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Original Resolution 2004 Be it resolved that this General Synod: 1) Affirm that, even in the face of deeply held convictions about whether the blessing of committed same sex unions is contrary to the doctrine and teaching of the Anglican Church of Canada, we recognize that through our baptism we are members one of another in Christ Jesus, and we commit ourselves to strive for that communion into which Christ continually calls us; 2) Affirm the authority and jurisdiction of any diocesan synod, with the concurrence of its bishop, to authorize the blessing of committed same sex unions; 3) Affirm the crucial value of continued respectful dialogue and study of biblical, theological, liturgical, pastoral and social aspects of human sexuality; and call upon all bishops, clergy and lay leaders to be instrumental in seeing that dialogue and study continue; 4) Affirm the principle of respect for the way in which the dialogue and study may be taking place, or might take place, in indigenous and various other communities within our church in a manner consistent with their cultures and traditions; and 5) Affirm that the Anglican Church is a church for all the baptized and is committed to taking such actions as are necessary to maintain and serve our fellowship and unity in Christ, including provision of adequate episcopal oversight and pastoral care for all, regardless of the perspective from which they view the blessing of committed same sex relationships.
Motion to Defer That Resolution A134 be amended by: Deferring consideration of section 2 until the meeting of General Synod in 2007; and during the period of deferral: Request that the Primate ask the Primate’s Theological Commission to review, consider and report to the Council of General Synod, by its spring 2006 meeting, whether the blessing of committed same sex unions is a matter of doctrine; That on receipt of such a report, the Council of General Synod distribute it to each province, diocese and the House of Bishops for consideration.
2004 Final Resolution Be it resolved that this General Synod: 1) Affirm that, even in the face of deeply held convictions about whether the blessing of committed same sex unions is contrary to the doctrine and teaching of the Anglican Church of Canada, we recognize that through our baptism we are members one of another in Christ Jesus, and we commit ourselves to strive for that communion into which Christ continually calls us; 2) Affirm the crucial value of continued respectful dialogue and study of biblical, theological, liturgical, pastoral, scientific, psychological and social aspects of human sexuality; and call upon all bishops, clergy and lay leaders to be instrumental in seeing that dialogue and study continue, intentionally involving gay and lesbian persons; 3) Affirm the principle of respect for the way in which the dialogue and study may be taking place, or might take place, in indigenous and various other communities within our church in a manner consistent with their cultures and traditions; 4) Affirm that the Anglican Church is a church for all the baptized and is committed to taking such actions as are necessary to maintain and serve our fellowship and unity in Christ, and request the House of Bishops to continue its work on the provision of adequate episcopal oversight and pastoral care for all, regardless of the perspective from which they view the blessing of committed same sex relationships; and 5) Affirm the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same sex relationships.
St. Michael Report The Primate’s Theological Commission produced the St. Michael Report on whether the blessing of same-sex unions is a matter of doctrine and presented it to the Council of General Synod in May, 2005. The Council commended it to the church for study before March, 2007.
St Michael Conclusions 1.1. The Commission has concluded that the blessing of committed same-sex unions is a matter of doctrine. 2.2. The Commission understands the term ‘committed same-sex unions’ to mean committed, adult, monogamous, intended lifelong, same-sex relationships which include sexual intimacy. 3. The Commission is particularly concerned to call the whole church to engage in furthering the discussion of this issue in a sustained, prayerful, respectful and non-polemical manner. 4. The Commission recognizes that there is a range of interpretations given to the term ‘doctrine’, and that doctrines develop and change over time. We agree that the blessing of committed same-sex unions is not a matter of what is often referred to as a ‘core’ doctrine, in the sense of being credal doctrine. 5. The Commission does not believe that this should be a communion-breaking issue. 6. The Commission, recognizes ‘the holy scriptures of the Old and New Testaments to be the word of God, and to contain all things necessary to salvation’ (Book of Alternative Services p. 645). We acknowledge that the interpretation of Scripture is a central and complex matter and that, at times in the Church’s history, ‘faithful’ readings have led to mutually contradictory understandings, requiring ongoing dialogue and prayer towards discernment of the one voice of the gospel.
St Michael Conclusions 7. The doctrine of the Church has always been definitively expressed in its liturgies; such a liturgy of blessing is no exception since in it the Church declares the activity of God towards the object of the blessing. 8. It is the view of the Commission that any proposed blessing of a same-sex relationship would be analogous to a marriage to such a degree as to require the Church to understand it coherently in relation to the doctrine of marriage. 9. Culture is the context in which Christians live out their faith and formulate doctrine. The challenge facing the Church is to see our cultural norms through the eyes of Christ and then, out of allegiance to him, to promote those norms that honour him and renounce those that do not. 10. Several doctrines are integral to the theological consideration of the blessing of committed same- sex unions: salvation, incarnation, the person and work of the Holy Spirit, theological anthropology, sanctification and holy matrimony. 11. We recommend that any doctrinal discussion of the blessing of same-sex unions should seek a broader consensus on the relationship of sexuality to our full humanity in Christ. 12. The pastoral importance of this issue deserves a careful consideration of its doctrinal implications in a manner that is deeply respectful of the dignity and integrity of the gay and lesbian members of our church.
