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Measurements Christos Leonidopoulos Columbia – DØ “Snowmass Studies” June 25, 2001.

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1 measurements Christos Leonidopoulos Columbia – DØ “Snowmass Studies” June 25, 2001

2 Christos Leonidopoulos Mixing in the B system Since the t-diagram is the main contribution to the mixing    propagator        tcui iibis i ibis q m q VV mq VV,, 2 2 2 * tc,u,i 22 * 1  We think we understand the mixing of B’s. A deviation from this simple diagram is a deviation from SM.

3 June 25, 2001Christos Leonidopoulos …Mixing in the B system If CP is a good symmetry in the B mixing… independent of CKM V ij elements ~5  10 -3 (  30%) lattice QCD A measurement of one of ΔΓ, Δm is a SM prediction for the other

4 June 25, 2001Christos Leonidopoulos Experimental methods Fit of proper time distributions of untagged data samples: – large statistics – sensitivity ~ Fit of proper time distributions of CP eigenstates From the measurement of the BR of – reduced statistics – sensitivity ~

5 June 25, 2001Christos Leonidopoulos Measurements Assuming Without external constraints (expected within ±1%) PDG2001 LEP B-Oscillation Group (CDF not included) Phenomenology

6 June 25, 2001Christos Leonidopoulos Outlook Both expected to be measured by CDF and DØ (RunII) Phenomenology: hadronic uncertainties expected to be reduced (currently at 30%) Compare

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