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Colonialism and Decolonization “Precursor to Poverty?”

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Presentation on theme: "Colonialism and Decolonization “Precursor to Poverty?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonialism and Decolonization “Precursor to Poverty?”

2 Colonialism Pre-Colonial heritages Analysis from reading Discourses of colonialism: racism The end of colonialism/the beginning of development

3 Ancient Kingdoms of Africa

4 Colonial structures Institutions of colonialism Discourses of colonialism Legacies of colonialism

5 Discourses of Colonialism: Racism Comte de Gobineau (1816-1882) – “Essai sur l’Inegalite des Races Humaines” – Precursor to German theories of Aryan superiority Eugenics: racial differences and purity. – Natural selection good/Benevolence bad Geography’s ugly past: – Smith’s First Book in Geography (1853) (overhead) – Johnson New Illustrated Family Atlas of the World (1877) – “exploration” – Environmental determinism

6 Discourses of Colonialism: Racism Rudyard Kipling (1899): “White Man’s Burden” (overhead) John Stuart Mill (1861) Considerations on Representative Government Lady Simon: Slavery: critique of the gov. of Liberia Albert Schweitzer: benevolent but paternalistic (overhead) Edward Said : – “Orientalism” (1978) defining what is Western in contrast to the “Other” – “Culture and Imperialism” (1994) Joseph Conrad, Jane Austen, etc. (overhead)

7 Discourses and development How do words, ideas, writing and other texts influence our thinking and societal outcomes? – How do “cultural” elements create invisible assumptions? – Who has the power to control discourses? – Role of the media and other modern communication Paying attention to the words and ideas that we take for granted….”deconstructing” the power relations inherent in discourses. Apply these notions to development

8 The End of Colonialism World War II provides background conditions – Victory over Axis and Japan – European countries are devastated, exhausted, and broke. Marshall plan tradeoff: Europe opens its previously closed trading blocks Europe can no longer control colonies economically and politically—anti colonial movements

9 The End of Colonialism Cold war emerges – First and Second Worlds – Truman Doctrine (1949) Containment Development agenda (overhead) Bretton Woods Institutions (1944) IMF: International Monetary Fund World Bank GATT:General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade UN (1945)

10 Locating the “third world” Origins of the term Physical mapping (overhead) Social mapping Better terms now?

11 Theories and Practices of Development- an historical overview Roots in Pre-20 th Century Western Economics – Mercantilism – Physiocrats – Classical economics Adam Smith Karl Marx

12 Theories and Practices of Development- an historical overview 1950’s – Modernization Theory: Walt Rostow: Stages of Economic Growth Talcott Parsons: societal complexity, individualism Weber: rational action Key discourses? Results for development: industrialization/infrastructure – Neoclassical Theory (the Marginalist School) Key discourses? Results for development: – Export cropping and industry – Single resources economies

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