Council, November 2006 That this Council of General Synod bring the following resolution to the General Synod of 2007: That General Synod accept the conclusions of the Primate’s Theological Commission that the blessing of same-sex unions is a matter of doctrine but is not core doctrine in the sense of being credal.
Council, March 2007 1. That this General Synod accept the conclusion of the Primate’s Theological Commission’s St. Michael Report that the blessing of same-sex unions is a matter of doctrine, but is not core doctrine in the sense of being credal. 2. That resolutions 3 and 4 below be deemed to have been carried only if they receive the affirmative votes of sixty percent of the members of each Order present and voting, and if a vote by dioceses is requested, only if they receive the affirmative votes of sixty percent of the dioceses whose votes are counted. 3. That this General Synod resolves that the blessing of same-sex unions is consistent with the core doctrine of the Anglican Church of Canada. 4. (the deferred resolution) That this General Synod affirm the authority and jurisdiction of any diocesan synod, with the concurrence of its bishop, to authorize the blessing of same-sex unions. 5. That this General Synod requests the Council of General Synod to consider revision of Canon 21 (On Marriage), including theological rationale, to allow marriage of all legally qualified persons and to report back to General Synod 2010.
Faith Worship & Ministry That this General Synod welcome the statement of the House of Bishops of October, 2006 urging the church to show pastoral understanding and sensitivity to all same-sex couples, including those civilly married, and committing the House to develop pastoral strategies to give effect to the acceptance of gays and lesbians to whom we are already committed by previous General Synod and CoGS resolutions, House of Bishops guidelines, and Lambeth Conference statements.
House of Bishops Statement The House of Bishops issues a statement in October, 2006 committing them to preparing pastoral responses to gay and lesbian couples. They issued a further statement in April, 2007 with more specific details: We are committed, as bishops in Canada, to develop the most generous pastoral response possible within the current teaching of the church. We offer the following examples of possible pastoral responses: When a civilly married gay or lesbian couple seeks our church’s reception of their civil marriage and asks their parish’s recognition, it may be possible, with their bishop’s knowledge and permission, to celebrate a Eucharist with the couple, including appropriate intercessory prayers, but not including a nuptial blessing. When a gay or lesbian married or committed couple seeks to hold a reception or celebration in a church for their life in Christ, again intercessory prayers for their mutual fidelity, the deepening of their discipleship and for their baptismal ministry may be offered, not including the exchange of vows and/or a nuptial blessing.
House of Bishops Statement To the gay and lesbian licensed clergy of our church, we again affirm your ministry as deeply valued and appreciated, and we acknowledge the pain and conflict that many of you live with daily in your ministry in Christ. To those who experience these pastoral statements and possible pastoral provisions as inadequate or insufficient, we recognize that they are less than the blessing of same sex unions or marriage. However it is the discernment of the majority of the House of Bishops that as of today the doctrine and discipline of our church does not clearly permit further action, although we acknowledge that General Synod 2007 will vote on several resolutions on the blessing of same sex unions. To those who fear that these pastoral provisions have gone too far, we assert that this discipline is entirely consistent with the doctrine of the Church and with our membership in the Anglican Communion, and fits within the pastoral guidelines of the Windsor Report (paragraph 143). We call upon every member of the Anglican Church of Canada to continue in their faithful discipleship and the work of theological and scriptural reflection and dialogue. We are each called to participate in God’s mission in the world and we believe we will do this by the grace of the Risen Christ and the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
House of Bishops Statement Looking ahead, we ask the Primate and General Synod for a report on: 1.The theological question whether the blessing of same sex unions is a faithful, Spirit-led development of Christian doctrine (St. Michael Report) 2.The implications of the blessing of same sex unions and /or marriage for our church and the Communion (The Windsor Report) 3.Scripture’s witness to the integrity of every human person and the question of the sanctity of human relationships. We ask that this report be available in advance of General Synod 2010. We commit to taking this ongoing conversation to the Lambeth Conference 2008.
