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The Amitabha Pure Land Triad

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1 The Amitabha Pure Land Triad

2 The Larger (Longer) Sutra Chinese translation (ca
The Larger (Longer) Sutra Chinese translation (ca. 252 CE) attributed to Sanghavarman Provides the “life story” of the Buddha Amitayus The monk, Dharmakara, who had been a king went to the Buddha Lokesvararaja, asking him to explain the Dharma resolved to become a buddha became a Bodhisattva took 48 vows each begins with “If, when I attained Buddhahood” became a buddha and presided over his own buddha-field, Sukhavati

3 Supplies the “history” of Amitayus’ “buddha-field”
made into a magnificent western paradise Voices : Ananda, asks pointed questions Bodhisattva Maitreya engages the Buddha in a dialogue Amitabha plays a more active role

4 The Amitabha Pure Land Triad

5 Dharmakara and His Vows
the number of vows varies in different translations vows 26-34, or some of them are not found in other translations numberings range from 18, 24, 36, 47, to 48 vows 11,12,13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 are in all translations

6 Dharmakara attained Buddhahood
after inconceivable kalpas of self-cultivation after immeasurable meritorious practices of the bodhisattva path after innumerable ages of tranquil samadhi after realizing the truth of emptiness presided over his buddha-field, free of suffering known as the Buddha Amitabha (Infinite light)

7 Amitayus’ Pure Land According to the Larger/Longer Sutra
composed of seven jewels, gold, silver, beryl, coral, amber, agate, and ruby, which produce illuminating rays of light boundless land no oceans, no seas, no mountains, no valleys, no gorges no four seasons coral ruby

8 Light Amitayus’ light illuminates all buddha-fields in ten directions
could remove all sentient beings’ three defilements praised by all buddhas beryl agate

9 Nature in Amitayus’ Pure Land
Jeweled trees Seven-jeweled trees gold trees with leaves, flowers, and fruits of silver silver trees with leaves, flowers, and fruits of gold …. Jeweled trees with purple-gold roots, white silver trunks, beryl branches, crystal twigs, coral leaves, ruby flowers, and agate fruits They are symmetrically arranged, of brilliant colors breeze and sounds arise like symphonic music exquisite Dharma-sounds arise sacred music, spontaneous music…all sounds of the Dharma

10 Bathing pools golden, silver, crystal…..
Sandalwood trees on the banks of these pools Heavenly lotuses cover the surface of the water

11 Living Beings in Amitayus’ Pure Land
Beings born there given purified body, exquisite sounds, supernatural powers and virtues get any food and drink according to their wishes relaxed in mind and body, free of attachment to the sense of taste all are in one form, without any differences

12 all are of noble and majestic countenance, superb appearance
all endowed with bodies of Naturalness, Emptiness, and Infinity each provided with robes, food and drink, flowers, perfume, ornaments, silken canopies, and banners, and surrounded by exquisite sounds size of their abode, palaces, and pavilions are in accordance with that of their bodies All destined to Nirvana

13 Three Grades of Aspirants
Aspirants of the highest grade--monks see Amitayus and a host of sages when dying Follow Amitayus and attain rebirth; born in the Pure Land through instantaneous transformation within seven-jeweled lotus flowers dwell in the stage of Non-retrogression attain steadfast wisdom capable of freely exercising supernatural powers

14 Aspirants of the middle grade--devoted moral aspirants, lay Buddhists
see Amitayus’s transformed body and a host of sages when dying follow Amitayus’ transformed; born in the Pure Land dwell in the stage of Non-retrogression virtue and wisdom next to the highest aspirants Aspirants of the lower grade--converted aspirants, devas, humans…. see Amitayus in a dream born in the pure land merits and wisdom next to the middle aspirants

15 Five Evils excluded from the Pure Land
1st evil those inflict serious injuries and kill 2nd evil those lack moral principles, break laws, arrogant, licentious, deceiving, dishonest, flattering people with deceitful intention 3rd evil those greedy, desirous of others’ possessions, gloat over women, behave licentiously, secretly frequent brothels 4th evil those uttering abusive words, telling lies, engage in idle talk, hate people 5th evil those indecisive, slothful, reluctant to do good, no self-discipline, not dedicated to their work and not care for their families

16 Numerous Bodhisattvas in this Pure Land
All attain the Stage of Becoming Buddha after One More Life They can make choice between attaining Buddhahood and remaining bodhisattvas to save all sentient beings Two most dignified bodhisattvas: Avalokitesvara Mahathamaprapta


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