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Application Sharing in eLIVE SFU’s Internet based audio conferencing software.

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Presentation on theme: "Application Sharing in eLIVE SFU’s Internet based audio conferencing software."— Presentation transcript:

1 Application Sharing in eLIVE SFU’s Internet based audio conferencing software

2 What can application sharing do for me? You can demonstrate software uses in real-time Brainstorming sessions work from one common document Participants can immediately see changes

3 The Three Steps 1.ENABLE 2.SELECT 3.RE-SIZE

4 Setting it up…. Scale to Fit – eliminates scroll bars Select application

5 Selecting application Applications Tab – shows all OPEN applications on your computer desktop

6 Resize your windows why? So you can see the application and the eLive windows!

7 Application sharing at work

8 Resize your application windows The “minimizer” Document window size can now be changed… … by selecting the bottom right corner, and resizing the window

9 New buttons and set up Green = Applicatio n Sharing ON Red = Application Sharing FROZEN Click here to stop application sharing and return to the whiteboard

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