Response to Windsor Report The Anglican Church of Canada: 1. reaffirms its commitment to full membership and participation in the life, witness and structures of the Anglican Communion; 2. reaffirms its commitment to the Lambeth Quadrilateral, as received by our church in 1893; 3. expresses its desire and readiness to continue our participation in the ongoing life of the Communion through partnerships and visits, theological and biblical study, in order to foster Communion relationships, including the listening process and the development and possible adoption of an Anglican covenant; 4. reaffirms its mutual responsibility and interdependence with our Anglican sisters and brothers in furthering the mission of the church; 5. notes that, in response to the Windsor Report, the Diocese of New Westminster expressed regret, and the House of Bishops effected a moratorium on the blessing of same-sex unions; 6. calls upon those archbishops and other bishops who believe that it is their conscientious duty to intervene in Provinces, dioceses and parishes other than their own to implement paragraph 155 of the Windsor Report and to seek an accommodation with the bishops of the dioceses whose parishes they have taken into their own care; and 7. commits itself to participation in the Listening Process and to share with member churches of the Communion the study of human sexuality which continues to take place, in the light of Scripture, tradition and reason.
Memorials from Provinces PROVINCE OF CANADA Encourage the adoption of the St. Michael Report by General Synod PROVINCE OF RUPERT'S LAND Urge General Synod to accept the conclusion of the St. Michael’s Report that the blessing of committed same-sex unions is a matter of doctrine, and therefore must be decided at the level of General Synod.
Memorials from Dioceses The full text of these memorials can be found at Algoma disagrees with its affirmation of the ‘sanctity of committed adult same-sex relationships' because this affirmation pre-empts the unresolved discussion of the doctrinal nature of same-sex blessings at the national level; assures homosexual persons that they are loved by God and that all baptized, believing and faithful persons, regardless of sexual orientation, are full members of the Body of Christ; and calls on all Anglicans to minister pastorally and sensitively to all, irrespective of sexual orientation and to condemn irrational fear of homosexuals. (Lambeth I.10). Brandon Expresses its dissatisfaction with the amendment to Motion Al34 passed at General Synod 2004 "affirming the integrity and sanctity of committed adult same sex relationships ", and respectfully requests that General Synod reconsider this matter. Caledonia A parish asks that General Synod step back from making any decision on the issue of same sex blessings at this time, to allow for further discussion, education and prayer. Fredericton Affirms that it regards being in full and visible communion with the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Anglican Communion throughout the world as essential and vital, and that any consideration of the Anglican Church of Canada ‘walking apart’ from the rest of the Anglican Communion is unacceptable and indeed contrary to the Solemn Declaration of 1893, and would thus seriously jeopardize the relationship between this Diocese and General Synod.
Memorials from Dioceses New Westminster q asks for General Synod to recognize the history of this question in the diocese, that the provision of this rite has enabled gay and lesbian people to feel safe, respected, and included in the full life of the church and that the sudden withdrawal of this rite would seriously undermine the progress that has been made. q makes a series of affirmations about the St. Michael Report, while questioning its definition of ‘doctrine’ q requests General Synod to affirm that the constituent dioceses of the Anglican Church of Canada may facilitate the blessing of committed unions of adult gay and lesbian Christians under certain conditions, including synodical and episcopal consent, implementation only in those parishes which wish it, a conscience clause and provision of supplementary episcopal oversight for those who desire it Niagara Youth Synod affirms the Diocese of Niagara for authorizing the “local option’ at the diocesan level for the blessing of the unions of committed adult same sex partners Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island asks the 2007 General Synod to receive the St. Michael Report. remembering our history and our heritage, asks the 2007 General Synod to affirm its commitment to the wider Anglican communion in the spirit of the Solemn Declaration.
Memorials from Dioceses Saskatchewan affirms and upholds the continuing authority of the Solemn Declaration of 1893 as the charter document of the Anglican Church of Canada; objects, along with our two Bishops, to the consecration of Gene Robinson as a bishop in the Episcopal Church of the United States of America (ECUSA); regards any decision by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, with respect to the endorsement of the blessing of same-sex unions, which would jeopardize our full and visible communion with the Anglican Communion throughout the world as deplorable, and seriously affecting the relationship between this Diocese and General Synod. Rupert’s Land urges the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada to accept the conclusion of the Report of the Primate’s Theological Commission (The St. Michael Report) that the blessing of committed same-sex unions is a matter of doctrine, and recommends that this be decided at the level of General Synod.
At General Synod 2007 There will be 2 hour long ‘Conversations’ at which smaller groups of members can hear the background to the resolutions. There will be an hour and a half ‘Committee of the Whole’ for discussion of the same-sex resolutions, not in debate Before the same-sex resolutions are debated, the response to Windsor will be debated On Saturday, June 23, the resolutions from the Council will be debated On Sunday, June 24, the House of Bishops’ Statement will be introduced Other ‘memorials’ from dioceses will be before the Synod for information Amendments to resolutions, or motions to table or defer, are in order.
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