteins are labeled with an arrow

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