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February 14, 2008. Amelogenesis - The Formation of Enamel A.Hard Tissue Formation B.Amelogenesis C.Structure of Enamel D.Clinical Correlations E.Enamel.

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Presentation on theme: "February 14, 2008. Amelogenesis - The Formation of Enamel A.Hard Tissue Formation B.Amelogenesis C.Structure of Enamel D.Clinical Correlations E.Enamel."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 14, 2008

2 Amelogenesis - The Formation of Enamel A.Hard Tissue Formation B.Amelogenesis C.Structure of Enamel D.Clinical Correlations E.Enamel versus Dentin

3 ENAMEL vs DENTIN Enamel Spindles

4 ENAMEL vs DENTIN Striae of Retzius

5 ENAMEL vs DENTIN Perikymata

6 Enamel: Primary versus Permanent Teeth * Similar enamel structure [except at tooth surface where primary teeth more likely to have a “prismless” surface (lacks enamel rods)] * Enamel is about twice as thick in permanent teeth * Postnatal enamel more highly pigmented, so…. enamel of primary teeth whiter than permanent teeth (believed due to primary tooth enamel formed prenatally, not subject to some environmental factors)

7 Enamel Rod Basics Enamel rod: * represents “mineralized trail” taken by ameloblast * diameter of corresponds to the diameter of columnar ameloblast that formed it * rods vary in length…short near cervix, in pits & in fissures * inclination of rods varies more inclined near cusps, almost vertical near cervix

8 DENT 5315 & DH 2215 Dentin-Pulp Complex 1 February 14, 2008 A.Dentinogenesis B.Root Formation C.Dentin-Pulp Complex D.Dentin Classification E.Clinical Correlations

9 Hard Tissue Formation Bell Stage

10 Dentinogenesis - Secretory Stage

11 Dentinogenesis acellular zone separates ameloblasts from dental papilla

12 Dentinogenesis First sign of dentin formation.

13 Dentinogenesis arrows show von Korff’s fibers

14 Pulp Odontoblasts Dentin Tubules Dentinogenesis Odontoblasts have a cell process.

15 Dentinogenesis Note: trapped odontoblast processes at dentino- enamel junction (DEJ) Odontoblasts have a cell process.

16 Dentinogenesis DEJ - Trapped Odontoblastic processes

17 Dentinogenesis Odontoblastic cell processes in dentin tubules

18 Dentinogenesis Note: collagen fibers & odontoblastic processes in tubules

19 Dentinogenesis Note: mineralization foci forming mantle dentin Odontoblasts produce organic matrix & crystals.

20 Dentinogenesis Note: predentin layer

21 Root Formation Proliferation of cells from “cervical loop” Cervical Loop

22 Root Formation Formation of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath.

23 48 Hertwig’s Epithelial Root Sheath

24 Root Formation Sheath grows around dental papilla/future pulp.


26 Root Formation & Periodontium

27 Root Formation 56 Formation and narrowing of apical foramen.

28 The Completed Root PDL 123 Pulp Incremental layering of cementum. Alveolar bone


30 Green Arrows: “Rests of Malassez” (remnants of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath) 135 Periodontal Ligament Space

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